Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota

It seems to me that these seedlings are growing so slow, but I feel that I’ve felt that way before. What I don’t remember from my previous two grows is the yellow and curling leaves. I haven’t killed them, but that’s far from having deep green vigorous growers. I just don’t remember my previous grows being like this. Sigh…

Thanks for looking!


What are your temperatures like?

Mine aren’t looking terribly fantastic either because it’s hot during the day and cool at night the way I rigged the “ghetto tent.” I’ve forgotten to water them at least twice and somehow they are looking better than they were babied. Maybe just limit the sun a tad, the light color may be too much watering.

I saw @MissinBissin’s GORGEOUS seedlings earlier today and momentarily felt bad for mine, but hey, they’re going to live outside in a couple weeks. They’re probably going to start tough and ready to rumble this time. At least on my end last season they looked great going out and the first week was really hard on them. Maybe this time they’ll have an easier time with their transition.

Maybe it’s not anything to worry about. May try some super gentle fertilizer like kelp or castings sprinkled on top to get them a little N


Or maybe dont give them any direct sunlight for a little while and see if you get a color change?
You could just let them have the daylight or some filtered sunlight though them trees. Idk…


A shade net for the next 2 weeks could help maybe? With a little kelp extract to get them going as well…:thinking:


How are they doing? Hope they are well!


Hope mota is doing fine!


Yes, missing @mota over here!
Hope you’re alright bud.


Yes @mota you will miss you here!!! :herb:


Thank you all so much.


I’ve been putting this off for what feels like months, but really it’s only been a few??? weeks. I’m pretty confident I poisoned my grow. xwi2Y3G YIKES! xwi2Y3G I watered them with what I realize now was stagnant water. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t realize the water was old. It was rain water that had accumulated over the course of the winter and spring, but it had been quite a while since it had rained. Then I read in a thread that stagnant water was definitely not the thing to use. Oops. As you can see, if you compare these pics to the last set, there simply hasn’t been much growth. They’re also a little dry at this point, but that’s the least of their problems.

So that realization was a little depressing. However…

It could be a blessing in disguise. The building that we live in has been put on the market and will almost certainly be sold fairly quickly. Once sold, if the new owners are willing to do enough upgrading (I don’t know exactly how much that is), they can force us all out, do the remodeling/upgrading, then offer us first right to re-lease at fair market value. Mrs. mota and I believe that to be the most likely scenario. If we were to re-rent, we would definitely have at least two new neighbors, which would make growing outdoors no longer feasible. The only reason I can do so now is because we know the family that occupies the other three units so well. I’m the newest person in the building, and I moved in in 1996.

The possible benefit of my having poisoned my plants is that I won’t have to chop them after nursing them back to health (if that’s possible) when we have to move. I’m not really liking any of this. Any of it, but that’s the reality. I am going to focus on trying to save my two autos (thank you so much @FieldEffect!). I think I will also get my other two auto seeds into dirt (and use only fresh clean water!) into 2 gallon containers. I’ll almost certainly will be able to move two smallish pots no matter where we move.

So that’s the long and the short of it.

I’ll mention that Mrs. mota & I have made a list of what we require vs what we’d like regarding our move. On the required side are, since I don’t smoke in the house, a place to hit the bong comfortably outdoors and a place to grow, preferably outdoors but indoors would work too.


Damn bro, that sucks! They’ve totally just stalled out, huh? If you choose to try and revive them…maybe give a little kelp or EWC, maybe a dab of Mycos?
Yeah, if you gotta move, definitely get what you want. The comfort of your castle is not to be sacrificed. Hell, I just wish I could hit a bong at all, lol.


Well. You’ve been on a wild ride this week!

I don’t know anything about the stale water stuff, I assume that’s a bacterial and/or oxygen thing?

I’d try some kelp water and a light dose of Alaska fish fertilizer. Like half strength did wonders for my neglected seedlings. Earthworm castings would probably be great in place of the fish fertilizer but not as easy to find. The Alaska fish fertilizer you can even find at the grocery store :rofl:

Anyway, sucks to not be sure where you are going to live. Especially after 27 years at the same place. There’s a comfort that is hard to regain when that happens. I was only at that place 8 years, but that’s long enough to feel home for sure. I want to move again in the next few years but own the place I’m at, so it’d be totally voluntary. Anyway, I feel that deep and how helpless it can feel. On the plus side, maybe it’ll be a good change! It’s entirely possible you’ll find a better arrangement and yard, maybe even a great patio for bong rips :yum:

Sending positive vibes your way, brother. It’ll be alright.

The autos will be easy to move because they stay relatively small and aren’t sensitive to lighting. To ease your concerns there anyway


Hello mota,

that sounds like a really hard few weeks! i can well imagine that after so many years a move is really hard.
even more so when you get along well with your neighbors.
in this sense all the best to you and your wife!!

as for your plants, kelp and mycos and a little extra care then they come back on track. in any case I send positive vibs to you!


Good luck Mota hopefully the move goes well


Damn, that sucks bro, Hopefully you will find a better place than this and do what you love without any disturbance…


Of all of my seedlings, @FieldEffect’s Super Lemon Haze is clearly the one growing the “fastest.” lol (1) Fastest! rofl That made me think that I should just continue to water them and maybe give them full sun all day. As it is, they don’t get any mid day sun, just the more oblique morning and evening sun.

As you can see, I’m also going to pop the other two beans FE so generously gave me. beer3|nullxnull I’m confident we’ll be here for at least three more months, likely longer, and they’ll be in 2 gallon containers, so they’ll be easy to move. Those are all good reasons, but mostly I want to have a grow where the plants are actually growing! ROFLMAO I think I’ve shown myself to be an okay plant poisoner, but not really a good one (nobody actually died!). Only good enough to seriously put a crimp in their growth with nobody having died. xwi2Y3G My prediction is that these two fresh water beauties will surpass the previous plants within weeks. I sure hope so, cuz it’s downright depressing to go out there and see those puny little retards. No offense to any plants anywhere.

This is a rose I saw walking home from pilates yesterday. I took it knowing Mrs. mota would particularly love it! She did! Yippee! I hope you like it too!

Thank you for looking.


Just pop them straight into the 2 gallons once they crack, I wouldn’t bother starting in a solo cup. Make sure your dirt is decent and they’ll be a fun way to get through the summer :sunglasses:

I put very little effort into the autos and they turned out nice. :+1:

Glad to see you are in better spirits, beautiful rose!


Thank you so much, @FieldEffect! That is exactly my plan - directly into a 2 gallon container with new potting soil. I have an open bag.

My thought exactly!

I am feeling better, thank you. Mrs. mota liked the rose too. :slight_smile:


Happy is why we’re here and part of what makes the community so awesome. People just hop in to help when people are down for whatever reason. Even if it’s just having a sounding board.

Growing plants has been a really cathartic and humbling experience. Great folks offering advice when you have troubles too :+1: At least it’s worked for me. I’ve had my share of garden freak outs only to hop on here and get advice that fixes things.


Beans popped and they went into dirt yesterday. I didn’t post because as soon as they were in the dirt, Mrs. mota required my assistance, then there was shopping, changing out the turtle water (2+ hours), etc. So the upshot is I didn’t get to post these yesterday.

These autos, gifted generously to me by @FieldEffect allhail, are in 3 gallon pots. Clean fresh water only! lol (1)

The rest of the brood remains alive but barely growing if at all. Of them all, FieldEffect’s Super Lemon Haze is doing the best. That said, while I’m not going to do any transplanting, I certainly am going to continue to water and otherwise care for them. Who knows what’ll happen. Certainly not me!

And a few of the others that look “better.”

And a few in the back that don’t look as good as some others. No need to put on display what I can do to perfectly good young plants. rofl

Thanks for looking!


Definitely get some Alaska fish and throw a little bit in your water. Those things are hungry l, a little fish sauce perked mine up well. I used half strength and they were perky in 2 days