Holy's Garden (Part 1)

That way it’s easier to find them if they entered the vault it would be days searching for them. This way a half pound of weed is easy to spot.


Aw man, you guys are awesome! I’m definitely sorry for it happening :pensive:

Gonna try and square everything up over here.

Taking down the two milky ways and the kryptonite #1 right now as I don’t need 10k beans from those. I needed flowers. I got new clones of those going right now. Just gonna flower the starshine and tiny ssdd mom until those are ready… still have nl5 pollen so I can hit a branch or two on each one, just not the whole damn plants… starshine male is doing good so that’s still on track at least…


And then there were two…

Likely am gonna toss those cups and stuff in the veg tent too. That one OGAH is doing good though.

Now to wait for roots on the clones…


Yep, sun bleaching the trays and cups! Can’t be having cursed items. Got new beans soaking while I cleanse all this stuff out.

The one OGAH I got from all that is doing good tho!


Nice leaves it’s definitely got the right look.


That’s definitely what I was thinking. Should be an amnesia leaner just from these looks :thinking:


Well it looks like sunbleaching and whatnot alleviated the curse!
I might actually get 9 TriFroce plants soon.

My one OGAH is doing good still

StarShine #2 is at day 12

SSDD F2 #1 is at day 8

StarShine Male is also at day 8

Still on track to make StarShine F2’s. Not gonna make a ton but least one branch to look through… Still waiting on clones to grow out to get this flower tent back into gear. Need those Milky Ways!


Lookin good can’t wait to see what ya do with em, I got some TriForce beans on the way, I’ll be dropping right away.


Hell yeah! Can’t wait to see what you do with those too! :wink:

I’ve popped two packs worth so far and only had one bean not pop in both packs. I had helmet head on at least 3 of these as well… Both not normal occurrences for beans I make. This was first time I let the beans sit in the plant for weeks after they were ready while I waited on trichomes to turn. Maybe something to do with that, idk. So they’re a bit sensitive, but should be some absolute :fire::fire::fire: in these beans regardless. See what we get ^^


Super interesting, I have yet to make beans myself. But I’ll definitely run as many females as I get. The kryptonite had some that were very similar but like 1-2 phenos was very different than the others, I personally loved the smoke on the kryptonite just my type of high


Nice! I still have one pack of those left to go through. Nl2 #8 girl x 89nl #5 boy. My favorite of the two males. Hoping to find a better male to keep around out of that pack. I only kept the #1 girl from the first pack and am waiting on a clone of her to flower out again soon.

The high from the TK is pretty similar to the Kryptonites, just way more potent than what I’ve found, so I don’t think we’ll be straying too far. The male used looks a lot like his 89nl #7 father I grew out, should really beef up the TK and cut down a bit on her stretch, we’ll see how he does. Figure I can always make a v2 with that other pack if I need to, but I suspect we’ll be fine :sunglasses:


Like check this out

89NL #7(father) on the left, #5 on the right

Kryptonite #2

Outside of not topping the 89NL… there’s a little bit of NL2 influence in the Kryptonite #2 male but I think it mostly leans to the 89NL #7 father :thinking:


Definitely see the influence from the 89 Nl wow, interesting side by side. I love how the characteristics from both sides comes out in these seeds. I grew banham OG (banana hammock X ancient OG) from copa genetics then grew his ancient OG F3, and all 3 females of banham OG I grew were so similar to what I saw in the ancient OG, the people just smoking my bud may not have noticed the subtle differences at all. Not saying that in a bad way towards the strain, came out great weed. Just didn’t show both sides as much as some of these kryptonite do


Any sign of that letter making it to you yet?


Been keeping an eye out but I haven’t gotten it yet. Imagine it should show up any day now.


Alright lets see where we’re at this week…

The one OGAH is doing great

7 out of the 10 TriForce(TK x Kryptonite) beans look to have made it.

Not out of the woods yet though. I don’t feel safe until they’re looking like the OGAH.

Day 14 for the StarShine #2 girl.

Really like the look of this one… Lot of starlite coming through though so I’m interested to see how her flowers are going to come out. She reeks! Should make for some interesting F2’s! I can only barely tell the SDDD F2 mom and the StarShine #1 Male apart, they look so similar whereas this girl is very different.

Speaking of the StarShine #1 Male… gotta clean this tent but

He’s at day 8 and getting ready to drop some pollen. Just need enough for a branch or two :crossed_fingers:

And the tiny SSDD F2 mom also at day 8

I’m rerunning just because I had her sitting around… Don’t even need flower or seeds but :man_shrugging: :joy:

Still waiting on Milky Way and Kryptonite clones to root :pensive:


I need to run this one and my papa’s punch
But every time I run those something went wrong
Not with the plants but examples
Garage went on fire had to cull all beautiful mature plants fire inspector police ect

Next time I got ill and could not take care of my grow

There was a third time as well but it escapes me now

So I’ll try one more time if something happens I’ll never run them at all lol
May be bad luck :joy::crazy_face::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::star_struck:



Man that was like the Salmon River OG’s! Jet told me they were cursed, same shit happening like your talking about. Freak accidents or something. I started those and the OGAH’s at the same time and first time in my life most of the beans molded inside the coco. I got 1 singular plant out of 11 beans :see_no_evil:

Sunbleached everything but her and the tray she’s in… So far so good on the new beans but… now you got me thinking I should sunbleach her too :sweat_smile:


I’m excited to see what those TriForce beans do. I just got your letter in today! Thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely be starting them next round if all goes well for you.


Is it still too early to tell which way this OGAH is leaning @Jetdro ?

Maybe a bit of both? She’s doing great so far.

Flower tent is rocking, just about done with stretch on the StarShine #2 girl

Starting to stack

Gonna hit her with her brother for some F2’s this weekend

The Tri Force (TK x Kryptonite) are coming along, least 4 are doing really good.
Unsure on the other 3 :face_with_monocle:

That bottom middle one, I noticed had some stuff on it and decided to grab the microscope for a closer look and

She’s frosty af right out the gate :heart_eyes:
The other 3 have some trichomes all over the leaves too, but not like this one does :drooling_face:
Maybe something to look out for @Weedison ^^