Holy's Garden (Part 1)

TK x SSDD sounds amazing!


Everything is starting to take off now!

PH 6.0 | EC 2.4ish | Flood 3x/day for 5 minutes each flood.

TriForce #1 - Day 11

TriForce #2 - Day 11

TriForce #3 - Day 11
I couldn’t get a good shot of this one sadly. It’s being slightly engulfed by the NorthStar #4 lol
TriForce #4 - Day 11

Thickest stems :muscle: mostly 5 blades with some 7… still think it’s gonna be it! Tho the #1 has my eye too now. Her clone just rooted finally so only waiting on #3 to root now.

Bonus Milky Way - Day 20

Bonus Kryptonite - Day 22



First 5 Sunshine Daydream F2’s have popped tails in the shotglass! Got 4 planted this morning but I noticed something interesting with these 4 while I was putting them into root riots.

It looks like they popped leaf first instead of root first!? That, or its like a green sheath covering the tap root… Not ever seen anything like this before :thinking:

And then the other clone of my TriForce male rooted and got him planted this morning

Gonna put him through his paces over the next couple months to ensure he’s stable before use…


Big things poppin! @HolyAngel
Good luck and good vibrations!


That’s kinda strange hope they take off and grow for you.


Interested to see what you find there.

Also just a thought that popped into my head when someone asked you about a Bubbashine IX/BX in the Bodhi thread the other day : Have you ever reached out or considered reaching out to Bodhi to see if he has any lingering stock of Bubbashine or its fgens for a project? May be worth a shot and you have a track record of running such a high quality and smoothly run community project with your SSDD work… Would be awesome if he did.


Yeah I’ve reached out to him a couple times on Breedbay. Once when I was doing the BX1 run and later when I was searching through the F1’s. Offered him seeds back and cuts too since he lost that male and my keeper sounds so similar to his cut. Sadly I’ve not heard a peep from him to this day.


Alright, only been a couple days and I’m a day behind in pics but here we go!

Flower Tent

All 4 TriForce are starting to overtake the Milky Way and NorthStar #4 at 14 days into flower.
Buds are starting to set in too so we’ll see how much more they stretch.

I trimmed up and jarred the StarShine #2(SSDD F2 #1 x Starlite) yesterday along with the SSDD F2 #1 girl. With this winter storm my humidity has just tanked and I can’t keep it high enough to keep hanging the plants, so jar it is. Here’s what a standard branch of the StarShine #2 looks like after hang drying for 16 days.

Here’s what the “larf” looks like

Freaking glorious :heart_eyes:
For all my complaining the last few years of never wanting to see Blue Dream again… This girl is basically Blue Dream with a different flavor :rofl: This one has come out Sour Gassy Buttery and Spice with a nice functional daytime high. There’s a slight bit of pain relief, sadly not as much as I had hoped, and I’m guessing more CBD from the starlite as it’s not very stony despite still being fairly potent. I think the SSDD F2 mom is still better than this one so I’m likely going to get rid of her before too long here. Just need a few more weeks cure before I commit to that decision. I did make beans tho!

In other news, 10/11 SSDD F2 beans have popped and been placed in root riots! One is in the veg tent already, another has come up but a bit messed up so waiting a bit, rest are thinking about it. :crossed_fingers:

Did I mention I switched veg nutes? I’ve been using gypsum+maxibloom from start to finish this whole time but I still have a bunch of jacks stuff left. So after some research and help from @Joker I have settled on 1.25 tsp of jacks 20/20/20 and 2ml calmag per gallon and these plants are just guzzling this stuff down! I’m having to feed twice as often as I was before and things are taking off! I was able to take a clone each off the TK and HPK last night. Will take more as soon as there’s more room in the cloner.


The best stuff ever

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


Merry Christmas bro!

Merry Christmas to all!!


Merry Christmas Holy!!


Merry Christmas everyone


That kryptonite in the back left looks like a beast!


She is! She’s a NL2 leaner for sure. Sadly this is the last run for her. Gonna look through my last Kryptonite pack for any long term keepers eventually here. Tho the Triforce may negate the need to :wink:


Ah, yeah, there’s a reason I tossed her clone. Nanners. Oh well. Here’s her last pic for reference.
Kryptonite #1 - Day 25 - (NL2 #1 x 89NL #7)

Moved the TriForce(Day 15) around into the empty spot from the Kryptonite.

Better shots of the TriForce - (Triangle Kush x Kryptonite #2)

They’re already the tallest plants in the tent at day 15 of flower.

Milky Way #1 - Day 23 - (Mother’s Milk F2 #9 x StarShine #1)

NorthStar #4 - Day 17 - (C5Haze/SensStar F3 #5 x Starlite #1)


Well if things continue how they’re going, I should have 8 SSDD F2 plants out of the 11 beans I soaked. 1 seed didn’t pop at all, 2 seeds popped but haven’t done anything other than stick that tap root out a bit. That’d be the two plugs up front. The rest have all extended their tap roots and lifted the seed shell’s. Already have 3 above ground in the veg tent. As soon as there’s room in the clone-dome I’ll start soaking more beans. I want a good 15-20 plants to look at to ensure there’s at least a few males. If nothing comes close to my keeper I’ll pop more beans. So far so good.


This morning’s pics
Front of the 4.5 x 4.5 x 7.5


Can more easily see the TriForce now, stretching very much like their mom, the Triangle Kush :muscle:

Milky Way - Day 25

NorthStar #4 - Day 18

Lil blurry but got 6 SSDD F2’s up and planted

Don’t mind the dirty tray, needed something quick, will get this cleaned up tonight.
These are just on plain water for now. No nutes until we get the first node or so.


So its confirmed, I got 8 SSDD F2’s out of the first 11 beans. Last one is coming up now and will likely be planted tonight, then just wait for nodes to come in. Will probably soak more beans tonight. Need to take clones off my F2 #1 girl as well.

Flower tent is looking glorious at the moment. All the TriForce are in full flower mode at day 19 so I think stretch is about over… I haven’t measured yet but guessing somewhere in the 2.5-3x stretch. I flowered at 1ft. Seems calmed down a bit from the TK mom which is a plus in my book. All are looking 100% stable so far too. No issues :crossed_fingers: Milky Ways are stacking flowers and frost. Still waiting on the NorthStar #4 clones and the TriForce #3 clones to root. It’s been like 3+ weeks so far… Hopefully soon. Still waiting on clones of the TK and HPK to root too.


Always looking out for people & the community, that’s wassup


Nice! I’m glad I know how much those TriForce stretched for you so I can be ready. I’m flowering them in the shorter of my flowering tents I think it’s like 6 feet still but sometimes I push it