Decarbing at 100 degr. Celsius (212 F) for different lengths of time. my personal findings

Half a teaspoon of bud eaten before breakfast decarbed for the following lengths of time:

1 hr 11 mins mixed with 2 hr 22 mins

Everything is just so much easier and clear, it’s fantastic.

1 hr 44 mins

Delivers a more functional, daytime, go out in the world and remain unfuckwithable type of deal. Stronger focus, but without the tunnelvision.
Short term memory is still on point.

(Potentially THCa to THC ratio is 1:1? With little to no CBN present?)

2 hrs 10 mins

Strong bliss is possible, very intense but most pleasant feeling in the heart area.
Can really zoom into something and dive deeply with a heightened attentionspan.
Makes work an utter joy because it no longer feels like work.
More sedative.

Probably not a good idea to operate heavy machinery.

(I’m guessing mostly THC with lower levels of CBN and THCa.)

3 hrs

Very sedative.
Heavy sleepy feeling but doesn’t necessarily improve sleep.

Probably not a good idea to operate heavy machinery.

(Could it be that the THC to CBN ratio is 1:1 with low levels of THCa?)

Take the molecular speculation with a grain of salt, I would be very grateful if those with the opportunity (lab) to do so, study this thoroughly.

You don’t have to stick to only one decarb time, you can pulverize the bud to a fine powder after decarbing, and mix and match, make your own blends, as if with coffee roasted in different ways, to find out what you like best.

On top of that you can combine different cultivars as well.
Decarb every cultivar for different time periods, grind it all into dust and mix it up.
The possibilities are endless.

Feel free to share your own experiences decarbing at 100 C / 212 F.


Did you use an oven to decarboxylate? If not, what method/process did you use?

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Sous vide. (edit: Bain-marie, rather.)

Fill a big pot with water and place a smaller pot on top to place your bud in, cover with lid.

Start off with only the big pot, once it starts boiling, turn down to a light simmer and place the small pot on top and set your timer.

Works for fresh as well as dried bud.

But when using fresh bud you’ll have to keep wiping the condensation off the lid every 10 mins, and it could still be moist when finished, then you can pour the decarb into a paper bag and let it sit for a couple of days, that was enough in my case.

However, it affects the taste a bit, slightly less pleasing.


Ah ha! Well, I have a “SousVide Supreme” machine, so I’m all set if I want to do it this way (I usually make RSO). I would just need to vacuum seal the buds and use something to hold the bag under the water.


Perhaps sous vide isn’t the most appropriate name for this method anymore.
Just did a quick search and was surprised.
We didn’t have those machines back in the day! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Bain-marie is what I’m doing. :slight_smile:

No need for plastic pouches or extra machine, if you don’t own them already. :+1:


I do the same thing except with butter for an hour.

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Oh Rogue, I enjoy your sense of humor so much! “Unfuckwithable” is a fabulous word… I may steal it and use it in my next dirty book!!! (Hope you don’t mind!)


This might be an interesting way to decarb. It provides constant temp, and with it sealed up it would trap any smells (if that’s anybodys concern).

I’ll try this next week if i remember.


Do it


I just use mason jars lol

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Language belongs to all who use it.
Be free.


Have you tried eating it raw/fresh?

Several years ago I was de-larfing in mid/late flower & realized it was such a waste to toss trichomes in the dirt… :thinking: …so I ate about a 1/4 oz of peak-THC flower & it wasn’t pleasant to chew & get down… buuuut I still think it produces a short duration extreme intensity high.

I’m curious about others & hope y’all will step up to the challenge. :muscle:

Thanks @Rogue



You can throw some raw bud in the mix too, ofcourse, mash it all up!


We do cookies for sleep but this last batch I put in a lot more from the, misc. bag of weed I never was sure what it was, and after about an hour feeling first effects. In bed about two hours later we gasping for breath from laughing which makes everything hilarious. An hour or who knows when, we gently began the glide back to bed and into a wonderful dreamy sleep.


It’s such a wonderful herb… :slight_smile:


So to be sure we’re talking about the same thing, I was talking about vacuum sealing buds in a vacuum bag, and then using something to hold it under the water in my SousVide Supreme machine. A sealed Mason jar with buds in it will float, so something would still have to be used to hold it under the water.

I’m thinking the advantage of using the vacuum sealed bags is that I can quickly and easily pack a few ounces into it, and empty it just as easily after decarbing it.

To make it even easier to empty the bag and not get anything stuck to the sides, I can line it with parchment paper before putting the buds in. AND, I can use the same bag and parchment paper over and over.


I do this. I use a strainer to hold it down.

No need for the parchment, at least with butter it slides right out :+1:


I do use mason jars submerged in the water bath and a sous vide unit and I’m doing this with MCT oil.

What I end up doing to avoid a float is to use the appropriate size jar to contents where the contents fill the bulk of the space in the jar. After I put the jars into my pot with the sous vide machine and then slowly fill the pot with water until it just about reaches the “float point” and then turn on the machine and let the magic happen.

So far it’s working great with 1 quart jars with 2c MCT oil : 14g Flower.
I just got a new digital convection oven so I’m gonna oven decarb spot-on accurate before the oil bath for the next batch(s).


I am not a big extract guy, but I remember something about sealing the bud and using lower heat to preserve the terpenes too.
Just something to consider with this process.

Have fun and Good luck

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This thread has a wealth of scientific information, just happened to come across decarbing at around 100 C. Has some nice graphs.

Evaluation of thermo-chemical conversion
temperatures of cannabinoid acids in hemp
(Cannabis sativa L.) biomass by pressurized
liquid extraction

Don’t worry about the liquid extraction under pressure, actually a fraction of a psi.