That NL2 will throw chunky buds under almost all conditions. I had 6 in different areas and levels of attention. All made really nice yields. Really good happy smoke as well. GL. Winter plant is just an attempt to see if it can overwinter, it won’t finish flower.
Last season coldframe plants in mid March, survived 19f.I have a chance, depending on how much I do about passive heating with black water jugs in there and being diligent about insulation when it starts in the 20s here. I will not be using any heat source.
Readings within minutes of one another on May 1 , showing the value of the landscape fabric. The humidity was in the 50s under but it took a moment to get the picture done. The warmth and humidity comes out of the planting holes like a chimney!
You are breaking my misconceptions on just what a cannabis plant can deal with. Really cool winter weed man, can’t wait to see the cold frame thriving in the snow.