Holy's Garden (Part 1)

@Fitzera looks like I got 7 out of 10 on the Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s :partying_face: :tada:

For sure 5 at least :sweat_smile: These are in order of sprouting from the root riots. I’ve had some low temp issues and had old root riots and went same or worse ratio on another set of beans I popped at the same time. So it was definitely me, but I was also thinking these maybe needed a few weeks in the seed fridge before I started them as I had soaked all 15 beans but 5 of the beans never popped or did anything at all after ~7 days of soaking despite looking perfect. So I took those 5 beans out that never popped and dried them for days, and then stuck them back in the seed fridge. I’m expecting they’ll pop immediately after a couple weeks in there. Actually gives me some to run later so that’s nice. That or they’re already dead due to my actions :sweat_smile: Anyways, I am * happy * with these 7 and excited to see what they grow up to be! Can already see a couple differences right off :eyes:

Wide shot of the flower tent from last night

Got EC up to 2.5 and it was 2.3 this morning. SSDD’s want up towards 3 but I can’t do that. Rather underfeed than overfeed so it is what it is. The #2 is smelling just slightly sweeter(maybe blueberry-ish?) but the overall scent coming off her flowers are not quite as strong as my #1 girl. Still really damn similar though. I think I am definitely going to reverse one and hit the other to make fem f3’s before I shutdown for late summer. TF1 x TK needs to be a thing too. Fem TK BX1 :muscle: Just need these damn cuts to root!! :tired_face: