Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I think it’s both genetic and nutritional. I follow Slownickle’s (actually Tiedjens’) recommendations for Ca. He also has some interesting thoughts on Fe:Mn ratios and Boron.

He has an excellent thread on ICMag that I’m currently reading through for the third time.


I think it’s mostly genetic. I know it’s not a calcium deficiency in my setup like some of those posts say as I’m feeding a tablespoon of gypsum per 5 gallons. Should be something like ~150+ppm of calcium alone.


I agree with you, and I think it is related to hemp breeding. For fiber, it would be advantageous to not have the pulp.


Yeah, sorry I didn’t compliment you on those, too haha! They do look tasty. I just get super-excited whenever I see, like, foxtail-ish-type flowers haha. Or anything that looks a little different than the usual…


Your plants dont look deficient in anything, they look amazing in my humble opinion. I hope my comment was not misunderstood as I was in no way implying anything by it other than I thought his IG page is a good read, and is heavy on the topic of hollow stems.


Oh no, you’re good! I didn’t think so! I had just read that in some other posts when I was researching the hollow vs pithy stems thing. Some people referenced it as a coco and/or calcium issue and I just don’t think that’s necessarily true. Was nothing against you at all and I appreciate the mention of the IG page for info ^^


I dont normally find much on IG that has an educational perspective, and I find it seems the science of it all is still being learned even by the “experts”.
Im trying to collect all valuable information I can gather and then work it all out in practice. His page is one of few ive found that has some substance.
While im not new to gardening, the cannabis aspect of gardening is new for me. The greatest wealth of information ive encountered so far is here, on OG, and folks like yourself make it a great place for me to learn. Im grateful and would not want anyone here to think anything else.


State of the veg tent:
#2 is looking like my male, im 98% certain it’s male and if so, he’s damn close to what I’ve been searching for.
Tossed the #3, and #9 girls.
#3 was another girl like my keeper but lacking everywhere and not good branching, too lanky.
#9 girl while looking nice, is still just lacking in everything. wrong stem rub, no blueberry or kush traits really, just had the blades and shape.
#4 is unknown gender at this point, possibly male.
I think #7 girl is the same as #9 but DOES have the blueberry traits, stem rub, the double serrations(a LOT), stem lean… so she’s staying and for sure will get f3’s made from along with my #1 keeper.
And then finally, #10 is currently unknown gender, but catching my eye. It’s got the stem rub I want and the lean, but all the other traits look like bubba imo :thinking: . fat overlapping leaves. short node spacing, she almost looks like a runt but has extremely good branching…

And then the flower tent waiting to finish up.


loving the tri force #1 the most i think which one is catching your eye the most ? #1 is reminding me of some nice gg4 buds


My thoughts are changing on these all the time :joy:
TriForce all at day 61 here:

#1 flowers look the most like Triangle Kush IMO. Stem rub is it too.

#4 is the one that has had my eye from the start, back in veg. I think she’s looking the most like “og kush” that i’ve seen in person. Not grown any OG’s, but these flower are noticeably fatter than the other 3 girls with what I think is that “og kush” look to the flowers.

Frost rails and whatnot. The early sample tasted glorious.
Just like some bags I had a long long time ago…

The #2 is a Kryptonite leaner, flowers have a little TK influence but not much.

And the #3 is like a mix of the two.

I think #1 and #3 are coming down first. Should be Sunday at 9 weeks if everything continues to progress. #2 and #4 still another week or two (10-11w).

Speaking of coming down… Milky Way is getting there. 70 days today.


Cue the Tarzan yell. Thats a beautiful Jungle @HolyAngel


Regardless, those flowers are lookin’ fucking frostayyyyy… haha. Some of them are looking pretty dang “chunky,” too.

Every time I see your updates, all’s I can think to myself is,”Gawddamnit, why did you waste so much money buying seeds…? You coulda just hit up holy…” haha.


well i have 2 diff og kush phenos late flower and 4 different hindu kush phenos but they dont really resemble yours (i really like yours) but i can see the tk in yours almost has a gg4 look. hopefully i can find a nice female and see if you got some triforce pollen left :stuck_out_tongue:


Went ahead and chopped this Milky Way the next day at day 71.

Just chopped the first TriForce, the #1 girl, at day 64.

Found it interesting the lowers look more done than the tops do on this particular girl :face_with_monocle:
She’s also finishing a solid two weeks before the TK cut. Think it’s between this girl and the #4, if any, for what could make keeper status. See how drying goes…

The rest have another week or so.

TriForce #3 should be coming down next

Despite the looks, the sample says this one has the least going on of the 4. Solid high and stone with good potency overall but just nothing really going on at all and not as strong as the others. Doesn’t hit you in the face like the #1 and the TK do. She’s already out of the running for being a keeper but she’s still gonna be some great smoke!

NorthStar #4 is doing great at day 66

Little floppy but she really puts out. Getting much more purple than I remember from the first run :thinking:

Smells are right though. The fruity scent has been fading into that familiar musky haze :wink:
Got another ~2 weeks or so I think at most.


Loving those Triforce plants they look like an improvement on the mother. Excited to hear how they smoke for you!


That NorthStar looks deadly! :star_struck:


These are 4d buds @HolyAngel
Talk about beautiful. :applause:


Chopped the TriForce #3 today as I found a late nanner or two. Was close enough anyways. TriForce #2 comes down next.

In the meantime, I’ve taken some more clones and started flowering out this SSDD F2 #4 male.

Got the stem lean. 3-5 bladed leaves on the side branches.

Crinkle leaf and some kush leaf traits.

And all the double serrations from the Blue Moonshine.
Not a lot going on with the stem rub though :thinking:
See what happens in a couple weeks here.


If this guy doesn’t pan out, there’s one other really kushy looking plant left that hasn’t shown gender yet but I’ll likely be starting more seeds and this whole F3 project will get pushed back another couple months. I did find a couple promising females so I guess I could check those out while we wait for another good male to show up but that’s what I got.


Hi, they look good @HolyAngel !
A novice question, what are you referring for kush traits? To the double serrations?

I think I have one plant showing that also.

Happy growings!!