Holy's Garden (Part 1)

None :grin: She’s been topped once and that’s it. I don’t do any defol or training. I top for yield, usually at 4 or 5th node, and let everything else do what it’s gonna do.

Oh yeah! I saw enough of her in there that it made my wanna look at these SSDD F2’s to make F3s and then a Pure BX1 (V2) first, before I do anything else with that BX1 I already made.

The main underlying goal of all my SSDD work is a seedline to get pain relief from. If something ever happens to my F2, I wanna be able to pop a couple seeds and know I’m gonna have that same pain relief or better. If I can lock in the flavor and scents too, all the better.

That first BX1 line, while being absolutely :fire::fire:, only has the pain relief in ~40% of the offspring at best. It also seems that maybe ~10-20% of the phenos have the really tight flower structure of the mom. Most of the phenos are big fat… stryofoamy buds. Airy but dense? Something like that. So trying to find a male with the mom’s density that also passes the pain relief is going to be a bit difficult unless I get lucky. Figured I’d have better luck finding what I want in the F2’s to make F3’s and then backcross from there. Maybe combine the two BX1’s after that, idk. We’ll see when I get there :sweat_smile: Once I can make and look at the F3’s then I’ll know where I need to go from there.


Of the 4 SSDD bx1 that I took here, they all had this characteristic on the buds, half airy, half dense. 1 of them had slightly denser buds and a more floral scent. But all giant buds, including the popcorn lol and a lot of resin, a very nice fruity/floral smell

I still have some of her seeds here, one of these times I’ll see if I f3 her.

But they gave me good smoke, great for relaxing after work.


Yeah! That half airy half dense thing is from the a5haze. The only male I had, had that trait. So if I choose another male with the same trait I think it’s going to make the flowers even more airy and I don’t want that. Id love big fat kushy flowers if I had a choice. And still unsure with the pain relief. So I’m counting on it being easier to find a dense male with the pain relief in these f2s than in my bx1. Possible downside is an F2 male may bring more indica effects, like bodhi’s ssdd male.

I would think F2’ing the bx1 line would open things up even more. I’d expect to see from ssdd to almost pure haze phenos in there. Likely be a great place to look for a mom. I think the StarShine F2’s I just made are gonna be similar to this. StarShine is the outcross before I made the bx1. Ssdd f2 x starlite.


But by making the right selection, is it possible to reach this result of dense, large flowers and still maintaining the pain relief feature? or because of the genetic pool of the two plants would this take a long time? I wish you luck on the hunt.

I like this line, I was very interested, I thought that by f2ing it, I would reinforce some characteristics, but apparently it is the opposite, I would be opening up its genetic pool even more. A mother or male with strong haze characteristics would be interesting, I’ve never grow a haze yet.


That TriForce nug is looking nice!


Oh it is definitely possible! Just need luck or time to find the right one. I am 100% sure it’s in the bx1 line. It’s just that after going through a couple packs myself and then watching a few others run out packs too; I think I’ll be able to reach that goal quicker by looking through these F2’s first.

The F3’s likely won’t have the yield the BX1 line does, but the real goal is pain relief not yield. If the F2 male I find carries the pain relief trait and can lock that into 100% of the F3’s, then suddenly making a BX1 V2 line or a BX1 x F2 or F3 would be really viable and what I would look at doing next.

I haven’t tried it on this line myself so who knows, it may actually reinforce things but I’d still expect a bit of variation with the nature of the cross. Usually with different genetics, the f2 opens things up. I’ve not looked at how the backcrosses segregate in the F2 yet. I’m sure Tony Green has some info about that :thinking:

Yeah she does! They all do! :heart_eyes: Least two for sure will have the big fat kushy flower’s, I’m 99% sure of it!


Thanks, I guess I’m hoping to get nice, separate representation of Appy and Bubbashine from all of 'em!

I wish I’d been more observant with the rest of them. I lost all the old :(pics I think I’m familiar with the citrus/spicy stem rub, and the krinkly leaves… that lean thing though, all mine have always fallen over, lol!

Here’s hoping :slight_smile:

I still have another pack in the fridge :slight_smile:

It’s been typical of all SSDD’s I’ve grown.


Like this

The stem has a lean to one side instead of just being straight up towards the light. It’s independent of the light.



I know her, Eileen! :slight_smile:


Why yes, one of the Dover twins. Eileen and Ben. :rofl:


Like this blue tara sippin the lean


OOH! Yes, just like that! I had suspected it was a bubbashine trait of some kind, coming from either bubba or the blue moonshine. Wish I had those parents to know… So if this trait shows up in blue tara as well as ssdd, then i’d say that’s 100% confirmed it’s coming from that parent and not the snow lotus nor appalachia :muscle:

Only other traits i look for are 5 bladed fan leaves like your’s is showing right there. I think that’s it. What’s the stem rub on that plant?


I’d assume it’s a blue moonshine thing if it’s between bubba and blue moon. I’m thinking bubba tends to be pretty solid squat rigid stems. I’ll have to check stem rubs again soon, they’ve been pretty nondescript - one had a similar rub smell to bubbashine HP. One confirmed female BT has 3 leaves / shoots on each node - blueberry stuff for sure ha.


Saaaaaaame lol Kinda think it’s the Bubba Kush. Googled some BK clones in veg and they seem to have the gangster lean going on


So here’s where I’m at with the SSDD F2’s currently.

There’s two more seedlings freshly planted that are not shown here, so 13 plants total from ~25 beans.
The #1,2, and 4 plants are finally coming around but I may still toss that #2. Just looks weird af with the super thin leaves and whatnot. The #3 plant has self-topped itself :thinking: So far so good on the rest of them though!


I was curious if you see a difference at this point enough to tell if the triforce seem like they are going to have a quicker flower than the TK you ran ? I figured maybe since the kryptonite was a quick flower, or do they seem similar to the TK as far as maturity 4-5 weeks in now?

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I’m not too sure yet honestly. The TK cut herself looks done by 60 days or so, but need to wait until 77ish for ~25% ambers or she’s pretty damn racy.


Gotcha, the garland X I have in there can run 10 weeks, I’m not sure on the triangle dawg yet but I’m hoping somewhere in the same range having tk in it

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Day 35
TriForce #1

I’m still not entirely convinced this one is seeded. I think it’s just finishing early like the Milky Way’s and the Kryptonite. The fat bracht’s could just be how she is :pray: as that’s how the TK mom was at day 34,
As seen here:

And here’s the TriForce #4 (same age) that is literally right behind her looking pristine; which is why I think it’s not pollen with the #1 :thinking:

SSDD F2’s! Here’s that same #3 that topped itself, showing more of the lean trait I’m talking about

And all of them (sans 2 seedlings) looking good

In other news… I think that Green Crack bag seed plant… is actually a SSDD F2 #1 x Kryptonite #2 plant.
Crap pic

But its got the same lean trait and the stem rub is like 60/40 split between my SSDD #1 mom and the kryptonite #2 father. It’s also pretty bushy. No gender reveal yet, I’m unsure I’ll keep this one right now.




Getting there… Preemptively yoyo’d a bunch of stuff. None of the TriForce tho as they seem pretty sturdy so far. Could see staking being a thing if had the setup for it :thinking:

Closer shot of the NorthStar #4 at 38 days

And here’s all the TriForce at 36 days




#1 definitely has the flower structure I want and is quite frosty. #4 has the yield, may get the flowers but not counting on it. #3 also has the frost and some fat brachts. #2 looks like kryptonite flowers so far and is the least frosty :thinking: I’m still waiting on the clone of the #3 to root too, would figure if that ends up being the best one :sweat_smile: Still got time though :crossed_fingers: