Hoss 48hr Seed Auction

Gonna do some more auctions.

All auctions come along with a Cheddar Skunk Hybrid Boxset

Auction 1: Mothers Milk Combo (MM/Wookie & MM/88g13HP) + CS11 Boxset. Current highest bidder: @BasementGardens at $200.

Auction 2: Salmon River OG + CS11 Boxset. Current highest bidder = @Ashley at $75

Auction 3: Birds of Paradise + CS11 Boxset. Current highest bidder: @Amendment3 at $80.

All auctions start at $50. Buyer is responsible to pay $10 priority ship inside US. Auction will end at 5pm EST Thursday

Cheddar Skunk 11 Boxset Info: Cheddar Skunk #11 Project (BHG 2024)