600 watt hps hang height vegging indicas

Ive seen a bunch of recommended distances for the hps. Can anyone recommend what there height is in veg in a 4x4 tent and a 600 watt hps? I’m growing mostly indicas the oldest being 30 days old

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a 600 watt HID will cover a 60 inch by 60 inch footprint and you can grow a plant 60 inches

form the top of the soil

just a guide line i use



Ok but what about light height during veg

post a photo of the plants that might help :slight_smile:

you can be as close as you want to be if you do not give them too much light

or burn them

I have 1000 watt light fixed at m y ceiling height of around 8 feet from the floor

running at 600 watts over clones and seedlings at 4 foot

those lights are 600 watts running a 400 watts so you get the idea

good luck and all the best



As long as the back of your hand is comfortable under the light - so to are your plants. :+1:

…That would be a good distance to maintain the entire grow. Moving lights up as plants grow taller.


Hey guys I wanted to pass along this app only tho if you have Apple its a free ppfd meter accurate too

@DannyTerpintine this is my go to method.

Depends on alot of factors, if your in an air vented hood or cool tube you can get pretty close.

My 1000w in a cool tube is around a foot , 18inches away from my tops at the end of flower.

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I’d put it as high as you can in the tent and leave it there. There’s not that much to be gained from moving the light up and down, particularly in veg. This is what I do with my 600’s. In some cases I may lift the plant up if it’s smaller than the rest of the run. My tents are 78" and 72" tall for reference. There is no problem with light penetrating to the bottom of the plant that I can see.

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Well I also have a auto left in flower so I have it 18 Inches from the top of that plant some prob about 25 inches from the rest and now this is a different grow so I’m blowing up the 3x3 wit the 600 watt hps

Lux app if you’re on Android and your phone has a decent front camera

  • Clones and seedlings: 5,000–7,000 lux
  • Vegetative growth: 15,000–50,000 lux
  • Flowering: 45,000–65,000 lux
  • Maximum recommended amount of light: 75,000 lux