How do *you* store your seeds?

Here’s how I used to keep them.

I’ve since upgraded to coin collector capsules.


Oh, damn! That coin collector capsule is cool!! :+1:


Thanks @firehead

They were cheap and they save A LOT of space. I think I can fit about 15 mature seeds in each coin capsule, while only removing the center foam bit.


How many capsules fit in the box? I’m guessing Amazon?


Just ordered one of these!

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@AZsensi I repackage seeds into 1.75x1.75" Apple bags. These then get grouped in packs of 5-7 in a 2x3 bead storage ziplock.

I seal a meal these in groups of 5-10 with some dehydrated rice as a desiccant. I’ll bake rice at 150F for one hour to get it super dry before using. I’ll store some of this dehydrated rice in a medicine jar for future use.

I then use canning jars. These have a great seal. I’ll cover them with duct tape, or brown paper and shipping tape to reduce the amount of light that can enter the jars.

The seal a meal packs go into a sealed canning jar. To these jars, I will either add some of the rice, or more often 2-3 of the small desiccant packs. I’ve ordered these but also save them out of purchased items. These also need to be dehydrated at 150F in the oven for 1 hour to “recharge” them and get all the moisture they have absorbed out again.

These jars then go into the fridge. I’ve had great luck with seeds 5-10 years old getting full germination. My hope is this method will keep many viable for up to 20 years.

This method also saves a ton of space compared to leaving the seed in the original breeder packs. If you put 10 of the seal a meal packs per jar you would have about 500 packs safely stored in a jar in the fridge.

Happy collecting!


I ordered one of those coin capsules about a month ago, they are fantastic for storage, and allow me to keep all the seeds organized. Definitely worth the 20 some odd dollars.


Blacked out bags in a safe, I have yet to run into an issue

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Yup Amazon. Came as a two-case pack, each case comes with 100 capsules as well as foam inserts. I’ve already filled one case with just my autoflower seeds, :joy:


Awesome! Hope they work as well for you as they have for me!

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just had another successul 12/12 germination of 15-year-old seeds this week. Mason jar in the fridge with a few silicon dessicant packs in there. Seeds in paper envelopes inside the jar.


I tell people I keep them in the fridge , but really I keep my seeds hooped at all times. I guess it is just the prohibition in me…


Wish I had read this thread 12 years ago when I bought a bunch of seeds that have not been stored properly until recently. I had stopped growing, and the seeds sat in a forgotten ziploc in a playmate cooler for over 10 years, in an unheated basement/garage. One day I realized I better go get those seeds into a mason jar in the fridge, if it wasn’t too late. It might be too late because I am 0-for-many tries sprouting samples from the stash, like freebies that weren’t as valuable as others. No joy. Bummer.

I have not had luck with any of the usual (or unusual) methods including pretty much everything, covered in this thread and that thread, except the gibberelic acid - I need a walk-thru/video/blog from someone who has used it successfully. I just opened a pack of Sensi Star to try and pop, along with some rez’ SD IBL: After 2 weeks in a temp-controlled soak/wet paper towel in ziploc, nothing is happening with 2 sensi star and 2 SD-ibl seeds. Today I decided to crack them and delicately popped the shells with a little tooth pressure. These were well-scuffed before soaking. I’m desperate. I have 8 sensi star seeds left and about 15 SD, plus a crap-ton of other cool old beans like packs of Mr. Nice SSH and Shit, BOG stuff, Nirvana, etc.

Edit: forgot to say I recently started some Bohdi and 'rado beans with excellent success. I have a lot of talked-about recent gear, but man, I hate to think all my old stash is fucked.


Now that looks organized! What are you doing for moisture control?



Nothing really, they’re kept in a small fire safe.

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I bought a few seeds online and was given a few for free. I can only grow 1 plant at a time due to limited space. How can I store the beans so they don’t loose viability?


Short answer, in a fridge sealed. Long answer, check out these multiple threads for all the info you could want.


Awesome thank you! I think I was using the wrong keywords lol

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I prefer the freezer .