How I make small batches of seeds without screwing up my sensi( too much)

Can you collect pollen from multiple males at once this way?

Pollen travels so easily that I worry that males will contaminate each other. And then you wouldn’t know 100% what male the collected pollen really came from because maybe male #1 got some pollen on male #2 :thinking:

But maybe not if they are bagged before they drop the pollen?


It does seem like it might be a difficult task.

I find a still air environment and newspaper works well but I’m only looking for just the smallest bit of pollen so the males don’t get into full swing.

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Yeah I’m thinking @Budderton 's method with the bags might mitigate the airflow moving the pollen everywhere :thinking:


Yep. I bag before any flowers are even close to opening. The bag is a containment and collection device in one. Multiple males can be flowered together, but pollen is collected separately, in a remote location(out building), with lots of water sprayed to neutralize stray pollen after each collection. I hope that makes sense. :grin::peace_symbol:


Good question. I only work with one pollen at a time. Multiple males producing pollen. Yikes. Sounds like an episode of Maury Povich. You are NOT the father!! :laughing:



Here’s an related thread that I thought might interest y’all.



I’d be concerned about the “breathable” aspect.
Pollen spores are incredibly small…could pollinate your whole grow…



I have not collected from multiple males, however, I think the method I adopted from someone else here would probably work.
I cut a branch or two that are loaded with pollen sacks, place them inside on my kitchen counter in an out-of-the way spot…and put a piece of white parchment paper underneath the branches. 2-3 times a day, I lightly tap the branches. The pollen collects on the parchment paper below. Every few days I take a 1/2 Qtip, swab it through the pollen, and put it in a Mason jar labeled with that variety of pollen.
It I were doing another collection at the same time, I’d do that one down in the basement, or back in the bathroom. I do NOT have forced hot air heat :):slight_smile:


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The Pollen Shaker

After trying most everything else, this is the device I found most helpful in collecting pollen.

This small device serves as both a pollen collector and a sieve to remove the unwanted plant parts. It has two aluminum compartments with a stainless steel screen in between and an air tight plastic lid for each.

You just nip off the ripe, or nearly ripe male flower bunches directly off the stalk and drop them directly into the top section of the pollen shaker.

You then close the lid and put the pail in a warm & dry place. Give it a good shake every day or so and the pollen will fall through the screen onto the square of parchment paper under the screen. The parchment paper is secured in place by the second black plastic lid on the bottom section of the pail.

The net result, after a week or so will be a nice pile of yellow pollen sitting on the parchment paper. This pic is after two days, by the end of the week the entire parchment paper was yellow.

I rolled a bunch of qtip swabs in the pollen for later use and finally just dumped the rest of the “Yellow Gold” into a small ziploc bag. After drying, the whole batch went into the freezer for storage.

This worked much better overall than my attempt at bagging branches or putting cut branches in a jar of water and collecting the droppings. It was a cleaner process because both of the plastic lids seal very tightly and, since I dropped the pollen sacks directly into the pail as I cut them from the branch, there was minimal handling involved. After each use just put the whole rig in the dish washer to sanitize!

The Pollen Shaker I bought on the AmZone is currently out of stock and I don’t like the look of the all-plastic one they are offering. The black plastic lids seemed to be statically attractive to the pollen, the aluminum body wasn’t. The search terms seem to be “Pollen Shaker” or “Pollen Pail”

PS, Hat Tip to @Gpaw(?) or whoever first suggested this device to me…


I use the Qtip method.

Turn all fans off
Tag branches I wanna pollinate, usually a branch getting enough light but is off to the side or something.
Dip qtip in my little vial of pollen, tap the qtip while it’s still in the vial to knock most of the excess off.
Touch the buds/hairs I wanna pollinate while being as slow/smooth as possible.
Give it 5-10 mins, then spray everything down with water and check for orange hairs next couple days.

Even after seeing a tiny “cloud” of pollen fall from my qtip and float to the rest of the tent, I didn’t have any seeds on my “non pollinated” branches


That looks like the hot setup right there. Got my mind spinning a bit…
Just ordered a 12"x12" square of stainless steel 100micron screen. I’ve got an idea using canning jars that could do the trick…

Stay tuned…



These are pretty sweet. For $65 you get all the micron strainers.


These are a little expensive but reusable and kinda perfect. I’ve purchased several sizes but have yet to put them to use.


Yo @Budderton check this out

I looked up “large tracing paper”

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Right on @RookieBuds , that looks promising. Did you order some?

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No, i just looked it up for you and others here :wink: I’m not at that stage yet. I also have some on hand that I can tape together as big sheets.

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Thats nice methode @Budderton :+1: I have question, when you polinate certain branch, do you start spraying immeditaly or you wait that polination is sucessfully and then spray? For how long is polen still vijable? Thanks

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Let the pollen sit for at least 30 mins, I do 12 hrs, before you spray water to neutralize it.:v:


Thanks that make sense :pray:

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This is what I use. Works mint! I pluck male flowers before they even open, dry them in a box with dessicant, then toss them in the sifter box with a coin. Collect from the bottom. Also, a lot of smoke shops carry these.

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