How do i use myco when transplanting?

I recently got a few free samples of some MYCO but it says only to use as direct it and it says to mix into water. I’ve never seen people mix it into water. I’ve only seen people sprinkle it on.

Any input? I also see that it is high in K, is all myco high in K?


Both. Sprinkle and water in. Can’t hurt. Quality castings or worms yet?:wink:


Castings but no worms yet😂

Up potting currently.

Never got around to the sips. Built and ready to go but i cant figure out how to keep a clone alive without buying a cloner.


Landscapers sprinkle then water.

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Clones? Why?

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Sure others have their way and pic may not be the best but its what i do. When transplanting I prep the new pot with some empties the same size as my starter pots. Fill the soil around and water let it sit a few minutes enough so it keeps the shape. I pull out the empty, sprinkle in anout 1/4 tsp of myco, then pop in the transplant and lightly water the plug. They usually take off pretty quickly from there with little or no shock. I also have a little added in the soil mix


I do the same but I make sure the soil is moist in my tub and just pack it. It holds the shape and I don’t have to wait. I am not good with waiting :crazy_face:

:green_heart: :seedling: