How Often do you clean your bong?

Rotflmao +20chacters

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with a hammer


Ask for a 4 layer Black Forest cake with cream cheese frosting decorated with Morrello cherries, dark chocolate spirals. Kirschwasser cherry liqueur sprayed on each layer of dark chocolate.

You can ask for anythingā€¦ doesnā€™t hurt


Lmmfao +20


Something tells me I will be receiving no cake after this thread.


you can hope

@Foreigner Lol, that may not be the only thing you are not receiving after this thread!!


That is pretty nasty. Hate a dirty bowl or nasty water. I am always changing mine. I have several bongs so there is always a fresh oneā€¦lol


Get her an ultrasonic cleaner for Christmas. Make sure she knows itā€™s not for jewelry.


Hahahaha, ok, my bowl looks like that, but the water gets changed daily :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand::rofl:

Edit - @Foreigner, in Mrs. Foreigners defence, I let my huni badger get horribly clogged lol. :grimacing::woman_facepalming:


I feel like you are wasting money when you smoke out of a clog level dirty pipe/bong/dab rig. None of the hits really seem to get you high enough.


You should get her one of those magnetic fish tank cleaners. Itā€™s perfect for cleaning bongs!


I donā€™t use glass anymore, but I cleaned it after each use with alcohol. I never understood how people could use bongs with their own microbiomes inside of them. Itā€™s wild to me. Some of the bongs Iā€™ve seen you could launch to the moon and life would evolve from it, Prometheus style.


Not too far off topic, but when I was a teenager a buddy and I came up with this idea to put cranberry juice in a bong. We had already tried drinking the standard bong water in attempt of getting baked off the charts, alas we gagged at the first sip. We were still pretty well blazed as it was when we hit the refrigerator up. There was a bottle of cranberry juice in the back so we thought to try it with that. Though it was still awful to try and drink, every bong hit we took tasted amazing! I had completely forgotten about those days til just now, fun times and great memories.


@JustSumTomatoes oh, how fun!!!

My favorite bong water was always Southern Comfort :rofl: :joy: :crazy_face:


Soā€¦no cake. But she did make banana bread streusel muffins this morning so I win.

I probably will clean the bong for her anyway though. I even have the expensive pipe cleaners.

Thanks for the input peeps


I only dump the water out every other time. I clean it maybe once a month but its a pain thereā€™s a percolator itā€™s hard to get to. I need more rubbing alcohol but this damn pandemic I canā€™t find any or when I do itā€™s some low percentage. People say acetone works but that doesnā€™t seem good but maybe Iā€™ll try it if I keep coming up empty in the rubbing alcohol. I clean the slide a lot I guess and I dump the water out of the ash catcher often but thatā€™s about it. Makes me sad thinking about how much of that black shit is in my lungs but better than being without weed.


I recycle mine. It stays good for longer than youā€™d think. I use it mainly for long soaks.


Lol me too but itā€™s got some kosher salt in there and brown stuff and itā€™s about half the bottle do to spillage. Trust me I know all the tricks haha.

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I go through a third of a fifth of Everclear cleaning mine. Big glass hits great, but hurts the wallet. Recycle, can get 2-4 washes. Never as good as that first though, I know.

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