Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I am pretty sure that somewhere wires are getting crossed. Almost 100% certain that @schmarmpit sourced his TK from @farmerjoe420. Really good dude, definitely doesn’t own clonify.

On the subject of TK, I am most likely bound to lose her too. I had everything on “cruise control” (yeah fuck me, right) when the heat wave really hit up my seedling/clone room pretty hardcore. I was spending more time with the family and I let it ride for 2-3 weeks without really taking note. TK is the only thing that it looks like I might actually lose out of that shittiness. And she didn’t look anywhere near as bad as a few other things. I have had roots in my aeroponic cloners ~3 times and they fizzled when they hit dirt every single time. She has always been a bitch to clone, sometimes taking 14-21 days to bust roots, but this has been insane. I am down to trying reveg, but I wasn’t really planning to and I always take my ladies a little long, so I am not too optimistic. Fuuuuuck. Life rolls on. Positive vibes…
