Holy's Garden (Part 1)

OK What’s in the pan below that the small pots are sitting in? Your methodology has me intrigued. Would you share it with me? Thanks man. Fucking stellar work. I hope I will have plants like that when I grow up. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::v:t3:



I’m using 4.75 inch and 4.95 inch aerated pots i got off amazon.

The white tray in the flower room is a 4x4 Botanicare flood tray with a bunch of hydroton or fired-clay-pebbles in it. I don’t really recommend them, there’s gotta be something better, but they work for covering the root mass and whatnot. just a bit of a pain to get out later. May look at mapito boxes or something eventually. Cycle timer in a 27gallon tote underneath the tray floods the tray for 1 minute every 2 hours. Holds about 20 gallons of water which is good, because the table will drink ~5 gallons a day filled up in full flower.

I use TPS Silica Gold, SolutionGrade Gypsum, and Maxibloom from start to finish.

The male is sitting in just a black plastic tray. I’m top feeding to run off by hand, and I let him sit in it until he drinks that too lol.


Those are fancy! Do the root guides actually work?


Ah yes actually! They work great but I do want to transition to something else. They’re not stable by themselves once the plants get wide or over 2ft tall. just got tired of tossing fabric pots. Roots will grow through them no matter what. Least with the hard plastic i can reuse these pots.


Fascinating! I can see how it would limit your vertical space. I’m playing around with some 12/12 from seed in 1 gal pots. Well 12/12 after 2 weeks in a solo cup anyway. I’m using my oldest boys tent till it cools down outside. It’s indoors which is really nice! I’ve always wanted a flood/drain table but never had the space. Thanks for sharing with me bro. An old hippie learns something!



I know what you mean!



Hey! Whatcha doing in my backyard? :joy:

Great stuff HolyAngel! That NorthStar looks delicious!


Hi @HolyAngel , things are looking good in here :+1:

I saw on some other posts you were using Aqua Flakes from HnG, and I was thinking about giving them a try.

When I looked at the NPK ratios I was kind of shocked.

They are so much lower than most bottles lol… How does that work? When you check EC of the rez Is it super low?


Oh man, it’s been a few years since I used the HnG Aqua Flakes :thinking:
Think when I was using that I was doing DWC. I never went above 900ppm @0.5 scale, so 1.8 EC or so, in full blown flower… Looks like 3ml of A+B comes out to like 400ppm @0.5 for the record…

I did really like the aqua flakes, plants looked better than the Canna line, buds came out glorious, but they were all really leafy. Guessing from the extra N in aqua flakes compared to some other lines.

I switched to megacrop, then jacks, before finding and settling on maxibloom. Once I found out about using Solution-Grade Gypsum with the maxibloom instead of using CalMag… I haven’t looked back. With that and doing flood and drain, flower usually runs 2.2.-2.5 EC depending on the plants.


I’m not a fan of fabric pots because my plants always need individual support, and that’s a pita w/ fabric. But cleaning them is easy. Just dry them on the clothesline, brush off the dirt and bulk of the roots, then toss in the washing machine. Less of a mess than cleaning up my weed eating clothes, lol!

Airpots are the ticket for me :slight_smile:


That sounds like a pretty normal nutrient concentration…

But I don’t understand how that’s possible lol

I thought maybe they just use a different notation for NPK or something, but then they list the percentage as .03% etc.

Boggles my mind that they have NPK numbers like .1-.3-.6 and .3-0-.3 instead of 1-3-6 and 3-0-3 :thinking:

I was trying to compare their nutrient ratios to what I’m using now, and wasn’t really able because of this strange notation. They also don’t list calcium at all, which doesn’t help. (Though it’s obviously in the A bottle)


Heh, I would but… I wish I had taken some better pics but, Imagine this

Meets this:

There isn’t much of a fabric pot left on the bottom there for me to save :sweat_smile:


Yeah the numbers really through me for a loop too, I think it is actually 1-3-6 / 3-0-3 and they just notate it weirdly. I know I was still using a couple ml of calmag with the HnG too.


I do the same with my fabric bags from my Octopots I was thinking about using air pots instead of fabric

@HolyAngel amazing root development


Rootmakers are about the same as Airpots, I use them both.

If anyone wants a bunch of 1 and 2 gallon fabric pots, I got 'em for ya!


Oh man, so where did I leave off? Had a cat emergency that led to surgery that led to me not doing much for the last two weeks. Kitty is doing really good though! Should get his stitches out in a couple days. In the meantime, I chopped the NorthStar #3 at 73 days, and the Kryptonite #1 at 50 days. I’ll get some bud shots in another week or so.

I’ve been sampling the Kryptonite #1 girl as she dries and this stuff is fantastic. Seriously reminds me of some of the best reggie I used to get back in the day, like early 00’s. Creeper stuff that was barely seeded and had a spicy flavor. The flavor of this girl is almost exactly the same as that stuff I remember and she’s got that same creeper effect too. So far it’s seeming like 30-60 seconds to begin to feel the hit I just took, and then about 5-10 minutes later it starts comin on harder, and by 30 minutes in it’s a drooling or pass the fuck out if you’re not careful. First try like 3 days into drying the wife and I split a small bowl, like 3 hits each in the middle of the day. We both passed out within a half hour, for a solid 2hrs. Last night we smoked two bowls total and about 30 minutes later I was thinking of packing another one and found myself just staring off into the distance for a few minutes… comin back like, damn i’m high lol. Didn’t even pack it again. I’ve slept fucking great the last two days :joy: Can’t wait until she’s cured out. Smells are still that Massalachia, mass super skunk area, just acrid/skunky smelling. Got a mom of her going and I plan to run her again and make some F2’s with her.

Speaking of F2’s, here’s the Kryptonite #2 Male at 21 days into flower

Currently collecting pollen but I’m not saving him as I think he’s leaning towards the nl2 mom and I think there will be a better one(hp leaner) in the other pack or someone else’s pack to keep around, but this dude is nice and stinky with a great structure! Stinkiest plant of the pack actually and even his fan leaves have frost on them. Balls too.

Nice big fat balls so hopefully he passes the big fat bracht’s too. We’ll see…

In the meantime, this is the flower tent as of this morning

Left to right is Kryptonite #3, SSDD F2 #1, Triangle Kush, and StarMilk DayDream.

TK officially has a ~3x stretch.

Such a pain in the ass plant, two rounds of clones and I don’t think I’m getting a single one to keep around :see_no_evil: She makes some big fat buds real quick tho, this is day 27

Least I pollinated one long branch of her with that Kryptonite #2 male :yum:

The Kryptonite #3 girl is looking very much like the 89NL girls I had flowering and then had to chop due to HPLVD

Really thinking this girl is the HP leaner. Buds already getting fat 13 days into flower :heart_eyes:
Staying shorter and just stacking. Should be exciting soon!

Speaking of exciting things soon.
The StarMilk DayDream
aka Mamilk #9 x Starlite Daydream
aka (Nepali OG x Appalachia) F2 #9 x (Bubbashine x Appalachia) F2 #1 x (A5Haze S1 x 89NL5) #1

This girl is doing fantastically. I’m not seeing any larf on her at all, even the smallest buds on the lowest branches are solid little golfballs. She smells sweet and creamy just like her MaMilk #9 mom, with a bit more complexity on the very backend. Can’t quite place that, some kind of spices or something that I think is coming from the Starlite. Rocket wasn’t lying about that A5 really dominating. She looks like she might be a quicker finisher than her mom and the northstars. This is day 40

Nice and chunky! I see a lot of the appalachia flower structure coming through on this girl. The whole cross does have appy on both sides so it’s not surprising. I wasn’t expecting to do anything with this line but this girl has me the most excited for a plant I’ve been in awhile ^^

Think that’s all for now, thanks for looking :+1:


There all looking excellent.


Dude!! Sounds amazing!! Keep me in mind with that girl. Been looking for a knock out strain for awhile!





He’s really starting to dump the pollen now :wink: