Holy's Garden (Part 1)

JJ’s Nigerian Haze, I wish it was a Neville’s Haze! lol. This one should be good though.

There’s also a Caramel Haze from Dynasty in back, and the 91 Hollywood Pure Kush to go with the TK and Tahoe OG.

I can’t find any provenance on the Caramel Haze cut though. I just know it’s The Cough x Ms Universe but Prof P made two lines of that. The Caramel Cough (Cough x Ms Universe #10) and Caramel Haze (Cough x Ms Universe F2) and idk which this clone is from or who even selected it. I doubt P selected this clone himself so I’m not sure.

I also can’t find much on the Nigerian Haze cut. I see a Nigerian Silk x NL5 x Haze line JJ made, and the Mango Nigerian Cough that might be the same thing? but not much on a straight “Nigerian Haze” clone… Should at least be interesting to compare to the NorthStar #4 girl.


Sounds like you’ve got some fun lined up there.

I’m not sure if this is accurate, but I think JJ had a cut he called Nigerian Silk, which he lost, but he had a cross (or back cross?) with an NL/5 haze and selected out of that the plant he calls JJs Nigerian. I think then JJs Nigerian x Haze makes Nigerian Haze. Again, not sure of accuracy, but that’s the best I could figure.

Pumped to see how these new additions to the garden grow up.


Ooh yeah okay that sounds right to me! Looks like it’s JJ’s Nigerian x Original Haze :thinking:

Should definitely be interesting to compare that, the Caramel Haze, and my NorthStar. Have all 4 different hazes between the three plants. OHaze, Cough, and Haze A and C.

Definitely excited to see this Tahoe and really, the Hollywood PK grown out. The real deal HPK is supposed to stomp the TK’s potency and the TK is potent AF as it is. Glad to have the TK back too. Going to stress test this TriForce male and if things go well he’ll be knocking her up along with the others in a few months time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t know a lot yet about high-end weed & provenance but “future me” thinks that all sounds amazing :laughing: :+1: :+1:


Any info on that ‘91 HPK? I only ask because there’s a dispensary here in LA called Green Angel (couple locations, actually) that specializes in “‘91” weed (although I didn’t see any on their menu when I checked just now haha). They even make a point to mention it on their home page. I tried a few of their ‘91 strains years ago, including the ‘91 HPK, kinda curious if it’s the same cut or what the deal is.


No none really that I know of at all. Just that it’s supposed to be the 91 Hollywood Pure Kush :man_shrugging:
I figure I’ll know for sure when I go to flower it out as that one has pics all over the net for it and the potency is apparently legendary.


Okay. Well, I guess we’ll find out once she gets grown out then haha. I’ve got five of nube’s Pura Vida f2’s vegging now, not sure how many are females yet, but they’re gonna get flipped in about ten days, hoping I find a Hollywood leaner. You’ve probably already seen this, but I always loved this review of the HPK: Hollywood Pure Kush — Higher Thought


Ooh nice! I forgot you were running the Pura Vida’s! That should work out then! I should be able to take clones soon and flower this one out and we can compare between this and the PV’s! And thanks for that link!! I thought HigherThought had covered the HPK but wasn’t sure and hadn’t gone looking yet. That at least gives me a baseline of things to look out for. All the clones are pointing to the light this morning so should be off to the races soon :crossed_fingers:

Full tent shot as of this morning

Think I’m gonna need ALL the yoyo’s before too long here…


Alright, couple days, couple more pics!

Kryptonite is at day 16
Milky Way in back is at day 14
Milky Way and Northstar up front are at day 7
TriForce at day 5

That Milky Way in back that was looking rough from root issues has completely pulled out of it

Just starting to put out flowers too.

My NL2 leaning Kryptonite #1 is in full blown flower now

The TriForce are keeping pace with the bigger girls.
I have mom’s of #2 and #4, still waiting on #1 and #3.





Clones still look rough af but getting better daily


Everything still keeping pace. EC around 2.3 currently, ph at 6.

Kryptonite is in full blown flower mode now at day 18

Actually just tossed the mom of this girl as I think there’s a better girl in the last kryptonite pack I have, and/or these TriForce :drooling_face:

Milky Way Clone 1 is at day 16 and looking about the same

Not quite as frosty as the kryptonite but still good stuff!

NorthStar #4 at day 9 and starting to flower… really expected some more stretch from these girls :thinking:

And the other Milky Way Clone 2 also at day 9

She at least stretched out a bit more than the first one has.

And the TriForce #1 - #4 at day 7

Really excited to see how these flowers come out :thinking:
Really hoping for some big fat kush shaped flowers from these but I’m expecting to not actually see it here. I’m pretty positive that is a double recessive trait and the Kryptonite’s don’t have it, so we’ll see. See if that holds true.

In other news, I’m trialing switching to jacks 20/20/20 only, for veg, instead of using the gypsum+maxibloom from start to finish. I usually run into Nitrogen deficiency in veg around a foot+ tall and i’ve been supplementing with calcium nitrate which has worked but its not perfect. I’d like to find a better solution. Mixing maxigro with the maxibloom does not seem like the answer, and maxigro alone or with gypsum isn’t quite right either. I had the jacks on hand. Trying out around 1tsp/gallon, maybe a tad more but it’s too soon to give any results. Hoping this will be all I need for veg…


@HolyAngel @MantisTobogganMD you guys got it right AFAIK on the Nigerian Haze being Nigerian Silk, possibly outcrossed again to a Haze or reintroduced from S1 stock. I’ve actually smoked quite a bit of that Nigerian Haze, about 6-7 years ago in NYC I had access to a delivery service that carried a few rare top shelf strains above their normal high quality. Sometimes they’d get Nigerian Haze and AJ’s Sour Diesel, they were both from the same old NY Metro grower and only available as full ounces when it came through. Two of the best smokes I’ve ever had, hands down, not least of which was that the grower had them absolutely dialed to perfection. As good as the AJ’s was, I think the Nigerian Haze was at least as good, totally ceilingless sativa that smoked well and was just insanely inspirational and exciting, pure joy weed vs the AJs pure bliss if that makes any sense. I’d love to get my hands on it someday, it’s the stuff that lit up my interest in African landraces beyond Durban.


Ooh that sounds exciting! I’ve not ever had it nor any Nigerian anything that I’m aware of and was worried it wasn’t gonna hold a candle to my NorthStar line. Same with the caramel haze really as I can’t find any provenance on it and I know P didn’t select the cut… but you’re giving me hope! :joy:


In other, other news, I didn’t realize bodhi made a Triangle Kush x Sunshine Daydream line! I don’t have beans of it and never seen a pack but saw a few posts about it. Were they testers only that never got released?

My next plan is to start soaking the rest of @Sebring’s SSDD F2 beans to find a male to match my f2 keeper girl. I should have at least 50 beans to hunt through but germ rate is pretty bad last I checked. End goal will be a public seed-run for F3s that are 100% pain relief phenos, or as close to that ratio as I can get. I’ll mail all the packs out again myself if I need to. And I’ll make my own Triangle Kush x SSDD F2 cross while I’m at it :wink:


I just soaked like 15 more of those SSDD f3 from the Fall box, none of the first 8 germed for me. I was wondering if this was common. Oh yeah and a question…is the Triforce the TK BX1? the same one used in Jungle Boys Florida Strawberries? (Triangle Kush X Triangle Larry)


Nigerian is really good stuff, I haven’t tried enough of the other Central or Western African landraces and heirlooms to compare it to them, but I find it to be very obvious in hybrids, both from the cedar/sandalwood terps and a scent that’s floral and spicy, and the effect for me is very up but smooth, not fully electric weed, though I’ve never tried pure Nigerian, but a slightly psychedelic brighter colors and dreamy energy sort of effect added to the hybrids. I am in the middle of working through a bunch of hybrids that @SCJedi made a year or two ago that are green and purple phenos of Gas/Swami’s Nigerian Sunshine (BOEL Nigerian x BOG Blue Moon Rocks BX2), crossed to a few things- the lost Apollo 11/13 OP co-op run he did that disappeared with MotR, a Bodega Bubblegum, and I lucked out with a surprise seed of a cross that’s all gone now, to Goji. I think you’re going to find that Nigerian Haze to be a really unique,tasty and heady sativa that’ll cure exceptionally well, I always tried to keep some around as long as I could because it just kept getting better. Africans x Hazes are a thing I plan to hunt out more of in the future for sure, F2s or crosses of that Ethiopian Banana/Shashamane that Bodhi gave to a few people is high on my list to find.


Yeah this is pretty common from a lot of people. I’ve seen one or two people say they had no problems but everyone else, myself included, has had really bad germ rates. The girl I have is the only one to come up out of the first 12 beans I gave my FIL to soak and I’m so happy she did. I’ve collected a couple packs of these for this reason to run but it’s why I went with Starlite as my outcross before backcrossing, instead of initially using a ssdd male. I wanted an appreciable stash to soak and more experience before I tried running the rest of the beans.

No actually, the TriForce is my own creation. Its the Triangle Kush cut crossed with Kryptonite which is another cross I helped make with a friend, Rocket. It’s basically TK x NL2 x NL1HP. Next step for me will be making a backcross one with either the male I already found, or another one. I do have a pack of Cutthroat Genetics Triangle Kush BX1 using Orgy Kush but I haven’t looked at it yet.


Thanks, I thought I had lost my touch lol.

:man_facepalming: ahh, I should have remembered that, I did read that way up above. BTW, your garden is awesome, been captivated by your flood table since I joined, and your projects are right up my alley!


Aha I found the lineage it’s:

Nigerian Haze = JJ’s Nigerian (F) x Flying Dutchman Original Haze (M)


I also found a comment by him that both he and the friend he gave it to lost the Nigerian Silk cut and he had to go back to seeds.

It looks like Crystal Haze was a very close version of it in seed form that was available, the cut BX to a haze hybrid of itself:


And here’s an old thread by JJ-NYC showing off his Nigerian:



Right? I love watching folks like HA do flood and drain, the mechanical pumping action of the air into roots during the drain, and hitting the moisture cycles just right makes so much sense to me as a dirt grower. I hear the reverse often when I water my plants and hear a steady bubbling and hissing as the air comes out of my pots displaced by water, that’s how I know my root zone is open and drying out ok, if there’s that much airspace to get evacuated that I can hear it.


Oooh! This is the same kind of effect I get in my NL5Haze/SensiStar #5 girl! Much more vivid colors and such and it’s one of the things I love about her! Cedar/Sandalwood is a much loved haze scent too. It sounds like this cut is actually exactly up my alley and would combine perfectly with my NorthStar line :thinking: She’s probably the clone looking the best right now too. Go figure! :muscle:

That Nigerian Sunshine and those crosses sound fantastic and like much needed work! I’ve definitely been trying to follow along with your progress in the wand factory ^^