How do you "Unwind/Let your hair down/Let Loose"?

Yessir. A couple, so far.

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I have yet to even get in my stand. :confused: I fail like a mfer

I canā€™t do standsā€¦ Iā€™m generally hiking/stalking mule deer.

There are WTs around, but I donā€™t have the patience for them skittish bastards.

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Use a bobber or a bellā€¦

:evergreen_tree: :wink:

I unwind with either MMOā€™s, news reading, or cannabis researchā€¦ I have no life and like it that way lol making up for an overly hectic youth :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yet they show up en masse to my inlaws backyard in Logan Lake to eat their garden. They just stand there at dusk, staring at ya, with their jaws full of purposefully planted vegetation, not even 30ā€™ awayā€¦

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Well I am here to let you know they have a very severe allergic reaction to hot lead. A few applications and they start to avoid the area, or at least you thin the numbers. :joy::+1:


Gettin on the water doing some fishing is my relaxation. While Iā€™m out there I forget about work or the things that need to get done around the house.
Got an invite this morning to fish with a buddy tomorrow on his boat so weā€™ll see how it goes.

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Most municipalities have bylaws against discharging firearms. Not sure about Logan Lake.

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We have the same issue here, so after a court battle it was determined that archery equipment was in fact a legal means of harvesting animals in incorporated and populated areas with no minimum land requirements.


A proper solution!

Out on Vancouver island they are actually considering giving the does birth control of some sort. Idiots.


If there was a way I could like but at the same time dislike I would smash that button. What type of dumb ass shit is that?!?

My response to this question would only be appropriate in the Shark Tank, and I donā€™t go there. But I hear you! :slight_smile:


Yeah big bylaw posted at every entrance. Cant shoot them legally, not even bow and arrow.

Bowen island is even worse - bad limit of 10, but they are the size of a dog. I think Galiano is the same. But hippies get in the way

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A guy I know, knows a guy who shot one and tried to eat it. Said it tasted like geraniums.


Oh boweners (pronounced ā€œbonersā€) and their geraniums


@cogitech & @HappyHemper do you guys have the feral/wild hog plague?

Not a hunter here, but thatā€™s where Iā€™d start Iā€™m pretty sureā€¦ would give me the sense of ā€œenvironmental restorationā€ to balance out taking what (I) donā€™t need.

It would feel more ā€œhygenicā€ then ā€œgreedyā€ since theyā€™re a big problem from what Iā€™ve heard. If a hog took my dog Iā€™d go nutsā€¦'probably invent a cannabis-based hog poisonā€¦ :upside_down:



The area I live in is a heavy farming community, hog cause over 1 billion in damages just in my local area. 4 legged bulldozers with empty stomachs. I have a freezer full of local fresh pork lol


No, we donā€™t have a hog problem. However, they are moving in to some areas. I think the terrain and the high level of four-legged predators in BC is slowing them down a bit.

Regarding greed vs. need; anyone who eats meat is responsible for the death of animals. Some of us just take direct responsibility and therefore have a more intimate connection with our food. Just like gardeners.


We do have an island, called Jedadiah, which has a feral sheep/goat problem. There was a homestead there a long time ago that got abandoned, and the sheep stayed permanently. With plenty of food and no natural predators, it is really an easy place for them to inhabit.

Since then, the island had been made into a park, so you canā€™t hunt. Once again common sense did not prevail. We have a population of feral animals destroying a unique ecosystem.

One of the ways I used to unwind was sailing the little islands sprinkled around bc/wa. I miss it, but the only way we could afford a boat was living on it. Hard to do with a real job and a real kid :wink: