Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Looking good! Do you just cut off the flowers as they mature and let the pollen spill onto parchment paper to collect it or do you just sweep your tent floor :rofl:?


I setup some parchment paper on the tent floor. Once or twice a day I’ll go in and move each branch over one of the parchment papers and shake it a bit. Once they’re all done I just pull out the parchment paper and pour it all into a kief box with a screen in it. One paper at a time, shake it a bit, dump the flowers. Then do the next paper, shake it, dump the flowers, and then set the base with the sieved pollen into a container with desiccants for a few days, then vial and freeze or send out ^^


Kryptonite #3 at 17 days

Looking real nice!! Gonna hit her with that kryp2 male soon!

StarMilk DayDream is at 45 days currently

TK is at 30 days and making beans :heart_eyes:

100% have lost this cut so the seeds will have to do. Kinda fine with that honestly :sweat_smile:

And finally as a sneak peak for what I have coming up next… I’m starting to take clones of these Doc D Sowaah #2’s, aka Karma Genetics Headbanger F3’s. Hand selected for Sour by Doc D and then Motz.

Don’t mind the top right, that’s a Skunk Tangerine from @schmarmpit finally coming around. Got her and the TK at the same time for reference :sweat_smile: There’s also a SSDD F2 #1 clone hiding in here, but all the rest(10) are the headbanger f3’s. @minitiger do you remember anything to note on those? like stem rub or morphology of that #2 sour leaner you had a while back? I’ve started taking clones of these. Only the front two for now, #9 and #10, as they’re the tallest currently. Nothing has sexed yet at only 25 days into veg. Hopefully find out within the next two weeks. I’ve been going over grow logs of the f1’s and stuff and it seems like these have the potential to stretch quit a bit.

Please don’t mind the dirty dirty table :see_no_evil:


On what? The Headbangers? I remember they all grew fairly similarly, not super-branchy. I mean, they were branchy, but it seemed like they didn’t wanna spread out too much, even though I topped them. More like they wanted to grow straight up. Stem-rub-wise, I do recall one of them smelling very “lime-ish” in flower. That wasn’t even a stem rub, though, I don’t really ever bother with, uh, rubbing the stem haha! But yeah, I remember one of them, after squeezing the flowers, my fingers smelled very, very “lime-y” and sorta “sour/tart citrus.” Not really like Sour Diesel, though, but still real tasty. I mean, they did kinda make me hopeful that they’d end up “Sour Diesel-y,” it seemed like the potential was there, but after they cured for a while, it was more of a classic OG flavor. Still very tasty, though. Maybe I fucked them up during the drying/curing process haha.

These are the seeds you got from Motz? The cross he made with those Headbanger seeds I sent? He offered to send me the resultant seeds, but I didn’t take him up on his offer. Curious to see how they turn out for you.


hmm ok, thank you very much for the info! Guess we’ll find out what I get. Would love to find that classic Sour Diesel in here.

Yeah direct from Motz. :thinking: I’m not sure on a cross though. My understanding from both him and Doc D is that these are pure Headbanger F3s that he made from F2’s he received directly from Doc… Think Doc labeled them as Doc’s Xtra Sours… I know Motz did a sour project but I think those are different beans. I wasn’t part of that project so didn’t get anything of that either :sweat_smile:


Yeah, you and me both haha…

Ah, okay, yeah. I had real trouble trying to keep up with everything on that thread haha, couldn’t tell what was what, what was going on etc haha. But yeah, I think maybe that’s what I was thinking of. I don’t really know, to be honest haha.


Man, now that this TK is going, I can totally tell her smell in the Garland A I grew out from @vernal
Entire back half of that plant smells like this TK does right now. Wonder what that means on this flower compared to that :thinking:

Triangle Kush - Day 34
Clean bud

Bud pollinated with Kryptonite #2

She does put out some fat buds pretty quick. Love the fat bracht’s too! See what I think of her in a few months.

StarMilk DayDream is looking glorious and starting to finish up!
So excited for this girl at only day 49

Not a fan of the camera on this Galaxy S22+, Pixel definitely takes better pics… anyways, she still smells just like her mom, every single bud is nice, no larf whatsoever :drooling_face:

The Kryptonite #3 is only at day 21 and already getting fat AF!

Already done hitting a branch with the Kryptonite #2 pollen so will have some F2’s of this girl to play with. I also took a clone of the #1 girl and stuck it in the cloner so I can try and get F2’s made with her as well while I’m working on the Headbangers/Doc’s Sowaah…

Speaking of, day 29 of veg currently

Still waiting on gender reveals :roll_eyes:
The white spots are splashes from the pump turning on, not PM or anything btw ^^




That Garland A has an amazing smell, I’ve grown her a few times and have a tent full of her now. I got some Garland x cuts ready to fill this tent when it’s chopped. These Garland A are currently bout 8 weeks in. Also I just grew a bunch of those kryptonites! I loved em, I’ll be fillin a tent with that again soon! Your stuff looks great! You got some good flavors going.


Man she does! Lemon/Lime like a 7Up, and some kush. I still have a jar left of her, she’s been relegated to nighttime smoke as she tends to put me down about 30min after smoking her lol Awesome you’re working with her! I have some F2 beans and such but haven’t gotten to them yet. Those are some glorious pics! :heart_eyes: Structure on those look a lot like this TK cut.

Also awesome you ran the Kryptonites! Not very many people got their hands on those beans. I’m real happy with that line though. Glad everyone told me to check those out. I never got to try the 89NL girls due to an HPLVD infection, I was only able to send off the pollen as the males didn’t get touched. This #3 girl looks just like those 89NL girls did, with a bit longer internode spacing.

Day 22 for this Kryptonite #2

Were your Kryptonite pack(s) numbered? These 3 I have going are from the NL2 #1 mom and the 89NL #7 male. I still have a pack of the NL2 #8 mom with the 89NL #5 male to check out at some point. I just got the first girl I took down dried enough to jar so likely do that by this weekend at the latest. Her sister is most definitely stacking waay harder than that first girl was. That first one has dried out to a skunky sweet smell very much like that mass super skunk x appalachia, though I almost get a piney gas smell off it at times :fire: She hits something like a Headband and/or OG, with an earthy spicy flavor that is just glorious. Can definitely tell OG came from something like this line :thinking:

I may try and reveg this Kryptonite #2 male. He’s just about done giving out pollen.

Should hopefully have a few vials available in a week or so.

Anyways, thanks for looking in here and posting ^^



What a nice looking plant .


Yes! The garland A has kush like nugs up and down the branches and has this like super duper artificial lemon lime like smell then it’s like you get hit with a kush smell in the background, you have a perfect description. And I don’t believe my kryptonites were numbered but they were awesome I have a handful of cuts saved, a couple had that sweet skunky with dank type smell like you’re saying, one of them that looked very different from the rest, very brighter green and frostier and different vegetative growth, that one smelled stank like UK cheese like very cheese smell. I had a couple that had like an acrid sour bad smell (in a good way) one of them more acrid than the rest such a rotten smell. Like sour rotten stuff outside of pine wood. My favorite pheno, the best yielding one, had that stinky sour smell off bat, then smelled like a fresh pair of Air Force one Nikes in the box as if they had a sour cleaner smell mixed in. I forget exactly how many females I ran but a couple that had that skunk no1 type sweet and pine as well like your saying dank stuff. I have my fav of that style saved as well. I actually have a few of them growing outside in some big pots I’ll attatch pics they were happy today

The fattest one is just over 6 feet from the ground(in a big pot) the tallest one is about 7 feet from the ground. I grow salty clean indoors. These are organic outdoor and stuff that’s newer to me so we’ll see how they turn out. I’ll be filling a tent with kryptonites again soon I LOVE the smoke and cmon it’s a quick easy flower!


That #2 looks real nice. Sorry if I jumbled together the comparisons lol but exactly like you said some had sweet skunk type smell some had Og like and a couple special ones had sour stink mixed with the sweet skunk or Kush smell. I grew up smoking OG and TK more than anything else it definitely comes some way from NL


Pine a lot as well


Man those look glorious! :heart_eyes: I’d love to be able to grow outside one of these days. I’m an indoor salt grower only for now :sweat_smile:

That is 100% coming from the 89NL side, the two males reeked of acrid smells. Onion/garlic/motor oil type stuff. Some nose-burning lol. All dank!

89NL #7 on the left, 89NL #5 on the right

We actually think AKBB’s “89NL” are an old NL x HP line. Originally got the pack from him labeled as NL1 lol :see_no_evil: AKBB can’t keep his packaging nor seed lines straight… Here’s the two girls I had before they got infected and had to be tossed along with everything else :cry:
89NL #4

89NL #6

Both these girls were growing in just like that Kryptonite #3 girl I posted earlier.
Maybe the pics will help ^^

I know someone else mentioned finding a Kryptonite that smelled just like taco meat :joy:


That would make sense the hash plant right there. And yea I see what you mean in the pics I had gotten oni seeds for people that buy from me wanting fruity stuff and had some wonky shit with a pack full of HpLVD beans. Some grew really weird, some wouldn’t flip to flower no matter what. I’ve been paranoid about that that since then.

Funny you say that about the seasoned taco meat smell. I just recently grew another pheno of Butcher (oro blanco X white garlic X UK cheese) and this 4th female I grew smells EXACTLY like seasoned taco meat like you wrote that’s been my description to people the past month.


ah yeah, the pack those 4 plants came from looked like the parents had been hit with colchicine or something. all but these 4 were mutated af. Looked like two or three plants trying to grow from one stem. I don’t think the beans were infected though. I had taken in a few cuts, that we later found out had it, while I was working on these and ended up cross contaminating all my clones/moms/veg/flower tents. The males stayed separate in an entirely different place so I wasn’t worried there, but their clones got it. I had to tear down everything, bleach, and start over.


Thank you for everything you did with these genetics I love the grow and smoke all around. I love NL lol

Also on a side note I also grew 1 pheno of neon cowboy (lemon g X Scott’s OG) from vernal heirloom seeds, I’ll add a pic of the buds. She grew just like the garland A except a bit rounder buds down the branches and even denser. The smell was like a soft lemon peel smell with OG kush similar to a lemon OG cut I grew when I lived in SoCal when I was a little younger.


Yeah no problem, I love NL too! Glad to see other’s getting a chance to grow them out.

:drooling_face: that looks and sounds fantastic! Lemon is one of my favorite flavors lol. I’m still sad Vernal left here :cry: I try to hit him up on IG from time to time though. Dude has a keen eye and makes some great stuff that’s for sure. I think I have packs of his Garland A F2’s, Garland V2’s, and the Mango Nigerian Cough x Garland but I haven’t gotten to any of them yet sadly.


Your plants are amazing! 🪴 :star_struck:

I just wanted to let you know based on how little “far”, back I read and saw, I’m super amazed.

Can I watch from here and go back to the beginning? If/when I find the time for some light reading? :+1:t2: