How small can I go?

Movie cups work too, this is Franco SLH cuts in a movie theater cup :man_shrugging:

This was a small repopulation of auto beans I did. Started with 40 and got about 10 beans per girl :crazy_face::joy:


I grow mostly outside in the ground but in the winter I play a little. I have two small led lights. One is 15 watts “blurple and one is 10 watts white light. When they are used together I can grow about 6 tiny plants in an old ice chest. I bend them over and even train them into a spiral shape to make them fit into my space. They grow just fine and if you add a lizard lamp for uv light they will get very frosty. :rainbow:


Speaking of outside… 10-30 plants in a 5 gallon pot is lots of fun! :joy:


1/2 to 1 gallon, for pots. Depends on your grow, salts or water systems can help you go smaller with pot size, but plants will always need adequate spacing.

Fabric beds, like no till… you can do this, like Caleb of CSI I believe does 4x4 beds with 16 plants per… but two things my homie said…

First, Caleb is fucking amazing at this, and manages dryback so it’s even for all plants, instead of some getting waterlogged / less dryback and the edges getting more dryback.

Second, related to above, he maintained that overcrowding or inconsistency in running the plants would not let the plant express fully, and therefore affect your selections. How can you see the structure of the plant if it’s squeezed between 4 others? Etc

Same homie has a story about him and his mate running 400 seeds of serious seeds ak47, 200 ladies, and only found 2 cherry phenos. One runt, one good production lady.

Don’t get me wrong, do what works for you and learn from it and then adjust. But remember, you can only select for what you are expressing properly. If the plants don’t get enough feed, root space. Whatever. They won’t perform. Try and run them in similar conditions for what you are utilizing the end result for. Clones also run different than seed plants, unfortunately.

So there’s a lot of factors to be considered here. I hope that helps.


I disagree about the overcrowding, plants will express a little different, but you start to understand what they’re going to do, or what they could be after you do it enough times.

IMO, a dozen in a 5 gallon outdoors is a perfect hunt outdoors. Indoors, it’s all down to skill and environment… You can get crazy with it

I think you saw me hunt 200 in a 2x4 on discord a while back…


@Acro I don’t think everybody has the same goals / rain man thing we have going on, but point taken

Out of likes :frowning: :green_heart:



totally agree on this one. caleb is really a legend. his IG page is a goldmine of information.


I’d love to talk to Caleb or one of these super knowledgeable old school guys for a bit. The hosts that get to talk to them are lame in most cases.

< in an Aussie monotone accent > ‘Alright, let’s talk about chem 91 and lemon tree vs. Lemon party’ :roll_eyes:


i like the big pot hunts im seeing then I only worry about one pot.

but on the other hand I like the idea of a perpetual rotation.

you guys gave me to many ideas lol

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Didn’t read the thread but I go as small as 3.5" pots when necessary


Random cups with only water and a netpot will grow surprisingly large plants. Roots can’t rage light and algae, what?

I’ve grown 3’ plants in these cups, 9 ounces…


Ohhhh I thought you meant how small can I grow a plant… :rofl:

You’ve already gotten great advise from outstanding people dedicated to assisting people on their grow journeys, so all I can say is…

@KrakenKultivation Thanks for joining the

Anniversary Celebration.


Ha! I had to give up listening to the Aussies podcast. He grates my nerves :facepunch:


I’m currently at work will take some time after work to read the back stage donation page. Thanks so much for having me.

I don’t have much but I would like to give what I can.

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10 days veg:


How big a pot are you in @Foreigner. 10 day From seed?


One gallon pot. You could go bigger in one gallon. It’s just how I did it this time.

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That awesome.

I’ll do up to 6 weeks ina. 1 gallon you just need to keep up with the watering.

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6 weeks of veg in a one gallon and flowered in the same container?

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