Hot stick hash pipe, hash hammer, 3 hole hash pipe

Looks great but $89 isn’t cheap if spending gonna get a dry herb/extract vaporizer. I dig the stainless steel spoon.

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IME a straw with a thinner end works better than a bottle. Due to losing most of the suction power in the large volume and bore of the bottle you basically lose momentum. With a straw, a more directed and precise suction is possible because there is minimal air volume coupled with a stronger draw.

The 3 hope design like this provides the best flavors. Super low temp, the rod creates a vacuum in this design.

In the next couple weeks I’ll be doing a reel on my IG @Hashcru

I’m doing a small production run of these pieces (already sold out), and I’m hoping to inspire more glass blowers to make these pieces.

For smaller low temp hits the heated rod design produces the best hit ever.


Awesome man you’ve definitely got my interest, I’ll keep a look out for your posts

This is my current hash pipe

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This is going to be my next I just need to make a cap for it. It’s just a quartz test tube filled with diamond dust so anyone can make it.

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