Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Think I’m gonna do a clone run next instead of popping more seeds.
FYI, August 8th would be the time to soak em if you got em!
Phase of the moon and whatnot :wink:

I’m going to give the Kryptonite #3 another chance as she was so fat and frosty. Have two clones of her already rooted in the veg tray, just waiting on size. One will be a mom while I continue to prove her out, flower the other one.

I got a clone of the Kryptonite #1 going in the cloner, been smoking on that one lately and she’s fantastic. Taste is really good, spicy earthiness. I think she’s an NL2 leaner just from the structure. Not too far off from the TK or OG’s really… Not really nighttime stuff at all either but I also picked her a bit on the early side of the window. Going to try and take her a bit longer on the next go.

I got two clones of the StarMilk DayDream going in the cloner too… Both for flower. She’s not even all the way dried yet but I already know I want a drawer full of her stashed away. She’s just that good. Sweet creamy spicyness that coats your mouth for a good 20minutes. Flavor changes over time. Some pain relief and added daytime effects coming in from the Starlite Daydream male…
Speaking of… I really need to drop the ‘DayDream’ moniker from anything having to do with the Starlite Daydream male. With the Starlite in there, there is no daydreaming on this stuff :joy: ‘StarShine’ is more accurate name for him, and also shorter to say. So this line could be called Ma’s StarShine since MaMilk F2 x StarShine… or what I’d rather call it, Milky Way :yum: Pics once I get her trimmed up and jarred. Have 7 or so beans left of this line I’m gonna try and look through very soon to hopefully make F2s. Also might get some MaMilk F2 pollen I can use on her for a kind of MaMilk BX/IX. I think she might be the 2nd best plant I’ve made so far.

Will do yet another another run of the SSDD F2 #1 mom because yes.

And finally give the NorthStar ((C5 x SensiStar) F3 x (A5 s1 x NL5)) #4 girl a second run. My final selection out of 7 females from the first pack I ran a year or so back. In a weird twist, she reminds me very much of her aunt. Really potent fruity musk pine cones. This one and the #3 are the only herb I’ve had in a long time where I pack a bowl, take a couple hits, and then set it down for a good half hour or so :sweat_smile: Excited to get more of that one back in the cabinet. She’s the best thing I’ve made so far. Pop these if you got em!

Don’t have much for updates otherwise, still need to clean some stuff up in here, once I get the SSDD and TK out. They’re still trucking along here.
SSDD F2 #1 - 31 Days

TK - 50 days

TK does make some fat, great looking, buds. I’ll give her that.

Headbanger F3s are just starting to stretch about a week in

Left one is 7 days and the other two are at 6 days. I found and kept a male that looks just like these girls but going to wait to do anything with him until I check these out first.

The Kryptonite male I’ve been revegging has gotten a bunch of algae on the roots since he’s under the veg lighting and unprotected. Checked on him yesterday and

He’s throwing hairs! Hermed from the reveg/root issues it seems… I had seen some reports that the females that throw nanners in this line tend to have sterile nanners, no pollen. :thinking: So I thought maybe this male has sterile calyx’s. So I dusted all his hairs with his own pollen yesterday :sweat_smile: Thought is, if they’re not sterile then any seeds should be 25% true males, 50% normal, and 25% true females, might be interesting to see. And if they are sterile, than hopefully it won’t mean much for any seeds made with this boy, like the TK and SMDD I already hit :see_no_evil:
See what happens. As of this morning, all the hairs were still bright white…

That’s all I got for now ^^


Killer stuff I’m doing my first clone run of old soul for my next run doing 2 old soul 1s my lone survivor from a pack and 2 old soul 6s that where gifted to me in my 4x4 going to be doing a few small plants of some ssdd f2 bx clones from my current run in my tent outdoors this winter too just because I had a few to many clones take and been doing real good haven’t had the heart to kill them off :joy: in love with how they doing so far excited to get to smoke them :grin: , my number 3 pheno looks very much similar structure and looking buds to the ssdd f2 mom will get some close up shots here soon there really frosting up something crazy :+1: might have to get around to popping a few beans on the 8th too much love and happy growing @HolyAngel


I don’t know how I’ve missed this thread. :thinking:
Them TK look like you could ski down them. :heart_eyes:



Man is it this

Old Soul from your thread? She looks gorgeous! :heart_eyes:
I’ve yet to try an OMG cross. I had started a pack of Celestial Citron awhile back and then took in clones with HpLVd and had to chop everything and bleach my room. That should be a fantastic run between that and the ssdd f2 bx!

I was thinking you had one that looked like the mom! Seen it on your last update but I wasn’t positive from the pics and then got distracted before I could ask :sweat_smile: That’s great news! I’m still hunting for a male that looks like her to make bx2’s with. Definitely interested to see how they turn out for you.

I knew I forgot to do something! I meant to hang up those lower branches and totally forgot for the 2nd time in a row :joy:


That’s the one it’s @supershitfuck keeper suppose to be real skunky/Eucalyptus/pine/oily curious to see how it compares to the one Ive got.have yet to try any omg crosses either yet but the more I read up on them the more intrigued I am as with most everything I read up on of bodhis :joy:

Will be first in line when you get around to making those bx2s to test them out :grin:

Between that and pests I’m scared to bring in clones and with the amount of beans I have I don’t see me bringing in anymore but had too make an exception for the old soul 6 as those where the reports and pictures thst made me buy the pack in the first place :sweat_smile:


Inspiring my brother! I love your growing philosophy. Those trays are a trip! RESPECT!



Digging that TK, nice work!


Oh man, little over a week later.

All the headbangers hermed.

My favorite one, #9, ended up herming spectacularly. Only had one ball growing off the stem that I pulled off when I chopped the other two girls but this morning she had balls growing in most of the buds. So all of them are gone. Whole pack and like 3 months of my time… Oh well.

I just want stable plants. And I do find them in here.

Could I change things up and prevent most of these plants from herming? Probably… but I have plants in the same exact environment that do NOT herm no matter what I do. Hell, the TK that you’d think would be a herm-fest has only put out a single nanner at week 5ish and that is it. Nothing before or since. The SSDD F2 #1 girl won’t even do that no matter how much I mess with her. Same with the Milky Way girl and the NorthStar #4. All 100% Stable. Kryptonite #1 was only some late(wk8) nanners.

Headbangers were right at two weeks and throwing balls on the main stem. Same shit the Group-Buy GG4 RIL’s did, and the Goji OG F3’s. So I’d much rather just keep doing what I’m doing and anything with the potential to herm will show me asap and get culled. Better that than spending time trying to make “the perfect environment” for these finicky plants just so i can make beans that will herm for myself and others. Boo to that sir. I don’t care how good it may be.

So now I’m left with the SSDD F2 #1 girl and the TK girl to finish up in here, which should be about two weeks from now. Then I’m thoroughly cleaning and redoing the entire flower tent so I can get my clone run going for the fall.

Pics of the TK are from a few days ago (Day 60).
Seeded buds

Unseeded buds

On a side note, I soaked 6x Karma Genetics Sowahh aka Sour Diesel BX4 like saturday night? 4 popped as of last night and got em planted this morning. Waiting on the last two beans. Got all 3 StarShine’s popped and planted, seeing first nodes but not to veg stage yet. Hoping they make it :pray:


I had taken some early testers from the TK at day 53 and wrote a basic smoke report on it.

Day 53 sample of TK smoke report.
I definitely do get an initial lemon cleaner kush taste, followed by a mouth coating rubber flavor. I get notes in here that I had already found in the kryptonite i just grew :thinking:, and something like a really strong afghan like the khash… smoke from this even on a 3 day quick dry is full flavored and thick, rich, like a really good cigar. Smooth too. Immediate Forehead sweats. Potency rivals my NorthStar #4. Only other plant I’ve come across so far where I pack a bowl and set it down for a bit after 2 hits or so. This early in the picking, she does get me pretty racy and borderline anxiety with the internal monologue going. Not a single amber trichome on this plant at this stage, despite how done the buds look.

I’ve been told to take her to 11-12 weeks and that raciness should go away. On another note, that burnt rubber smell has totally faded to a fuel and floral/OG smell. No more rubber :pray: More of the lemon kush coming through now too. I can see why people have kept it around for so long and I do believe this is the legit cut. Or damn close to it.


Sorry to hear about the herms… I do agree though that (while it’s unfortunate) it’s good to find out before you use it to make any seeds.

IMO your plants have the right amount of stress. They look healthy and are growing well, so if they are herming under fairly normal stress levels like that… To me that’s a genetic issue.

Not sure how long you vegged those, and maybe I’m way off here, but wouldn’t it be easiest to veg the minimum time when pheno hunting? Like maybe 3 weeks? That way you might find the herms (and other genetic shortcomings) faster?

TK sounds intense! I dunno if I could handle that one :grimacing:


Aw thanks! I think so too :sweat_smile:

I have thought about doing 12/12 from seed in the flower tent. I have done it once or twice but i haven’t really had much of a chance too overall as it ended up being a perpetual setup with plants at all different stages. I’d also have to change the pot setup and go with fabrics or something from the start to try and limit the root growth. With solo cups or plastic pots in flower, the roots get entwined on the tray pretty quickly, so pulling males or culling plants tends to really mess with the others. Other option is just chop the plants and leave the pots in place but then the leftover roots degrading messes with the water ph/ec.

I’ve supplemented this issue by making sure the veg tent has its own flood tray and i run the lights 24/0. I can usually have them all identified by day 30ish of veg just from the early preflowers. And by that time they’re also the right height i need to go in the flower tent. Some plants show a week earlier and some a week later but overall right about there. Can still run into entwined roots in there but if you do its much easier to pull them apart and transplant before ever going into flower.

So I guess I actually only lost like 2 months of time instead of the 3 I stated earlier.

Still experimenting with stuff over here though, I don’t have a 100% set doctrine yet.12/12 from seed might show less herms in here too :thinking:


Too bad about the Headbangers but those TK flowers are looking fat! Those Karama Genetics on deck sound awesome and will be looking forward to seeing those grow.


The thing I worry about 12/12 from seed is being able to get clones. I’ve read some people say you can still do it, but it would suck to have to rely on a reveg if the clones failed.

Otherwise 12/12 from seed does seem pretty optimal :thinking:

In my current flood and drain with rockwool I didn’t get many roots coming out of the cubes, and I think the reason is I had the cubes propped up about half an inch above the tray using a cake cooling rack. That would be pretty hard to setup in a legit flood tray like you have (with the textured squares), but I think the air gap is what kept the roots in the media :thinking:


You’re doing the Lord’s work… haha.

Seriously, good on you for trashing herms. I’m not sure how we’ve gotten to the point where people are like,”Oh, yeah, these seeds do have a tendency to herm, but it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Just look extra-close and pick off the sacs when they show up,” or whatever. “No, dude! It’s not okay!” Haha. “How about you just don’t breed with herms?” What a concept!

Anyway, that sucks about the Headbangers, but at least you caught them before they pollinated anything. The TK looks fucking awesome. I wanna pluck those nugs off the stem and eat them haha.


How often are you flooding exactly? I ran rockwool almost 20 years ago and had success there and I also don’t remember roots all over the place like they have been in here… I mean look at the size of this root mat

That’s a 5inch pot. This is what most of the plants do in this table. I’m flooding for 1 minute every 2 hours running variations of coco/perlite and sometimes just perlite…

Man me too! but I can’t do that raciness lol Gotta let her sit for awhile longer. Schmarmpit said 11 weeks, and nspecta says 12 so i figure i’ll start checking at 10 and go from there lol.


And this. All of this. I don’t ever wanna do this to myself or others. I don’t wanna have to grow something just to have to inspect the crap out of it every other day. Or have to baby it all its life. I do not care how good it may be.


Boo for the herms.
Hooray for not producing prima donna plants that need to be treated with kid gloves their entire cycle. :+1:
Plants looking sexy as always, and goddamn those roots are something else!


I don’t think that any plant vegged for a minimal amount of time is gonna flower the same way they would if vegged for an optimal amount of time. If somebody’s doing a pheno hunt, it seems to me that the best way to get a good idea of the true potential of any plant is to see how she performs with a decent root system and enough time to reach sexual maturity (eight weeks), at the very least. Might be different with hydro growing, I dunno. I do know that the one plant ever that I flipped at day 39 of veg yielded the worst of any plant I’ve ever grown. That might’ve just been that one plant, I’m not sure, maybe the veg time had nothing to do with the horrible yields.

I mean, I’ve grown plenty of plants where, even at four weeks veg, I’m like,”Shit, man, I dunno about this one…” Looking all “runt-y” and shit. Two weeks later, she starts looking better. And then, once she’s flipped, I’ve forgotten which one the runt-y one was haha. How those same plants would’ve grown if they were on a flower-lighting schedule right from the start is a mystery, obviously haha.

If I was doing a pheno hunt, I’d give them a proper veg, is all I’m saying haha. Particularly if I was chucking.


Yeah, I don’t dig that either. That might be a feature of the TK, though, no matter how long you flower her. I remember that TK review on higherthought, where he was basically like,”Watch yourself with this one.” He also went on and on about how good it was, but I do remember him saying,”It’s really easy to overdo it with the TK,” and talked about how his preferred method of blazing it was taking a rip every twenty minutes or so, rather than smoking a shitload all at once.

I dunno haha. Never blazed the TK myself. You’ve read that review, right? It’s a good one.


Yeah i’ve read it a few times, especially recently when I suspected this cut might’ve been an S1, which I don’t anymore, and now that you mention it… that’s got me a little worried now :joy:

Maybe since his was outdoor it wasn’t ran as long though… Schmarmpit definitely said the raciness calmed down for him by day 77. But I’ll definitely keep that smoking process in mind with this stuff. Everything else about it is fine. If it’s even better by then with no raciness… I might actually be pretty impressed with it. Sad I got no more clones of it but she is loaded with Kryptonite beans and that stuff is pretty similar so should be :bomb: :fire: