How do *you* store your seeds?

Do you use a desiccant? Are you using freezer bags of some sort?

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Air tight storage container that’s it no rice no fancy desiccant when I need seed I’ll remove from freezer and let it reach room temp before opening .


Cool beans man thanks!

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Just picked one of these up off of Amazon. Loving it so far for my seed collection.

Only downside is I could only fill up 36 of the vials. Now I need to get more seeds to fill up the rest! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I buy one of this, ready to cryogenitation…


:arrow_up: These are what I use.


For you guys using cryo tubes do you use any desiccant at all?

I’m trying to think of how you might work that into those :thinking:

You could put some if the silica beads in each tube I guess, and maybe separate them from the seeds with some cotton?


They have a rubber gasket in the lid, so I dont feel its necessary. If you wanted you could put a few grains of rice in a tube.


I use these for small amounts of seeds

For large amount of seeds I use the bottles my weed from the dispensary comes in.


I’ve been looking at vials, small Mylar bags, bead containers and nothing really clicks for ease of use and good storage. Just curious what most people use or if everyone just kinda does their own thing. Also, does anyone sell any type of containers? I know some people 3d print stuff.


I like pharmacy pill bottles but you’re right there are many ways to do it.

Stable RH and temp are more important than container types if you’re asking me. Like a dry chilly basement.

A search should yield other results.

All the best


I keep them in the packs and just throw them in Mason jars in a dark cabinet in my house. Could put the Mason jars in the fridge as well, it’s dry and cold.


This is my storage container kept in a cool dry place currently. Just not very convenient when I go looking for seeds.


I’m about to switch from all the random pucks and packs in a jar and in a box to 3d printed little pill containers. What I want to use is 1.8mL cryotubes, but I have filament, not money, so the 3d printed ones will do for now.


I keep all my beans in ammunition containers and I also have some in expended marine flare tubes that are aluminum , 1 1/4 inch diameter and a little over a foot long. They have threaded caps at each end that have silicon gaskets. Have had them for years and they hold about 1500 seeds with several small desiccant packs included. I also use the dark green plastic ammunition containers from Plano for freezer storage and they have a rubber seal and a secure clasp to ensure the environment in the container stable. I also load these with several desiccant packs. In the ammo cans the seeds are in many different packaging from tube vials with cork tops to plastic seed vials to coin disks and seed baggies.
Can’t take pics of the freezer stash as it is a locked freezer I don’t open unless seeds are going in or coming out.

For my “immediate needs” seed vault I use a surplus 50Caliber rifle ammunition can which again, has a rubber seal and secure closing mechanism. It holds a lot of seed and many dessicant packs. Seeds from recent purchases, trades and gifts as well as any of my own breeding work that I am running thru. I keep this one in a dark corner of the house with a cool floor and this seems to work well. Inside the can I use small sandwhich size ziploc freezer bags for each of the breeders to keep everything somewhat organized.
Been doing it this way for many years and I’m pleased.
here is the 50cal ammo can


Hey bud, there are a ton of threads on this for you to check out.


Just click the link I posted and hit enter. There are tons of threads bud with a ton of info.


Ya I gotcha

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Greetings @CWF If you want to try GA3 to pop your old seeds, here’s the VaderVision video with his method.

I used this once on some very old seeds and managed to get 25% viable seedlings. AmZon has gibberelic acid with instructions for mixing.



Go to the op of this thread and read down. It is know in one of these.

:green_heart: :seedling: