Holy's Garden (Part 1)

She is VERY good. Flowers are anyways, the plant sucks :joy: Again, the only thing I have or have had that compares to her is the NorthStar (C5Haze/SensiStar F3 x A5Haze S1/NL5 BX8) line. Those hit the same level of potency but obviously totally different high’s and flavors than the TK. They’re the only thing I have that will cut right through her effects. All the Appalachia and other crosses I’ve grown out literally hit like mids comparatively. They’ll modulate her effects but can’t override her. I mean even if you just went off the level of complexity in her flavors and richness of her smoke, she stomps all over those strains. I don’t even really wanna bother with any other OG’s after having this girl lol.


Sounds like i need to run her then


Okay, yeah, I was wondering about that, too. I’ve never gotten that “head pressure/behind the eyes” thing from any weed ever, not sure what people are talking about when they mention that. But as long as the TK’s still a social and creative high, sounds good to me. Maybe I’ll soak some of those TK x OMG seeds of Bodhi’s. I’ve been itching to grow another OMG cross anyway.

Haha! Yeah, that’s why I’m growing, too. For science.


@HolyAngel Do you still have the TK cut? I lost her and never could get her to clone.


No I lost her after multiple clone attempts and three shipments :cry:
I’m awaiting one more shipment and breaking out everything I can to ensure I get her rooted :pray:


Yeah, she is sure a bitch to clone. Never saw any roots at all in my cloner.


After reading all this tk talk thinking I might have to try some tk x lemon Thai f4 from Doc D next round

image and tk x ssdd sounds wonderful :+1:


On the tough to clone ones i have found larger longer cuts, have a better chance.


Getting her from a friend or buying her???

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Getting her back from a friend, definitely not buying her. Would be tough to make sure you get the right one, I’ve seen some fakes on strainly already.


Oh yeah, most are bunk i would imagine.

I CAN source TK from my clone guy in Maine, in fact i just txt him asking about getting her for me.

Am i SURE ALL the clones are legit, real deals??? NO…but for 100% the Mac1 clone IS Mac1 Caps Cut, told to me by the Man himself. The Cereal Milk cut is 100% for certain too, as is the Blissful Wizard. So pretty confident Joe is on the up n up.


Pretty sure we’re talkin about the same joe then, schmarmpit got her originally from him. Same cut Nspecta/Bodhi/DocD use.


YES…same dude, owns CLONIFY , and a cool package company too


I didn’t notice any significant difference in breathability, and the thicker ones held up better over time. :man_shrugging:


I am pretty sure that somewhere wires are getting crossed. Almost 100% certain that @schmarmpit sourced his TK from @farmerjoe420. Really good dude, definitely doesn’t own clonify.

On the subject of TK, I am most likely bound to lose her too. I had everything on “cruise control” (yeah fuck me, right) when the heat wave really hit up my seedling/clone room pretty hardcore. I was spending more time with the family and I let it ride for 2-3 weeks without really taking note. TK is the only thing that it looks like I might actually lose out of that shittiness. And she didn’t look anywhere near as bad as a few other things. I have had roots in my aeroponic cloners ~3 times and they fizzled when they hit dirt every single time. She has always been a bitch to clone, sometimes taking 14-21 days to bust roots, but this has been insane. I am down to trying reveg, but I wasn’t really planning to and I always take my ladies a little long, so I am not too optimistic. Fuuuuuck. Life rolls on. Positive vibes…



Ah thanks for clarifying! I wasn’t sure about the clonify part myself. I just knew the name :sweat_smile:

That sucks you might lose her too! Reveg is never fun and still risky. Hopefully between the few of us we can keep her around still :crossed_fingers:


I love that tk! I can’t wait to see how those TK X kryptonites go


Kryptonite #3 - Day 6

So far so good! Not much stretching going on but definitely some! Feed has been cut down to ~1.8 EC from the 3-4EC I was running before. I did need to up the Gypsum tho, 2x-3x recommendation. I need ~2tsp of gypsum per 5 gallon bucket. Maybe 3tsp later. 1tsp as recommended is definitely not enough for me with this table and rspec boards.

Anyways, algaeponics veg tray

Everyone’s looking good over here! Got the 3 girls that will be flowering soon uppotted to 1gallon fabrics. I also ended up adding 1 tsp of megacrop part B to the feed in here and it’s seemed to have supercharged the growth a bit over just running maxibloom. Makes sense tho, not much N in the bloom for veg. May stick the 3 girls in flower tomorrow so they’ll be exactly one week behind the Kryptonite #3. Or may wait until I get back on Wednesday. We’ll see ^^

The sowahh’s are doing really good! And so is the main Cherry Kiwi. there’s two CK’s but the verdict is still out on the second one. Just not a lot of vigor in those beans :thinking: Idk how old they were or anything though.


Alright, update before I go on a day/night trip to Chicago.

Moved the uppotted girls into the flower tent, they are exactly one week behind the Kryptonite #3 just like I planned.

Left two are the Milky Way girls. right front is the Kryptonite #1 and back is the Kryptonite #3, still so far so good. The Milky Way’s and the kryp1 should both double in height if not more so should be just about right at the end here.

That frees up the veg tray

So now we can clearly see the 5 Sowahh(Karma Sour D bx4) on the middle and right.
The two Cherry Kiwi’s are at the front left here.
And the last StarShine is the one in the back left.

See what they look like in a couple days… When I get back it’ll be time to start soaking the 5 OGAH :wink:


Off topic…but what’s that purge thing they won’t shut up about up there?