Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Ah nice! Yeah I’ll get measurements tonight and post em up.

The TK mom stretches almost 4x(Flower at 1ft, ended just below 4ft) and the Kryptonite’s were around 2x so nice to see these 4 end up somewhere in the middle. 4x stretch is a pain to deal with. 2 of these have big fat stems compared to her too so I’m hoping they won’t need as much staking/support if at all. We’ll see!


What ever happened to ogah? Male?

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Super cool! The Catahoula( TK X Chem91bx3) I grew was spread with huge tops and the branches were holding so strong. I always have a support with the scrog and some sticks in already but I don’t that plant would’ve needed it.


Yeah for sure male, still in cloner waiting on roots.


These Tri Force girls are at 34" inches right now. They went in at 12" inches so should be right at 3x stretch. Can’t imagine them doing much more than that in the next couple days with flowers already coming in.




Can really see the TriForce now, especially the #1 and #4 along the wall here.

The two plants furthest along

Bonus Milky Way flower at day 28


Seems like the fabric bags are keeping the algae to a minimum.
All your plants look great! Especially that Milky Way, packing on the frost real early.


Thanks! And yes not much algae on this run! With the bags and the longer time between floods it has really cut down on the algae. There’s still a little bit around the base of the bags and below the water line on the bags themselves but not much. Definitely have nice white roots poking out of most of the bags.

The Milky Way is a beast! Not named after the chocolate bar either :joy: She smells pretty sweet and ever so slightly dank right now. Can’t wait for these two to be done. I had some issues the first time I grew her and took her down at 55 days, shown here:

Hoping to stagger these two a bit come harvest, one early and one late.


You better change that name before Mars sues you!! :grin:


Ha right, no joke! :roll_eyes:

It’s Mother’s Milk F2 #9 (My cut) x StarShine #1, but the ‘StarMilk’ name is already taken by the Mother’s Milk F2 #1 (Homie’s Cut) x Starlite cross I made earlier :sweat_smile: Milky Way just seemed fitting with the ‘Star’ naming. Sadly both these crosses I only got a handful of beans off of. Have 7 left of these and like 20 left of the StarMilk’s after giving the other half to Motz.


Did he mention if he was going to further work that strain ? Sounds really good.


I’m not sure honestly… I’d assume so at some point but he hasn’t said anything to me. I’ll take a look at what I have at some point.


i was looking for the post of what made that bud… wow what a beautiful plant if it smokes as good as it looks you got a winner.


3 days later…


TriForce are at day 22 and still lookin stable. #1 and #4 along the wall are at 37 inches with the longest internode spacing. Very much like their mom. The #2 in the middle of the last pic here I’m liking much more. Much shorter internodes and her leaves are frosty all over including the underside of the leaves tho not near as much as the milky way, she also the most prolific root development of the four. Still waiting on the clone from TriForce #3 to root…

The NorthStar #4 is really starting to stack now at day 24

And stacking more frost too

I took a closer look at some of these girls with a scope and the hands down frostiest in the tent right now IS the Milky Way girl at day 31

That’s the bottom of her sugar leaves :eyes:

In other news, one of the NorthStar #4 clones finally rooted and has been planted in these new (to me at least) 1/4 gallon AC Infinity Nursery Bags

Decided to try them instead of the solo cups and color me impressed so far. These should do fantastic for bottom watering and easy transplants into bigger pots. I may try the 1 gallon bag in the flood table but not positive yet. Gotta see how these do in veg first… Here’s a crappy pic in a dirty tub with a barely rooted and transplanted clone :sweat_smile:

Will look better in a week or two I promise!

All 8 SSDD F2’s are still going. One or two look like they’re maybe stalled but could just be doing root stuff first. Rest are working on putting out the first real node of leaves. Pics later!


Who’s Milky Way cross is that looks like it’s gonna be a winner.


It’s all mine! I’d be happy to send you a cut. The cross is made up of Motz’ MaMilk F2’s, the #9 girl I grew out last year for the GL Grow Show

Hit by my frosty (RIP) Starlite Daydream aka StarShine #1 Male.

The Starlite Daydream aka Starshine line is my SSDD F2 #1 mom

crossed to rockets Starlite (A5Haze s1 x 89NL5 BX8) that someone else grew out and sent out pollen

I only got 10 beans from the cross as it wasn’t really intentional, just kinda happened. Still got 7 left to look through… Need to make Milky Way F2’s… I at least already made StarShine F2’s.


Definitely worth making some seed . Not sure a clone would make it in the cold weather ? Thanks for offering though.


Yeah likely need to wait until spring, anything under 30’s and I get sketchy. It’s at least warmed up a bit where I’m at right now. Outside of the one storm it doesn’t seem like we’re getting much of a winter this year.


Wow those plants look awesome super excited for the TriForce I’m probably gonna hurry up and flip some within a 3 weeks in coco I’m scared to veg too long seeing how tall yours are but I also scrog so I spread a bit.


Oh yeah I would! I flipped all mine at 12 inches fearing that nearly 4x stretch the TK cut has lol. These 4 I picked to flower looked the most like her in veg from the plants I got and have only just above a 3x stretch so I’m hoping its like that across the whole line now. Max ~3x stretch. That’d be nice, but we’re also working on a really small sample size so may have to wait see. That one you got looks more like her than anything I pulled out of 20 beans so that’ll be the one to watch and see what she does. I wouldn’t put it past her to do 4x.