How to change female to male for pollen

Wanting to make some seeds new to this any help would be appreciated


Multiple ways…

I used eliteXelite spray with some success.

Many have had success with spraying the plants with CS (colloidal silver) or STS (Silver Thiosulfate) for a few weeks.

Then there’s the old school method called Rhodelization, where you let the go long as they can, and in a bid to preserve itself, produces some male flowers.


If you want a how-to guide for the process, check out the search bar here on OG. Tons and tons of people have made some really excellent posts sharing the steps of their process.


I tried for months to get a romulan grapefruit plant to flip, several phenos, several types of spray…finally put one weak ass plant in the green house and forgot it…went out here a few days ago…its been cool not cold, and the damn thing had a nana. Put a flowering female with it to see…maybe it will work


Keep us updated !

I use sts with great results


What is that gorgeous looking lady/man called ?! I’m in love haha

And what is your schedule for the STS
I’ve read to spray one week before flip and then every 5 days till you see sacs, but I also see other scheduling and solution ratios online. Yours 100% works so I would appreciate if you let me know how you do it.


That is midnight snack by maven genetics. And I used 20twenty sts and started applying a week before flip, and applied every 5 days, I continued to spray every 5 days until it started dropping pollen.

By chance, has anyone done this process only to end up with empty pollen sacs?? I’ve read that can happen if you stop spraying too soon, or don’t use a proper concentration. …??

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I have not, but I’ve also heard it can happen if you over spray as well.

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