How Often do you clean your bong?

@other_barry try pills or tinctures give you more options

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Had not tried those, since one of my first dispensary visits. I was not satisfied at the time, but I am sure there are more options/ better techniques now. I will take another look. Thanks :slight_smile:

make your own they are the best I make gel caps with coconut oil/MCT

a great way to use up the trim and what have you

be safe and stay free


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I have been a little unhappy with my LEVO2 since realizing it only lets you add a quarter ounce to 4 sticks of butter. Maybe I should use coconut oil and make some caps. Thanks for the inspiration :slight_smile:

crock pot so easy


Last time I used my crock pot, I forgot to turn it off low, overnight, and melted the liner to the pot
still need to get a new one, lol

The same reason I clean my glass weekly most of the time. Clean tastes supreme, no point paying for nice glass then smoking it dirty.
Although I change the water each time, because why not, it helps keep it cleaner and i don’t leave dirty bong water in the glass to fester, that dirty pipe water shits going to fuck up your lungs something rotten.

Mrs Foreigner’s bong hasn’t been cleaned in months. We just switched out the bowl because it was getting clogged.

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You mean they’re supposed to be cleaned?


Just remember when she offers baked goods for cleaning services.

I do a stretched out paper clip in the slide each time I smoke to dig out the resin and I flush the ash catcher with water every week. I only clean about once every two weeks. I hit the bong a few times a day and it’s weird to think of how much of that black stuff is in me. I only have one perc in the ash catcher but that is the hardest part to clean. I love how the hit tastes as soon as the bong and water are clean it feels very good.

No!!! I keep this small one clean all the time.

I enjoy these pipes.

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