Homemade Strains Thread

My Blue Hopium strain. It’s Hopar Valley Selection #2 x DJ Short Blueberry F5. Structure is perfect, no mold, chunky, cold resistant, excellent yield. Just needs to check the effects box. She smells like cold green onions. Gonna let her run one more week. Maybe two :slight_smile: I will post better pics before I chop her down.



This was my smallest seed outdoor grow and it was chopped at a perfect time…another successful grow this year in my veggie garden

Mostly cloudy and some ambers, just the way I like it…


Nice lookn bowl !

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I walk into my work-local hydro shop and the owner, Trevor, is at the desk as per usual:

Trevor: Hey bud! How’s it going?

PigeonMan: Not bad, not great. A usual Toronto day I guess so far lol. I need nutes so it’ll get better once that is acquired.

Trevor: I hear ya! Here maybe this will help…

(reaches under the counter and produces a file-folder placing it on the counter)

Trevor (continues): So i’m not running much over the last few years and know these aren’t gonna grow themselves; so please look through and see if you see anything you’d like…

Pigeonman: (visible, but positive shock)

Trevor (continues): …seriously, please look! If anyone can get the old stuff to pop it’ll be you from the grows you’ve been sharing with us when you are here.

So slowly I go through the file-folder, each flap containing seeds in vials, baggies, breeder packs, all ranging from the 90’s to about 2012. There was so many options, many personal crosses but then on the last flap I came across a small baggie with about 100x seeds and rough penmanship on faded masking tape and dead-stopped.

Pigeonman: "Trevor, this is so overwhelming thank you so much! I have to ask you though off all the beans in hear can you tell me about this “Rock Choco”

Trevor: (long pause as he struggles to remember)… Ah! Choco = Chocolope, and Rock = Rockstar. Both were great strains so I made a cross but never ran them… seeds turned out nice though!"


And then I grabbed a small vial and now have yet another project in the works! :rofl:



What other strains did you get from him? Any old school strains?


@PhilCuisine I was truly overwhelmed so this was the only thing I grabbed.
Funny enough because of OG there was a lot in there I recognized and already have! :rofl:

I also don’t want to be greedy as I already have soooooooo many beans I need to run, but Rockstar is a continuous quest where one day I’ll find that black pepper tasting plant and then clone the living fuck out of it so it never leaves me! :rofl:


Blue Hopium strain by ChinookKing Genetics. Pics taken the evening before she got :axe:. Seeds available for trade or sale.


Been working almost 5 days a week cause of the upcoming holidays so I’m using my lemon citrus leaves to rehydrate my untrimmed buds folks.


Gonna sprout these babies…homemade creations of course…

Boggle Shreck and Jenny Kush 2 strains…


After 24hrs. 6 of the 20+ yr. old seeds have started to sprout…I expect the other 2 seeds to sprout soon also…maybe.


Nice! How did you store the seeds over the years?


What they be ??

Watched first 2 episodes of that monster show .
A lot of character set up an awful slow but the CGI was incredible and the story is interesting enough I guess I’ll download the third and see if I want to watch further

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Very cool.

I feel what you said; and can thankfully say that each episode from 1-2 on-wards is carrying a steady uphill intensity in a great way. :smiley:

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In individual small baggies then I put all of them in a Tupperware like container then in the fridge…I keep it simple and no overthinking…


The strains?

Boggle Shreck

Bogglegums x Schrom x Arcata Trainwreck

Jenny Kush 2

Pine Tar Kush x Black Domina


Where’d you get the male Black Domina?

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Sensi Seeds back in the day…this is what I gots in 48hrs…all 8 seeds have cracked their shell…glad I have the day off so I can put these babies in soil today and put them in my Phototron…

I put the Jenny Kush 2 sprouts in soil first, I will put the rest of the sprouts in soil probably tomorrow morning.


All in soil, just gonna sit back and watch them get bigger…I’m also gonna use mother nature to sex them for me, then they will be revegged in my Phototrons…btw, a couple of my grower buddies want a few of these future seedling, all I really need is 2 plants from each strains…easier for me to take care of now that I have a job…had to use my mini green house…thinking of sprouting 2 more different strains tomorrow on my day off.


No fancy seed storage, unorganized and no overthinking…I know for a fact that these seeds I’m sprouting this morning is very old…

Haven’t grown White Domina 13 in over 17 yrs.

Matanuska O’wreck x K2 aka: MOWK2

MOWK2 seeds on the right WD13 on the left…btw, I’m also using the same towel and baggie from the last sprouting…