New to Overgrown and growing in general! Figured I'd show them off to you guys!

First off, I’d like to thank @DesertGrown for introducing me to this site. Although we live in the same city and I haven’t met him in person, we have gotten to know about each other’s grows through my roommate who works with him. So, I found out about this site and thought it would be fun to share my experiences and get advice from the professionals!

I live in beautiful SoCal so I’ve had an interest in growing cannabis for a while but only been serious about a year now and didn’t start growing until this last July. My setup currently is just a cheapy 3x3 grow tent and cheapy blurple led light from China. I have a shed currently where I live, I plan on turning into a grow shed and get better lights/equipment when I get the proper funds in order. But anyway, I started off with 3 plants. One from seed and two clones. Obviously went through many challenges along the way. Underwatering, overwatering, too much humidity, too much heat, blah blah blah. I ended up having to toss the seed plant and one of the clones because they were male. But last clone (which I had the most trouble with since the beginning) has been flowering since mid-December and is growing BEAUTIFULLY! (Included pictures). I’m hoping to be able to harvest her at the end of this month or the beginning of next so we will see how it goes! I’ll keep updating!

My ultimate plan for growth is not only enjoying the beautiful and entertaining hobby that it is, but I also aim to get into the cannabis industry. I plan on starting a legitimate portfolio on my next grow so I can get my foot in the door somewhere with someone who is interested.

That’s enough about me for now. I’m excited to get to meet other grow enthusiast on here and hear about your experiences! Please feel free to ask any questions or give me any advice you’d like! I’m open to any suggestions!


welcome to the forums, and once you get a couple posts in you’ll be able to post up some pics for all us to sit back and enjoy :wink:


Ahh good to know! I was looking everywhere to figure that out lol Thank you!


Welcome. :couch: :smoking: :tv:

I don’t want to discourage you but about 4 years ago I heard an old grower say ‘legalization’ was “the time to get OUT of the business”. :thinking:

Consider law school perhaps? :joy: :wink:

A lot of farms are closing & laying off people, & the laws will keep changing. Federal laws are likely to change in a few years.

It’s really a “gold rush” type dynamic & the only reason weed costs more than 20$/lb. is the illegality.

Maybe Cannabis testing would be a good angle?

Sorry to be a bummer… :blush:

:evergreen_tree: :mag: :seedling:


Not too discouraging. I’m literally interested in ANYTHING cannabis so I’ll consider cannabis testing too! I just know that building a portfolio is a good way to get started with anything cannabis industry. Why are farms laying people off if the industry seems to be booming?


I think it’s just because margins have gotten really slim. Price per pound has bottomed out pretty hard in several states, so competition is tightening up. As usual, producers aren’t getting the profit, because they’re selling as commodities. Unless they’re vertically integrated from seed to sale, the farm or grow operation is always competing with the lowest bidder.

But as long as it’s legal, there’s gonna be jobs in it. I’d think with some reasonable experience and a bit of good luck in applications, you could start working at a grow operation at a low level and work you way up. My advice would be the same as any job, look at what’s available, make sure the pay is acceptable to you, read the desired qualifications from job listings and start trying to learn and pick up skills that’ll make you a target candidate for those positions.


Welcome to OG Tommytwoshoes… I’m glad you’re finally here!
This is one of the best places in the world to get proper insight on the many ways to grow this amazing plant.
There are novice, intermediate and expert growers around OG… and the greater majority will offer assistance when asked. We want everyone to learn the skills it takes to grow the best cannabis they possibly can!
Let the learning begin!


Thanks again! Glad to be here and learn from the best!


Good attitude, can-do spirit, legal state, great mentor, you’re gonna do just fine.


Welcome …


Welcome to OG. I just wanted to say the ones who made the real money during the gold rush were those selling picks and shovels. :wink:


Welcome fellow Socal grower! Outdoor Cali girl grower here! Happy growing and magical green thumb juju sent your way :green_heart:



Two Toes


The Saloon and Brotherl owners did pretty good too


Appreciate it! Thank you!

Thanks @Stiggy! Thanks for the morning laugh lol

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Just realized I can finally post pictures so here you go! Enjoy! It’ll be 9 weeks as of yesterday in flowering.
Please feel free to give me any suggestions or advice!


am i missing something? nine weeks in flower? that looks extremely undeveloped for 9 weeks again unless im missing something?

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for compariskn this is a blue cheese halfway through week 5 of flower using dwc and canna nutes with big bud and pk for boosters


Welcome. Jeep te Bud porn coming