How small can I go?

Ive done large scale SOG in beds for years. It works AMAZING, but really only with clones ime. Ive even done 3-8 plants in 10 gals a bunch. Problem is, if youre running seed plants, they dont tend to all be ready at the same time. The magic of lots of small pots is you can shimmy em around every few weeks and really maximize your space. Heres 6 plants in a 10 gal for perspective. It doesnt always work out this well though lol


Little out of my my budget l, hard sell for Mrs. Kraken lol

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To summarize, my primary advice is to restrict yourself from defoliating when you feel like it. As lower foliage becomes yellow or deficient in some form, it is a sign that the plant is doing its job to maintain its health. Lower growth is usually pruned and/or defoliated if not training (and I wouldn’t recommend training in such a small cup like me – 16oz). Since it is going to be removed, wait until later, when the energy from those leaves have been put to good use.


Apparently yes … Arriba


For 240 i can get a 2x2 seeds an 8th of dispo, leds, fans, seeds. But im cheap and i find good deals lol


Autopot. People swear by it here.
No till is same as till but like they said no moving around. Good for pheno hunts or clones.


My plan was to stagger my planting times by 2 weeks and kinda do it perpetual. One goes out one comes in.

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I also disagree with sativa-dominant cultivars doing poor in small containers. I grew a few between 2-3ft tall in just 16oz cups last year, with nice growth and potency. The importance is to know what and when to prune to be left with the cola that matters.


Honestly this a great idea

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Thanks for all your help guys. I gotta head to work. Third shift blues :pensive:


These are a tad bigger than solo cups, I’m pretty sure I accidentally made a thousand seeds. The plants weren’t the happiest but the seeds are. Not organic, but a testament to the fact that even a week or two of veg can make for a decent sized plant. I’d imagine they’d have performed similarly in 1 gallons of soil

You could consider salts for the hunt and then use your soil when you find it.

Also I see a ton of huge sativas in little pots at an alarming rates on the haze thread just sayin


Yeah, growing in tiny pots really gives you a sense of amazement for these weeds sometimes. I try to do one grow of 20 or so plants each year, because of how fascinating it is.


Yeah, cannabis is two dogs, one wants to play, one is a little more solemn, but they both want to be with you


Thats exactly how I do as well lol. But on 3 week intervals. More or less just in a constant state of popping beans. And once theres room, they get loaded into the flower tent and more beans get popped.

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If you really want to pack them in, get a 50 or 100 gallon cloth pot! You can shape it so it fits your grow and grow 30 or more plants at a time. You won’t get monsters, but the yield should be similar to one plant grown fully. This is also a great high throughput method for screening/seed making/generation advancing.

You could probably go much higher than 30 even. In organic soils, higher density plantings will yield more soil health benefits which means better quality fruits. It will support greater microbial biomass meaning better nutrient cycling and more organic matter. More organic matter means better water regulation and nutrients retention. If you continually reuse the soil by adding amendments when needed you will eventually create soil resistant to pathogens!! More plants=Better soil=Better bud.

There’s a cool plant ecology experiment where you systematically add more plants to same size containers. You may see a slight increase from 1-2 plants in yield, but eventually you reach the maximum yield of your container. By adding more plants you can reduce the yield per plant but keep the same yield per container. I like variety when I smoke so I do this with lots of strains, but you can do it for seed runs.


I’ve hunted as many as 40 small auto plants in a quart container….

I pretty consistently pop 50ish at a time in small containers and stress test them…

Sometimes I let the winner or best couple stay in the container for a while… These were the two best places of one hunt, one which is now my keeper.


My question is what if you findsomething worth re visiting. Do you just reveg? Or can you get a small clone before flipping?


Yeah, you can take cuttings/clones pretty much any time. For perspective, these containers are roughly 3 inches tall and 3 inches wide. They lived their whole.lives in these containers lol. Watering becomes more of a pain as they dry out pretty quick, but its definitely doable in small containers :slight_smile:


What did you feed with here? They look great for the tiny containers.

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So many great ideas here. Thanks again