Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Plants look great with nice yields
what type of buzz do you get is there any anxiety effects?


The ssdd f2 mom is a warm blanket, relaxing, nerve pain relieving high, no anxiety at all. This is the first run with the starshine girl so unsure there but the ssdd f2 bx1 which was made with her brother ranged from motivating, getting stuff done herb, to the warm blanket high. I haven’t heard anyone say they got anxious off them but i could see the possibility if taken early.

The Tri Force will most definitely have some anxiety/paranoia inducing phenos until you get used to smoking it. Unless you smoke TK and stuff all the time anyways.


Yeah, I always run the lights on 16/8, too, and decrease to 14/10 like 10 days before I flip, once the plants’ve been transplanted into the seven-gallon pots. But for whatever reason, it’s been taking a whiiiiiile to show sex lately, I dunno why, thought a week or so of 15/9 might help.

Yeah, we’ve talked about that, you know my feelings re: 24/0 haha.

16/8 makes sense to me. Maybe even 18/6. 24/0 doesn’t (NO, I’M NOT CRTICIZING 24/0 haha). I just feel like everything needs a little relief every day, myself included.


I read a study on different light cycles and root development. They used corn, which is pretty close, development-wise, to pot.

They weighed the roots at maturity, and 16/8 won.

I like nice roots.


State of the (back of the) Flower Tent

StarShine #2 (SSDD F2 #1 x Starlite aka (A5Haze S1 x 89NL5)) - Day 60

Think I might be pulling this one down at day 63… At least part of her anyways :heart_eyes:

SSDD F2 #1 - Day 56

This is usually when I take this girl down for daytime pain meds. Think I’m going to let her go another week. Or at least until I chop the SS#2.

Kryptonite #1 (D’s NL2 x AKBB 89NL) - Day 1

2gal fabric pot. I’ve scoped every leaf and not seen a single bug so should be good for this run :crossed_fingers:
MilkyWay’s and NorthStar#4 will be joining her soon!


Been a few days since we had a veg tent update. I haven’t seen a single bug on any plant in over a week now so last night I filled a 5gal bucket of clean water and dunked most of the veg plants in it to rinse them off of any residue from the azamax and moving plants around. They’re looking better this morning so I scoped the plants again to be sure and then moved the first Milky Way girl I uppotted a couple days ago into the flower tent. Then I uppotted the NorthStar #4 girl and moved her into the tray the MW was in to give her and the other MW clone some room to stretch before they go into the flower tent.

Tri Force occupy the bottom two rows.
I should’ve made a note and didn’t so I’m not positive which the other male plant is but there’s definitely two in here and one confirmed female for sure.

Could stand to clean up some lowers :sweat_smile: but they’re doing good!

The bottom row, 3rd from the left with the 5 stars has been my favorite of the bunch as it doesn’t look like any of the others really. Leaf morphology more like the TK itself.
The topping response on some of these is outstanding, like the labeled Purple ‘F’ girl

All the branches coming straight up.
And the first plant in the row above the bottom has the TK lanky-ness in the side branching

Like 4-5 inch internode spacing in veg.


You think that’s a TK trait? All three of my Nikahs are doing that, with all of the lower branches growing straight up into the growth above it. It’s kind of annoying, actually haha. I keep pulling the branches out and they keep growing back straight up. Probably do some training there before I flip.


It is most definitely a TK trait as neither the kryptonites nor their parents grow like that. The one marked in purple is doing exactly what you describe. The other one with the longer spacing isn’t quite as bad with the straight up into the other growth part, and a little closer to how the TK clone grew.


Yeah, that one marked with the purple tag looks a lot like the Nikahs. That’s cool. I guess… haha. I was kinda hoping to find some OMG-leaners, but I’ll take some TK-leaners, too haha.


Right, the fact you’re saying you have some Nikah plants looking like the purple one is making me take a second look at that pheno myself lol. Soon as I can get these clones rooted I may have to flower these solo’s out just to see.


I’m gonna take some pics tomorrow, even though I won’t be starting the thread for a few weeks haha. I’ll try to remember to post pics of the Nikahs here tomorrow, though, if you’re interested.


Yes please! Would be nice to be able to compare :pray:


Well… I tried haha. I dunno how well you’ll be able to see it, but here they are:

You can kind of see it best in the last pic. Kind of… haha.

One of the Nikahs finally showed some male parts today, so I removed him. The lone Mountain Temple showed male today, too (bummer). I think one of the Santa Cruz Pure Haze/A5T is male, too, but I’m gonna give it a couple more days, just to be safe.



Ah yeah I can definitely still see it in those. Definitely if the branches are growing straight up and not to the side. That seems to be a thing from the TK. Thank you very much for taking the time to take some pics for me ^^

Here’s some smudgy pics of mine from this morning

Labeled the genders I know so far. Color is a bit off from slacking on nitrogen.

Left side are the tall ones

Can definitely see the branching on these

Right side are the shorties

This front one with the yellow tag here is still my favorite. Still think it’s a sport but I need more data.
We’re over day 50 on all these and still no full on gender reveals. I’m assuming that means these are pretty stable. I only had the one really early male show out of all of them and the rest have been slow going, which is fine. I’ve switched my veg timer to 6hrs on/2hrs off to see if that makes any difference with faster calvin cycles, even though I don’t think they need it. For Science!

Here’s better shots of the NorthStar #4
(C5Haze/SensiStar F3 x Starlite) Starlite = (A5Haze S1 x 89 NL5)

and Milky Way #2
(Mother’s Milk F2 #9 x StarShine #1) StarShine = (SSDD F2 #1 x Starlite)

These will be going into flower here roughly as soon as I can pull down the SSDD and StarShine girls to make room. I chopped a branch of the StarShine girl at day 61(no amber) and another branch at day 64(Starting to get ambers). Think she’s coming down no later than day 70. The SSDD F2 #1 is a few days behind and will be coming down by day 65 or so at the latest.

StarShine #2 - Day 64


StarShine #2 - Day 61 - Smallest flower from the lowest branch

Day 5 test smoke as I can’t keep my hands off stuff: Still too early for positives but the StarShine #2 seems to hit harder than the SSDD mom does. Effects are immediate. Not really getting much if any of the motivating A5 high here which is a nice changeup for me. Think it’s more NL5-ish as it seems to have the same stupefying aspect I get from the NorthStar #4. Where you smoke a bowl and find yourself staring off into the distance for a bit. Center forehead pressure. Smells just like the mom with the Sour Butter but even danker, deeper, and with a spicy backend. The smoke has a nice spicy, chai-like, sweet taste. This girl might actually give her mom a run for the money :drooling_face:


Alright, ended up chopping the StarShine #2 last night at day 65. Almost entirely cloudy with amber’s comin in fast. Starting to really flop everywhere too.

Can also see the first Milky Way cut I put in here the other day.

SSDD F2 #1 is at day 61

and she will come down by day 65 as well.

Then put in the other Milky Way and the NorthStar #4 to get this ball really rolling. May take more cuts and then uppot all the triforce girls and stick them in here too.

In other news, I had bought a couple bags the other day, just to compare to what I’m doing and see how things are, and one was just a single gram of Green Crack. I found a single bean in it that I decided to try germinating a couple days ago. Happy little plant came right up this morning. I’m not one for bag seed but the flower is 100% Green Crack so lets see what happens lol :man_shrugging:


All look on point to me . Nice work man !

So how’s the store bought compare to yours ?


Oooh def can’t wait to see this one! Any plans for crosses?


Store/street bought is always comparatively garbage, sadly. I don’t think I’m doing the best job over here at all, not trying my best just min/maxing the setup and, all my flower is always better in every box :confused: kinda sucks when you want a change of pace but it is what it is. Most of what I can find looks like PGR bud 99% of the time :frowning:

The green crack was good at least and definitely legit. It’s always been one of my go-to’s for work weed so I’m definitely interested to see how this seed does. I also picked up some MAC1 that was actually decently potent for once, and some wedding cake which had an interesting (good) flavor but not much else going on with it. Had to hunt some down after hearing all the hype on those lately :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If it’s anything like the flower she came from, oh yeah! :+1:
Will be taking some appy related things to it for sure


Yeah buddy bringing it back to bagseed mystery plants! Hope you get a nice GC S1 or an interesting cross! I have a few of those single mature seeds found in dispensary buds squirreled away I need to find. In particular one or two from when I was buying stuff from a producer who hunts mostly Ethos and Cannarado seeds for their own cuts, I think I have a Grandpa’s Stash and maybe a Kitchen Sink or Citral Glue bagseed or two that seemed worth exploring