How my liberty started (again)

Hi all, have a great day and I hope I won’t be boring xD

I’m not really self confident by nature but I work on it, thanks, that is why I didn’t join sooner, in fact I already had a tiny culture going on (under a desk, 250W and the pot was an aquarium full of soil), and harvested some flowers with a good taste but near zero effects, these were seeds from a weedbag, then I had a good genetic by a “friend” which revealed to be a foe, I had to get rid of everything because of his bla bla bla.

Aaannd that is why I didn’t grow anything for years but now, as I bought a house with my girlfriend and have a big garden, but it’s not legal to grow here in my country (you won’t have my name) so I’ll start indoor, and in some sun when there is sun.

I have much HPS lamps and fans and had an electric formation (not my actual job, but I kept the passion :smiley: ) so I have everything in hands to start indoors.

I won’t be really active on the long term, I have spare time until July (edit: September as my economic firing is taking time, the company I work in is trying all it can do to stretch delays but it’s confirmed :ok_hand:) I got to find another job after that, the company for which I work is crashing.
For your information I smoke paid hash since I’m 15, and am over 30 now)
So the new story is my tiny secret garden, only my wife (not married but 15 years long relationship, and it’s so far so gooood) knows about it, and only her (and you, readers) knows about it.

So I built a tiny box in a wooden closet to start some seeds, and select some future mother plants, and I threw some seeds (White Skunk, from sensi seeds)

And after some days, 7th June (to keep trace of its age), magic happens

But, I always been unlucky enough to not be surprised when others don’t show up, so I keep moisturising dirt by spraying water, but now it’s too long, so I’ll call customer service and see. (Finally I called them, once they told me to wait some days, and I never called again, as seeds were too small, compared to all seed I saw, and not dark enough for me to feel them as mature, nor selected, I don’t want to get other seeds from them, and they won’t refund, only send again :confused: ).

I also ordered new seeds to try, and in case the survivor is a male (I’m not the lucky guy generally, now you know… -_-)!

So 1seed of each 10 varieties (cheapest indicas) from KC, hope they do better, maybe I pooped the germination, but I’ll be more careful, not just directly into plain commercial soil (I’m not only unlucky but I have here been naive ^^)

Now the plant has well grown, and I already trimmed bigger leaves to let the light get to the tiny burgeons under, I pinched the apex regularly to boost side stems, so theses leaves were not formed well anyways, and I know for sure it can handle it. (I already tried, and even if I got nothing good in the end, I know that stress while training early will dissipate with vegetative maturation if i let some time pass without stressing it more afterwards)

And today I just got her bent down again to produce side branches, it’s supposed to become a mother plant, so I want to take cuttings as soon as possible (will do this under aquarium water and led light) and here is it doing limbo (and yoga stretching (not flowering stretch))under the good old sun :

So, here we are for now, it is not much, but much waited (by me, but I will call down ^^)

And it’s not finished, my wife and I have planted fruits and vegetables, and aromatics, there’s the place (anyone willing to put a chair here is welcome :hugs:)

And where we will had some flowers (already here when we came)

There you got the potatoes bucket (not profitable but still rewarding to consume what you have grown, as is homemade weed)

Then young mint cutling

Followed by a tiny raspberry bush

Then sweet potatoes

I don’t remember this one (:grimacing: oops)

Then a beautiful basil

Here is the parsley

Which together with basil and mint gave a nice toping for pizza yesterday night :stuck_out_tongue:

Here are the strawberries !

And tomatoes (old strains and “money maker”)


Seed run for white radish seeds

And Daikon raddishes in plain soil

Now the tiny mangrove tree over aquarium

Aaaand (proud of this one) a sapling from it :

I forgot these squashes, there’s 5 others like it

I try to use rain water when possible

Plants I saved from when I worked in a supermarket :

And my best follower and fan, the only one that I want to be followed by (apart my wife, of course), she’s a real cream, or honey, she (yes “she”, not “it”, in france you won’t call a pet as an item but as a living being ! Now I’m finally proud to be french) never barks nor bite, always willing to play, gentle and well educated with very much love and she renders it multiplied by 200% :two_hearts:

Alas, she has been bit through the ear by our neighbour’s dogs, always barking, they piss everyone off in neighborhood (I heard some “shut the fuck up” for other neighbours) so I’m reinforcing the grill between them with old steel plates, it’s ugly but hell of it, I’ll put some view covers on it and voilà, my wife (bitten a bit also) and my dog and even children of our guests will be at peace (I don’t care much about myself, I can handle it appropriately, I ended barking (in Arab language, as in Tunisia I had to learn to yell at wild dogs (-_- they’re so much neglected by humans there, and cats also) at them (pretty much like “go away”, but with the terrific voice :confused: )and they ran away without asking anymore, but I broke my throat :disappointed:)

So here we are, nice and cosy if not for neighbours, but it’s finally home, much work ahead to get it proper (and paid, it’s on a bank credit, I earn my life enough (not with my electric lessons, but my experience in shops and restoration, I “made myself” instead of simply following (would have been simpler, but Iwhu make it simple when you can make it complex ?) my dad’s computer (and communication) engineer heirloom, that I rejected because he tried to impose it on me (he also tried to give me a religious (Islam) education, but I turned my back on it, since I have a problem with authority, and he was very authoritative about it (and lessons but he couldn’t say much, after divorcing my mom ( that’s surely a part why I didn’t follow his path, and when I took the power electronics way, he told me that he began with it so I left it (-_- yeah, I know I’m stubborn, but I kept it as a passion, I love hacking and crafting, and I’ll still be proud to be able to do something many people won’t take time and patience to do) )but nothing is like home, moreover when you are over 30 and need freedom since long time xD

Thanks for reading, have a good day and see you soon :wink:

Edit: she (the plant) tries to get back up already, only 2 hours after :smiley: I like her motivation


Looks great my friend, lots of cool plants! Hoping everything works out great for you!


Great looking garden, and welcome to OG.

I’ll be lurking for updates, dog pics and pizza dough recipes :v:


@TopShelfTrees1 thanks :pray:

@NoCal you will get both :wink:

Edit: no pizza today :stuck_out_tongue:


Update at 27/06 :
BBQ went very well :slight_smile:

And now sun is hiding for some days and we will have some rain, so I got the plant back to the closet

And a gooood news :

I managed to save these two babies, by digging some dirt, and I found them.
Others were cracked and empty, I even saw a tiny white worm eating one of them, so they’re really dead, no doubt, no use to wait more :confused:

But I’m really happy to have 3, I have more chances to get a female.
I chose these White Skunk to have a real, certified genetics from a reputable company, and get a real weed, because the only one I grew so far (under a desk, at mom’s house xD) seemed like hemp to me, good floral taste but not real effect, it was so disappointing.
At the moment I still buy hash from black market :frowning: not worth it


Good start and a warm welcome to going public on Overgrow @YOLO.T :+1:

I’ll be following your story.
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Thanks @GrouchyOldMan :pray:

Random shots:


Hi everyone, have a good day :slightly_smiling_face: it will be a smaaall update since I have not much to show for now, but it’ll grow as nature does it’s job.

So I pined this baby a bit more today

And back under the led (DIY) and bulbs

Little sisters (or brothers, yes I know, let me dream a bit more) trying to get started, one is doing it much better than the other for now

And the ginger started too :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s it for today, thanks for reading, I’ll keep you updated :wink:


Your grow kinda make tears form in my Grouchy Old Eyes @YOLO.T :face_with_thermometer:

Those are some very sad puppies in your pots. This one is probably gonna be a struggle. Jus sayin.

The Good News is this: If you hang around here, and vacuum up the accumulated wisdoms, I guarantee that your next couple of grows will be awesome.

Here’s a suggestion, while you are growing this plant out, why don’t you plan out your next grow from scratch. Use this thread to sound it out from the soil & potsize on up to lights and the finesse of bloom nutes and harvest.

I don’t know where you live so I can’t guess the legal issues of sending you seeds, but I’m guessing you will have a few choices of OG strains when the time comes.

My point is that you are sitting on a mountain of expertise here, and what they Love Doing most of all, is helping a new grower, “get their liberty started” and have success at craft cannabis.

Apologies for the rant,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Thanks a lot @GrouchyOldMan, I know all of this and that’s exactly why I started it here, so I’ll not be doing mistakes alone, and next time I won’t germinate in dirt directly, but in towel paper and some h2o2 as I’ve seen right here, on some grow dairies :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll keep reading and accumulating knowledge and wisdom just as you said :slight_smile:

For next grow, I will receive 10 seeds of varied strains from KC, ordered on “seed city”, I don’t know their reputation, but it’s a good start, I’ll try to keep mothers AND fathers and try to get the best of each one for future crosses :slight_smile: I have an attic and a cave, I still have to choose the best for a flowering tent, any suggestions ? I specify the cave is often taken by humidity, but stays always cool and the attic is getting really hot on sunny days, but I didn’t measure it.

I could legally receive seeds, but not grow them, so I will not be giving my address without a trusted person as relay, and I don’t have one yet, but it will come, time will tell (as sang by Bob ^^)


I forgot to say, I plan to reuse old HPS lamps (3x250w) and I have some air and water pumps from aquariums, so I’m questioning about hydro, I have a tester, but not sure of its calibration :confused:

Also I have some bio hydro fertilizer, but still to find it, in all cardboards, we just moved in xD

Edit: and powerful fans from a cheese maturing cave


Great info, let’s begin the conversation…

I think I’d with the Cave, all things being equal. Plan on a serious dehumidifier and fans, but you’re going to need solutions there as well.

Re. Hydro, have you ever heard of Octopots? Super simple with great yields. Jus Sayin.


Yes I’ve seen one octopot open, and great roots under it, it’s inspiring, like a normal pot, but with accessible reservoir for roots :slight_smile: I’ll try to build one or more myself for bloom, since I don’t really need it in veg. Veg seems easier than flowering to me.

So… I’ll have to convince madam to let me use the cave xD she was more for the attic, for discretion but I will fin a way ^^

Edit : and the actual poor man’s closet will really be for keeping mothers, I also need a grow tent I know already ^^

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If you want big buds and big plants you need to start the plants in veg in the Octopots

Over all health of the plant first off ! Do a sis by side grow you will see a big difference !!!:boom:. Plants explode in the Octopot system

You can do a dyi easily , but the original Octopot is made so well ! It simply not worth it

Great to have you aboard
Welcome and have fun
If we can help just ask



Oh, my bad :pensive: thanks a lot, I will still try to build it myself, as they may be a bit expensive for me (can’t afford 50$ a pot at this time, but in the long run I will certainly buy some) but again thanks for the advice, I take it !

Edit: and I’m glad to see you in my diary :slight_smile:


I waited till they went on sale I saw them as low as 36 $ USD each

Also I do have a cheaper dyi ish going on
$20.00 for a pair
On Amazon there’s a mini oct style set up

This one is cheap and comes with a net pot all you need is a 3 gallon fabric bag
I use a tall 3 gallon bag

Also very happy to follow your thread



Nice, I prefer 20$ a pair ^^ thanks again :pray:


My wife wants to make love to me, I can’t even access her request as it’s painful, and when I try to, I can’t really, since I’m suffering discreetly but she knows :’(


Sorry to hear about all your troubles! That really sucks when doctors don’t do what they should or are required to. My mother in law just got her hip replaced after years of trying to get it done and incompetent doctors failing her. I hope you get it all sorted out and find relief from the pain!


Thank you, and sorry about your mother’s hip, yes it’s really deceiving :frowning:
I’ll just delete this crap, it needed to go out, but it’s not the right place to complaint :confused: :confused:

Edit: I remember when I had a surgery for my shoulder (it misplaced often) it has been infected by an armpit prion, si I got back on the table xD let’s say luck wasn’t here ^^

Thanks @ChronicMcBudz I will find another surgeon and cross fingers :crossed_fingers:

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