How long do seeds last?

Some one I know has bag seed from 1998 - 2002, when he was in Texas, he really isnt a good grower and he got 7 out of ten to germinate this spring. They were kept in a pill bottle in his drawer. I have 15 left will try later at some point.


Good looking on that color thing I didnā€™t even know Iā€™ll have to remember to use that as a more correct example.


I have a plant growing right now from a seed from the mid to late 1990s. I also have some seeds from the late 1980s I will try to grow once I get me some decent LED grow lights.

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Haha oh fuck, should have scrolled a little slower when looking to see if someone else posted it already lol. My bad!

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This guy has some of my favorite info on seeds.His name is Tony and he isnā€™t doing so well these days.His seeds are on and Iā€™ve heard nothing but good things about the guy.He has a lot of obscure knowledge on breeding and seeds.Check out this video on how to resurrect old seed stock.


@thecrazster Just found this really great article on seed storing and preservation by Mel Frank. It can give you an idea of how long seeds can last if properly stored.


Hereā€™s my 2 cents to addā€¦
I bought beans in 2014 and was hoping to do an outdoor guerilla grow but it never happened. Lots of factors prevented me from doing such.
Well, I had the beans in small plastic baggies , how they came from Herbies stealth shipping.
Long story short, had them hidden in the garage Inside a ziplock and inside another plastic bag(black). Stuffed it in corner of the tool cabinet in the garage with temp fluctuations according to the seasons and fast forward to 2020 when I started my indoor growing and I retrieved those beans. Surprisingly most of the beans popped!! Exception of 2 out of 6 that I popped so far.
In fact my mandala Safari mix is growing just swell for 2021!