Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Wow very nice!!! So excited for these triforce

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:rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


Right!? Me too!

I ended up tossing the male I held back. He kept wanting to autoflower regardless of setup and he smelled way too much like 89NL imo. I want a TK smelling boy lol so gotta be on the lookout.

I’m hoping the SSDD male I want is in this batch of seedlings I got going. Waiting on 4 more cuts of TK to root, 2 HPK, 1 91Chem and 1 Tahoe. Will make TK x SSDD F2 first before I go back and pop that other Kryptonite pack to make TriForce v2. This time with a non-autoflowering male :sweat_smile: Will hit the HPK too if I can, and anything else, while I make SSDD F3’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :pray::crossed_fingers:


Alright, State of the veg tent!

Better shot to get the 3 little ones in the back

The bigger ssdd’s are at ~23 days of veg. The little ones are ~3 days.

@Herbie I definitely see what you mean about the webbing/webbed leaves in the line. There are at least two with webbed leaves. Did you ever figure out which parent that trait is coming from?

We also have the missing-blade/extra-blade trait on a few of these; leaves with only 4 blades on them which is the same trait that my keeper has. Couple with the leaning stems… Stem rubs kinda close… I think we may have some winners here for my project but need more time and gender reveals to know for sure :crossed_fingers:

TK and NorthStar #4 clones are freshly planted from rooting in the clone dome so that’s why they don’t look the best. The salvia’s I’m still messing with the veg feed. One is in soil getting water and the other is getting the same gypsum+maxibloom feed I give to all the plants. I gave up on Jacks as it was just giving me issues again.


Heh, its surprisingly difficult to search for webbed leaves in relation to SSDD’s heritage :sweat_smile:

From the bit I can find, I think it’s a Bubba Kush trait :thinking:


Nice garden @HolyAngel, glad I found your thread. Very interested in watching your SSDD, its different phenotypes and what you find in your search.
I hope to be on a similar path at some point and any information I can pick up here im sure will be helpful.
Thank You for perpetuating these genetics as well, as im sure you know these are not easy to find.


Thanks! Are you you gonna be looking through Sebring’s F2’s like I am here, or F1 packs or? Don’t forget to checkout Herbie and HorseBadorites threads if you haven’t already as they’re also working with the line. Syzygy might have some stuff to show off here before long too ^^


I found Herbie’s thread, I did not see one from HorseBadorites but I’ll take another look. Put both on watch.
I only have one cross at the moment with SSDD in it.
Its Strayfox Hollywood Daydream, which is an S1 cross pollination HPK x SSDD.
I am in NY and not quite legal for recreational grow yet but its coming soon, so until then im growing vegetables and putting up an outbuilding for indoor.
Ill likely be able to run outdoor this spring and as it will be my first run in about 20 years im probably going to run some stuff I picked up from Shoreline on Strainly.
Id hate to muck something up and waste some of my finer beans, if there is such a thing…I guess the higher dollar beans aren’t a guaranteed success, and could find a gem in the cheaper ones…
I was too late on Sebrings F2s here and Sebrings site shows them as sold out.
I discovered OG sometime roughly a year ago, and am glad I did. Its solid hunting ground for research, knowledge and a boatload of good people I had no idea existed. With the multitude of info here I feel like im on pretty solid footing getting started, my wife is displeased…not about growing, or building an outbuilding but I imported about 60 yards of horse manure and about the same in leaf compost and 50 year old pasture topsoil from my fathers, squarely placed in windrows on the lawn…lol


Same second leaf set, had at least one in the 7 MaMilk girls. A couple had a missing blade at node 2 and were webbed, while this particular female (#8 ) was webbed symmetrically at the second set on one side. I must conclude that it thus comes from the Appalachia. It is present in Mother’s Milk and SSDD in these f2’s I have run.


Ooh that should be a great one! All fem’s but that hpk is legendary and the ssdd is bodhi’s butter cut mom. Gotta be dank! That’s one line I’m probably going to recreate in reg form once I find this f2 male. I plan to use him on the Triangle Kush, the Hollywood PK and anything else I may have at the time when I go to make SSDD F3s :yum:

If I find what I need quickly then I may have some of sebrings f2 available but the germ rate is garbage. Half at best on the best looking beans and most of the beans look immature.

I think you’re right about it being Appalachia where that webbed leaf trait is coming from! That’s the only link between the two. Now that you mention it, I went back through my pics and I DID have some really webbed plants show up in the mamilk f2’s too so yeah. Gotta be that. Also the weird stringy kinda growth like that #3 plant in my tray that topped itself. Saw that in the mamilks too. That should let me cull some of these quicker :thinking:


From what it sounds like the HPK doesn’t really dominate in crosses either, but I think where I heard that they were referencing traditional crosses. As the Hollywood DD is an S1 im not sure what ill find, but im stoked either way. Was also pretty fortunate to grab what I think were the last two packs of Delerious which is Hippy Slayer x GDP. I hope to find something leaning toward the Hippy Slayer there.
I appreciate that, do your thing and I hope you get what your after. Im not really in any kind of rush im just glad you and others working the genetics. If you find you have an abundance through your work it would be my privilege to grow them. I want to get a few crops in before I germ any choice beans, im sure there will be some learning curve.
I am not far from retirement and intend to garden primarily when I do. Ive got garlic planted now in a Coot’s type living soil raised bed and will be putting in a bunch of other stuff this spring.


So I f’d up the feed by adding just a bit too much water instead of feed to the res so it dropped the EC more than I intended, as well as dropped the water temp by ~10 degrees just before it flooded :man_facepalming: I fixed it the next day but I got a couple nanners on a couple of the top buds on two of the branches on the milky way by the door over the next couple days. I’m not seeing any on any of the others thankfully including the milky way in the back right corner that’s a few days ahead. To be fair, I usually harvest the Milky Way in ~10 more days(8 weeks) anyways. I was taking off the nanners but decided to just snip the tops of the branches instead. Early sample :crazy_face: I’m hoping to be able to take them a little longer than 8 weeks this time. Everything else looks like it’s gonna be awhile more.
On with the pics!

I also resecured this door and patched a couple pinholes that might’ve caused the 4 or so nanners on this front left Milky Way girl :thinking:

Milky Way #1 - Day 49 - The one in the back right corner

MW Starting to fade…

NorthStar #4 - Day 43

NS4 still has another month+ to go…

TriForce #1 - Day 41

TF1 already looks mostly cloudy but there’s no ambers yet. I’m also not feeling any seeds on her but i’m also not trying to mangle these tops lol. I think this is just how she grows. She has the smallest yield but the fattest flowers by far! Very much like the TK. I think this one may finish pretty soon here. 8-9 weeks. We’ll see how long it takes to get those ambers. The TK likes to look done at 8 weeks but she needs 11 weeks to get ~25% amber and calm down that raciness/paranoia.

TriForce #2 - Day 41 (unpictured) will yield well but the flowers 100% look like kryptonite. Specifically looks exactly like the kryptonite #1 girl I tossed a few months ago just on a different frame. So that’s kinda neat. Smells similar too. Pretty sweet like candy of some kind :thinking:

TriForce #3 - Day 41

is like the #4 below but the flowers are ~2/3 the size. She should finish sooner than the #4 though. Her clone that I took a week or two before flower finally rooted as of this morning.

TriForce #4 - Day 41

TF4 is definitely the biggest yielder of the four girls. Likely gonna be another month+ to go too. Brachts are definitely smaller than the #1 but bigger than the other 2 girls. I think she may still swell up pretty decently once she gets further along.

Only other news is I culled the “green crack” plant, aka ssdd f2 #1 x kryptonite #2, as I’m just not interested in looking at that right now. I also started culling some of these SSDD F2’s that I know aren’t what I’m looking for. Rubbery stem rubs are right out. I’ve at least found one that’s similar to my keeper girl. I still have ~8 more to check over the next couple weeks. Hopefully find that male or two and maybe another girl :crossed_fingers:


Sounds like a hassle… haha.

Just fucking around. Plants look gawddamn good. Like, really, really fucking good.

I think you still have my “seed-sending address,” right? Haha, just kidding, I’m good on seeds. But yeah, man, those plants are looking real tasty… Sucks about the nanners, but I guess that’s what happens when, uh, the temperature of the water gets too cold? Or something?

Shit… Sorry, man, looks like I’m in a seriously hardcore “fucking with people” mood right now haha… For real, though, those plants fucking awesome.


Dang how cold was that water? My rez drops to 64 at night.


The tri looks really nice


It’s all that PCB x A5HT making you into a ball buster ahaha.


Triforce lady are looking stellar.

How is the Nigerian Haze snip doing?

I’m also super curious to hear about the salvia and how that’s going…….she’s a special type of lady……


Are you looking for girls like your keeper? I’d like to find one like mine that’s easier for me to clone, even though nobody else has problems :thinking:

What I really want is a big honking male with super splooge :slight_smile:


Like 55-58 degrees instead of ~70 :confused:

Was only a tiny hassle lol. Things are looking good tho so just hoping it stays that way. I think this hydropolis tent I’m flowering in, that I bought locally for double the money compared to online, is garbage. Thin and bunch of pinholes. Duct taped the crap out of it now and added some extra Velcro to the flaps so they stay shut.

@MantisTobogganMD I have 3 snips of the Nigerian haze in the cloner waiting on roots now. 1 to replace the mom I got in rockwool, and 2 for flower :wink:
The salvia is doing pretty damn good with lower lighting and on jacks 20/20/20. She’s not entirely happy with the jacks but it’s good enough for the moment. I wanna get the big one uppotted into a 7gal+ with super soil so I don’t have to worry about her but we’ll see. She roots really really easily at least, like 4 days.

@HorseBadorites yeah kinda, I’m looking for everything like my keeper lol mainly males as I’m fine with my current female, just don’t wanna miss out if there’s a better one in there ^^


How do you know that it’s not one of culls? Besides being a plant hoarder, that’s my problem!

That’s the tripping salvia, right? Is it a perennial that will grow outdoors? We’ve 3 kinds of salvia we grow for hummingbirds and other long proboscissy pollinators. Does that stuff have flowers?