Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Ill take SSDD day 62 for 20 please… :heart_eyes:



Wow, that was quick! Didn’t you just plant that like three days go? Maybe that bodes well for turning out good…


Yeah it came up quick! Was like 12hrs to pop a tap root. two days in the root riot to come up.


It’s a good sign!


Went ahead and chopped the SSDD girl at 63 days.

Put the other Milky Way cut and the NorthStar #4 into flower and moved things around.

Going to fill that center space up with TriForce girls here by this weekend.
Speaking of, check this out:

Triangle Kush Clone Only


Can clearly see the 3 that are stretching out just like her :heart_eyes:

And here’s some top shots

Favorite Leaf morphology of the bunch

She’s got the lowest amount of blades and some mutant growth that could be from the 89 or the kush side, but something keeps telling me this is the one that’s going to be the closest to the mom.

Then these 3 are untopped.

I need to top and take clones but they also have the most blades and the slowest growth :thinking:
Makes me think they’re NL2 leaners or something.

And then these 3 are the one’s that are stretching out like their mom does

And then this is the male I’ve pulled out (Milky Way mom in back)

Stem rub is a nice 40/60 mix of the acrid 89nl and the TK’s woody profile. Little closer to the TK. The other male was 100% acrid 89NL scent so not keeping him. Still wouldn’t mind finding another one even closer to the mom but we’ll see.


Of late I sampled some Mimosa and would recommend it.

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I up-potted the main 4 TriForce that interest me into 1 gallon fabrics and put them into flower last night.

Gonna be a full tent if everything remains stable! :pray:

Now for these clones to hurry up and root…


TriForce #1

TriForce #2

TriForce #3

TriForce #4

Kryptonite #1 - Day 11

And flower is in full swing already

Milky Way #1 - Day 9

She’s getting ready to start flowering too now.
Was hoping those two would stretch for a few more days still but oh well.

Full tent shot


What is tri force ?


So all of these are my own creations, here’s the breakdown ^^

TriForce = Triangle Kush x Kryptonite #2

Kryptonite = Nevil’s Original NL2 line (D’s NL2) x AKBB 89 Northern Lights

  • The AKBB 89 NL is most likely a NL1/PNWHP line

Milky Way = Mother’s Milk F2 #9 x StarShine #1

StarShine = Sunshine Daydream F2 #1 x Starlite

NorthStar = C5Haze/SensiStar F3 #5 x Starlite

  • Starlite = Karma’s A5Haze S1 x Melvanetic’s 89 NL5 BX8

The Starlite itself was made by a member no longer here, Rocketboy. We both made the Kryptonite, I picked the 89NL males and he picked the NL2 females. I found a male in the Kryptonite and hit the clone-only Triangle Kush to make the TriForce. TK/NL2/NL1HP.

The Mother’s Milk F2 #9 that is the mom of the Milky Way came from a plant found in beans from Motz/OleReynard.

The C5Haze/SensiStar F3 #5 girl was found in a bean I got from Mel Frank. Both are covered in this journal.


You have the Clone only TK


I did. She’s horrendous to clone and I ended up losing her. Good thing I made seeds with her when I had her. I got more cuts of her a few times and none of the damn cuts rooted. Tried everything. Clonex, aerocloner, root plugs, coco, dirt, you name it none of them rooted. Just something with the delay in shipment I guess. I’ve been awaiting a rooted cut of her but things keep happening with that. Like fate just doesn’t want me to have her again :sweat_smile: :cry:


Sounds like my Mac and wedding cake

I have finally won I think

I’m not giving up like you did loser ……lol

You of course know 80 percent of the killer elite strains , are phenos of TK right ? Lol

Wedding cake is blissful is


Lol not giving up yet! But definitely same exact pain.


Sucks don’t it .

Think……think mine turned the corner this week

God I pray so



Hey HA, do you suggest those clip & fishing line things to support plants? What are they called btw and where do i get em? :+1:

Is it better/easier than just staking with bamboo? Sorry for all the questions… #newb


I definitely prefer them. They’re plant yoyo’s. Something like this

I can’t stake my tiny pots in this flood and drain tray but I have bars at the top of the tent to hang yoyo’s from. I find it’s easier for me than using a net. If all my plants were the same cut that got chopped on the same day I might consider a net but in the past it’s generally been more work for me than not. Or I had to cut up the net. The yoyo’s aren’t great but they hold up okay and definitely get the job done if you got a place to hang them from.


Alright, looking a bit rough from shipment but I think we’re on the way…

Everything is already rooted at least, just gotta make sure they actually take off.


Best of luck with them taking off.

I see the Tahoe and the TK…….is that a JJ cut of Nevil’s Haze?!?

What are the 2 in back?


Added to wishlist lol