Hopar Valley, Pakistan 2024 organic outdoor grow SoCal 2024

@Sovereign_Farmers Sounds like Indian Landrace Exchange are turning into the Greenhouse seeds of South Asia. Shame on them for doing this. You weren’t the First Farmer to say that they have been screwed by these guys.


Hi there Sovereign Farmers, great to see you here and on Instagram. I’m very pleased to be growing these plants. I hope you and Yerbataro and Xochitl Seeds have great success.


Hey, @cabbagepaps welcone to OG, . Will this be an indoor grow or outdoors…??
Either way I will stay on to see how you do it.

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Looking good brother. Keep It Green and Stay Safe. HE

Details of #2 strain from my hand picked collection which the most respected @cabbagepaps is growing.

Selection (2) 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕- 6 foot tall structure with a wide sturdy frame that does not need support and on her later flowering it turns dark purple with chunky full trichome colas. She smells of onions and pepper with less sweet notes.

All the Valley of Nagar does not have medical care; it only survives on Herbs for illnesses. Cannabis is also part of our culture and the tribes here use it for medicine or Drug ( hashish, Chars, Garida) and Culinary (seeds and seed oils) for centuries.


Hey! Had to create a different account haha but I’m here now haha. :raised_hands:t4:


Glad to have you here bro!


Welcome to OverGrow, and I wish you all the best in your endeavors, helping your local farmers, get a fair shake/share from their seed offerings.
My own personal experience with Instagram, and seed seeking, is dismal, at best, I just never even look there anymore.


this is an outdoor grow.


Thanks for bringing me in on this. I hope to do the grow some proper justice.


We are Glad to have you trying the Seeds of our Village


By ‘potting soil’ I’m not really sure what you mean but when I do my seedlings right in red solo cups (I hate these, too tippy for outside where I live, build a holder for them) I like to fill the bottom half with regular soil (and~.5" rocks for drainage/weight) so when the roots finally reach it it should be about perfect timing for them to take off and hopefully be ready for transplanting.

Just starting to read the thread, looks good so far!

Definitely. I have been breeding naturally outdoors for quite a while and end up with at least one full plant of seeds usually. it’s a lot of work but they adapt and with little work will grow great wherever you might be, indoors or out.

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noticed this myself just years ago. the youtubers really are RUINING a lot of well kept secrets… i would be especially irritated to see my own property pop up as nature’s swimming hole in the creek.

i’m sure they will do great… but as some others have said, at what cost? we will end up losing these landraces forever.

idc what people who think they are reverse engineering genes think they can do but i highly doubt they can successfully bring a landrace back ever.

My potting soil mix is custom blend of coco coir or peat, perlite, a light dusting a various ferts and amends and some portion of well aged manure compost. I mix it up in a big Mantis Compost tumbler. Each batch is about 30 or 40 gallons of mix. Its never exactly the same from batch to batch, but it usually performs quite well as seedling or transplant mix.

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You’re welcome and thank you for getting these going. We appreciate you!:raised_hands:t4:

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Really? For Landraces IG is the best atm. No competition even.


well he is mentioning most farmers coming out of the region of Asia are not professional enough.
if there are 20 providers of Landraces only 2-3 are able to fulfill the work on time.