Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Hell yeah!! Happy to hear it bud!!


Have you tried to clone a TK leaner TriForce? Wondering if they are easier to clone than the TK.


I’ve cloned all 4 of these girls so I can pick the keeper if one of them beats the TK. Run at least half the table with the winner. The TF #3 took the longest to clone, something like 6 weeks, but it was the top of the plant too not a lower branch. I think the #1 took the next longest to clone at 3 weeks or so. She looks the closest to TK but smells aren’t quite like her so IDK yet. #2 and #3 rooted within a week or so. Definitely some that root pretty easily and some that take forever, but the ones that take forever still have better vigor than the TK does.


Looking good :sunglasses:


Great read on your version of the hall of famer kryptonite…bless young man


TriForce #1 (Triangle Kush x Kryptonite #2) - Day 50

And the whole plant

Leaves don’t look like TK but the rest does :muscle: She’s starting to amber up so I think she may actually be done by 8 or 9 weeks instead of needing 11+ like the TK does :thinking:

And the state of the veg tent:

So, the one bigger plant on the left marked ‘F’ is the only one that’s showed gender so far and it’s a girl. Got the bendy stem, thin leaf blades, fantastic branching, stem rub is kinda similar, but 9+ bladed fan leaves :confused: Gonna keep her around anyways to see. Most of these have fatter leaves which is disconcerting but not a big deal. The one in the back right has my eye, along with the one directly below it/offset to the left a bit. The back left one has the missing blade trait, double serrations, bendy stem, 5-7 bladed leaves, stem rub… only downsides so far are the fat leaves but I have hope. The one just below it to the left is thinner blades like I want but think she’s putting out 9 bladed fan leaves which is an appy trait. Definitely not bubba anyways… I’ve culled one or two since the last pics. Rubbery stem rubs and stuff i’m just not lookin for at all.


Welcome to og @Rocket :grin:


Music to my ears glad you are finding what you are looking for :grin: excited to see what you find,garden is looking fantastic!


Triforce looks awesome
Great job :clap:


Don’t see the F on one ?

What you want ? What you hunting exactly.

I just crossed 2 plants and the offspring do not favor either parent , lol


This one is the ‘F’ one, the other girl.

I’m specifically hunting for a male that’s the same pheno as my keeper so I can make F3’s that all have the nerve pain relief… Keeping an eye out for any standout girls too just in case something beats my keeper. So I’m following the traits my keeper has and tossing things that don’t have her stem rub and/or leaf traits.


I really respect the intention of this project being to dial in a medical effect, that’s super cool to me @HolyAngel


That plant is absolutely gorgeous :heart_eyes_cat: All your plants are, as always @HolyAngel


Thanks! It’s the gypsum+maxibloom :sweat_smile:


I’m outta likes, but whatever you’re doing, keep it up man!!! @HolyAngel


Day 52

TriForce #1

Obvious TK leaner. Smells are getting complex but overall its like a sweet hashy thing… almost dissapointing but the new complexity is giving me more hope. As-is it was making me wonder if this how The White came to be :thinking: anyways, there are 1-2 ambers on every top bud so far, so hopefully coming down in a week or so. Want ~20% amber or so just to be safe.

@Rocket I think these next two are the Kryptonite leaners

TriForce #2

This flower structure definitely looks like the kryptonite girl I had, guessing it’s an 89NL structure… wish I didn’t have to toss those 89NL girls back then :cry: would’ve made this a little easier.

TriForce #3

I think this one might be an NL2 leaner? She almost looks like a fat OG :thinking:

And then this one, idk what this leans to but damn:
TriForce #4

Just getting fat and stacking the frost, few more weeks to go for sure.


This is such an incredibly important project. Right now the only “nerve pain” solution a doctor can offer is Gabapentin & Lyrica. All they do is make you sleepy, gain weight and effect your memory/mental clarity. And God forbid you need to stop taking them, the withdrawal is hell (from all accounts I’ve heard). Not to mention the damage to kidneys etc. I hope I can transition some friends/fam to these strains in place of the RX poison.

So a big thank you H.A. & anyone else working to breed/isolate medical strains as opposed to the usual hype “rad terpz duuude” :+1:


It looks like NL2 dominated the cross… #1,#3&#4 look like NL2, #2 looks somewhat of a Kryptonite + TK combo.


@HolyAngel Hey what were the ratios for that “cleaning” solution? I have been looking for a way to clean my system and the clay pebbles in place that will sterilize and get those salts off.



Well, #1 is definitely the TK leaner. Flowers look just like her. More so than any of the others.

Triangle Kush

TriForce #1

Unless you’re saying that’s a NL2 look too? Definitely agree on the rest ^^

Calcium Hypochlorite powder. 1gram to 1gallon of water = concentrate
Can safely double that up if you want to be sure.
Use 2ml per gallon of water you’re sterilizing, so if it’s a 20gallon tote, use 40ml of concentrate. I’d let it soak for at least 20 minutes :slight_smile: