Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota

Not a big deal just makes me shake my head at myself :joy:

“Good job Foreigner”

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Today was watering day. I thought the girls were looking a little dry. I mention it to remind myself it was today. I gotta document stuff here or it won’t get done.

Today is also the day they came out of the cold frame, not because it’s been cold necessarily, but rather because of the birds. I’m always afraid some bird will see them and their bird brain will be saying feed me , and I don’t want that!

Here’s a question for you all. Last year was the first year I tried to seriously isolate my flowering plants from the ambient light in my yard at night. I don’t recall hearing anything particularly about seedlings and vegging plants. Is it as important at these earlier stages of development? Of course, I try to max out their daylight sun. How dark do they want it at this stage?

Thank you for any answers, and thanks for looking!


The autos don’t care. The photos should be fine with stray light until they start flowering.

DISCLAIMER: I’m also pretty new at this.

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Thank you, @FieldEffect.

Anyone else?

I have another question for you all.

You can see how the first true leaves are curling under pretty seriously on each of these two seedlings. I don’t remember that happening in my grows previously, but I can barely remember my own name. Is that curling indicative of some sort of deficiency? Something else identifiable?

Generally speaking, I’d say the grow is growing along just fine!

Thank you for any help you may be able to offer.


I doubt the sun is strong enough to do that just yet, but is it drying out your cups to quickly?

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I think a good way to think of it is you can see by the light of the moon, which is apparently less of an issue than a pinhole leak in a tent, just considering the ammount of negative press that you see out there on both subjects :thinking:

Maybe the sun is such a bad-ass light that it it’s massive daytime effects make impervious to twinkling stars and such. I believe the stomatas will still do the dark dance as long as it’s fairly indirect and weak

My 2c


There is an LED streetlight about 100 feet from one the grow locations in my yard. Its on every night. The plants there grow and flower the same as my other plants in the yard that aren’t exposed to the light.

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Thank you! I believe I am going to have to water more frequently than I had expected. This is the first time I’ve started seedlings in Solos.

Thank you! That is excellent information! Cool that you have a virtual control group. :slight_smile:


I have a big parking lot directly across from me with 100 1000w HPSs and it definitely messes with photoperiods.



Sounds like it’s pretty bright, probably brighter than my yard. Even so, I expect to continue to move the girls into the alley at night where it’s darker, particularly given your comment about if affecting photos, which are primarily what I grow. The alley is where early morning light hits first, so moving them in at night makes more sense than waiting until morning.

Thank you.


I have, at bedtime, told Mrs Foreigner to turn off the lights and she’s said “they are off it’s from across the street.”

It’s so bright the plants cast shadows.

Just fyi, they don’t herm, they kind of get confused between veg and flower and I ended up with very leafy bud shitty for smoking but fine for hash.


That’s pretty interesting. It’s instructive for me to keep in mind that just because a plant isn’t producing prime buds, all is not lost!

Do you mostly grow photos? This is the first year I’ve grown autos. Do those lights have the same effect on the autos?


The autos don’t seem to mind.

And yeah I’m primarily a photo guy but since I can’t do photos on the balcony I do autos there.


Here’s a general update on the girls.

Yesterday, I looked at the drain holes of several of the Solos and it appeared the dirt at the bottoms were moist, so I decided to delay watering for another day or so. I think they all look good, just too small. HA!

Not all of the girls have substantial secondary leaves, but they’re all coming on if they’re not there yet.

I’d really like it if they were growing faster.You know how it’s really difficult to tell that your child is actually growing, but when the aunt comes over, she’s all exclaiming about how big the kid is! Where’s that damn aunt! lol (1)

Edit: Here are two shots highlighting just how limited the direct sunlight is around noon at this time of year. I took these pictures literally seconds apart. Later in the year as the angle becomes more acute the disparity is not as extreme.

Thanks for looking!


How much are you watering those cups ea?

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That’s an excellent question. Thank you. I wish I could accurately answer it.

The last watering I used a hand watering can for the first time this year. First, I watered enough to break the surface tension so the entire top got wet. Once I made an entire round of all the plants, I went back and re-watered all of the cups. The second time, I watered enough so that a bit of water drained out the hole in each cup’s bottom.

Once the plants get large enough, I water from both the top and the bottom. There’s a photo somewhere above of that happening. I’ve considered doing that here, but for some reason I’m afraid any excess water won’t drain as effectively. I expect to start doing that once they’ve been transplanted the first time.

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Maybe the yellowing is overwatering. Generally seedlings don’t need much water…at last indoors, lol. I use a spray bottle and give about 5-10 squirts daily. Or 10-15 every other day.
Just a thought. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you. I had not considered that, but the yellowing is definitely a concern. Wow, using a spray bottle. Makes me think over watering may be a problem.

I know I’ll feel more confident once they’re past the seedling stage.


Don’t over love em bro!
Though we’re all guilty of it from time to time. :crazy_face: