Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Looks well set to me !


Very nice grow…super clean, well laid out… plants look very healthy


Thanks guys! Missing this empty spot here in the big tray but hopefully have something to put in there soon :thinking:

The Sowahh on the right here has shown female as of this morning, took clones of her but letting her be for now. Wanna make sure they root first. Still waiting on the other two to show. This is day 36 of veg and been running 18/6 light schedule for the last week or so.

I think both those Cherry Kiwi’s may end up being boys :pensive:
Not positive yet though…


Both Cherry Kiwi’s were indeed boys :pensive: they’re gone. I thought about using one of them but not being able to see any girls from the line makes it really hard to determine phenos so just tossed both of them. Still have another freebie pack of Starship x Consumption I’ve heard really good things about.

Gonna start soaking the OGAH’s and Salmon River OG’s next.

Last two Sowahh’s are still taking their sweet time on showing gender.


That sucks, bolth male, was hoping to see this strain…too bad, on to the next one


@Mrgreenthumb Definitely sucked! The bigger one REALLY had my interest. Is what it is though. :pensive:

@Jetdro I started soaking the 5x OGAH and the 6x Salmon River OG’s this morning ^^

@Swe-can Sadly I think some of these Sowahh’s are herming in veg. I’m pretty sure I’m seeing both male/female preflowers on at least two of them. Can’t be 100% positive yet but I’m pretty sure. Sometimes these OG type plants throw some weird preflowers though so I’m keeping em going to make sure. Top right one still hasn’t shown any preflowers at all yet. All about 16 inches tall almost 40 days into veg. Hopefully not much longer to know either way. Clones are looking good though.
Pic is right before lights go off.

The last StarShine (aka Starlite Daydream #2) is looking glorious though. Stem rub reeks just like the mom despite her leaves looking very much like the Starlite father. Topped her this morning and going to give her a few days, uppot and stick her in flower. I still have pollen left from the StarShine Male that’s… ~8+ months old? I will try on her. Worst case I have clones of both these plants going right now so I can make the F2’s on the next go around if I need to.

Kryptonite #1 - Day 15

Milky Way #2 - Day 15


I’m sad to hear that @HolyAngel :weary:!!

Hopefully the rest won’t herm on you… and the way they are looking right now :maple_leaf::evergreen_tree: can imagine them hiding some real :fire: !


Terrific grow journal!


all 5 OGAH have popped tails and been planted in coco. And 2 of the salmon river have popped so far and been planted too. Just waiting on em to come up now :+1:


KNEW all ogah’s would pop, not had a dud yet. Told you my issues with the S.R. you will have better luck with them, glad i gave them to you. Been looking at your shit, you know what your doing, OGAH is in good hands.

She grows WELL…responds WELL to LST, i never cut her. Not sensitive to anything, likes wind on her, eats nutes with zero issues. 1 pheno stretch’s 3 weeks, 1 pheno goes 4-5 weeks of stretch. 3 week 2x in size, 4-5 weeker 3-3.5 time stretch . Break her stems after the stretch, she will support herself.

With 5 you will see both pheno’s of her, both are excellent.

Looking forward to seeing you grow her!!! @HolyAngel


Super appreciate that!

That is fantastic info too. Will keep that in mind as they come up here and then flower… Really looking forward to seeing how they come out. Never had the Core cut but I love me some Amnesia, with the orange goji too, can’t go wrong!

Will do the best I can on these to make sure we get some good representation. If you see anything you like I can always get it out to ya too.

Thank you very much!


You will 90 % end up with exactly as i have running now. The Goji leaner, and the Haze leaner.
difference very apparent in flower. Goji will stack quickly, and show colors early, usually orange hairs. Haze will stretch for what seems like forever, then stack over next 6 weeks or so. You will see the difference’s. I have run like 15 ladies, only seen these 2 pheno’s. @ShiskaberrySavior , if i am not mistaken, has seen another pheno or two of her. Seen no issues here, but i bottom feed @ steady rate, good lights, good enviroment.

The Goji leaner will take LST to the next level. No need to cut her, just bend the crap out of her for a few weeks, she will make 8-15 main tops, towers of power i call them, my Goji leaner doing that right now, maybe 10 large main grow heads. She will yield really well with minimal triming .

The Haze leaner is different. One i have NOW is 95 percent her Mom, the A.H. Core. To a T . Subltle difference, but the smell, look, feel, grow is absolutely The Core.

She will not widen as much as her sister, but want to have 5 or 6 mains, and let them go vertical. She wants to stack absolutely vertical, up her silly long stems and node spacing once stretch is over. She will yield big if you let her stack vertical.

I had to bend mine way over to the side to stay out of the lights. She will not stack her main stem like she wants now, and rather grow them individually vertical, towards the light. Shot myself in the foot on this one, but wasnt raising lights nor diming them. Not digging hole in my floor or raising 8 other octopots either. So did what i had to. Suggest running this one vertical to let her stack proper.

Salmon River i wanted to run real bad! Tried 2 times, told you didnt work out for whatever reasons there were. Thinking flood once, forgot the other time. Told its extremely good, and a pretty plant too. I tend to like the pretty ones, lol.

Ill keep a watch and see what you get. Hope more S.R’s pop …how many you got, like 5 or 6 ???


Sounds good on the LST. Will see what I can do! Thanks again for the info :pray:

You gave me 6 salmon river’s, other 4 still soaking. Pretty sure they’ll pop soon here.


Good luck on them…i had no germ issues, and keep my seeds stored correctly. They poped for me, they will for you too.


I’m anxious to see what you find in my basement hack ogah . Some time this week BLR should be landing.


Forgot about it already, lol…when you think it will hit based upon last time???


I’d say Wednesday possibly Thursday but that’s just a stoner guess.


From one stoner to another


100% A.H Core is in there, for sure! We both know it. I have one now so close to the core i could call her that. F2’s of her will certainly contain her, and maybe equals or better. You send me a bunch?


Please tell me your taking clones of the OGAH??!! :roll_eyes::grin::grin: