Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I can’t remember what was in the flip I usually fill the washer I know I did that.


He has 5 seeds with tails, lol. Be a bit before he clones anything,lol. Just messn with ya @Joker

There are only 5 seeds of F1 ogah left. I do not have cuts, but did take some 5 weeks into flower i might reveg.

I have 5 going now, lil young un’s, and going to cross ogah to all i have this month. Will give me a herd to hunt through, I can get the AH Core cut back, be a bitch, take forever, be a pain, but it could happen. I have F1 orange Gojis seeds in a sealed subterrainian vault, lol, So can make OGAH again if i want to.

Sometimes it is time to move on, in a different direction.


I’d definitely take clones cause you will want to run it again .


Her X Blissfull Wizard will be wild . Her X Wedding Cake will be too. Her X Mac1…who the Hell knows, lol


Lol!! Knowing how @HolyAngel likes the Haze, I know he is taking clones and probably searching for a haze leaner!! That’s what’s best about OG. You get to know people all over the world!!


Friday GIF.gif


Kinda had a feeling you would! :thinking::roll_eyes::rofl::rofl:


Oh yeah! Especially if there’s an AH leaner. You already called it all :joy:

Gonna be cloning those Salmon River’s too! 2 more just popped but not quite ready for planting yet. only 2 left to go.


Alright! All 5 OGAH and all 6 Salmon River OG have popped and been planted.

The last StarShine has been moved over to flower to make room.
Pics are from yesterday not this morning.

Now to thoroughly clean out this veg tray and reservoir. Seedlings don’t need nutes for awhile so they’re all in coco with trays of tap water. Two trays total, not shown. One for the OGAH’s and one for Salmon River’s.


I want to see a white, like brand new, tray!! Get to work!!


You shall see one in 5 seeds


Alright, so here’s where we’re at while seedlings come up

Left is a clone of the Starlite Daydream aka StarShine Male. Same male used for the SSDD F2 BX1’s, gearing him up to make StarShine F2’s :muscle:

Top tray is the OGAH’s (Amnesia Haze x Orange Goji)
Bottom tray is the Salmon River OG’s

Don’t mind the house plant on the right I’m trying to save :sweat_smile:

Two of the OGAH’s were poking up this morning

Hopefully everyone comes up here within the next 5 days or so. Got a heatmat underneath the trays to try and keep the temp up since they would be on the basement floor otherwise.

For flower, It’s day 19

The kryptonite #1 in the front right here got almost completely knocked up by the 89 NL5 BX8 male in the other room. Was not what I was going for at all, was supposed to be a clean bud run sans maybe 1 branch, but that’s what I get for being lazy :see_no_evil:

(NL2 x 89NL) x NL5 sounds really good tho :wink:

Thankfully only hit a couple buds and a small branch or two on the Milky Way’s…

Last StarShine looking good in here 24hrs later


so uhh… @Jetdro you weren’t kidding about those Salmon River beans being cursed dude… First time in my life I’ve had damp off and mold. And this is from a brand new bag of coco in brand new cups in bleach cleaned trays. Like wtf…
This is the only plant I got out of both those packs :sob::sob::sob:

A nice thin leafed OGAH :heart_eyes: but man do I feel bad about the situation :pensive::pensive:
Legit first time I’ve had this happen… and we’re not out of the woods yet either. I’m not comfortable until we get the first node in.

I popped 9 Tri Force beans and stuck them in the same cups the others were in to see if they do it too. If so I’ll just trash the containers and cups and start over as its all literally cursed af… Obviously keeping this OGAH girl going in the meantime. Could run the Black River OG’s then I guess to kinda make up for it :thinking: Hopefully good news soon! :crossed_fingers:

Oh and did I mention my entire flower tent got seeded unintentionally while I was trying to pop those salmon rivers?


Your kidding me…know as fact the OGAH’s have no issues. That really sucks. If 4 of them damp’d off…YOU got a PROBLEM…not the beans

Damn it Janet


Only 2 came up total and the other one got mold. All the rest molded in the coco before even coming out of their shells along with the salmon rivers. Literally in years of growing I’ve never had this happen.

Idk what to say… I’m about to chop my whole flower tent while I’m at it. Yay for wasting two months.


it happens…square it all up, ill send you more…or a cut from one of the 5 i got going now , will get a Haze leaner, already know i got 2 of 5 leaning that way


If you’d like I can send some of my double cross ogah also .


you should send him some


If ya want some shoot me a message there just hanging out in the buds wanting a new home right now . So lazy didn’t even de seed that plant lol


Now that’s some funny shit!! @ShiskaberrySavior