How to go about doing a giveaway here

Thanks MiG, I’m going to give Freespore a try as some of the crosses are definitely interesting… I would definitely like to try the Mallawi Bangui and others they have listed. Your grow pics look great. You have some beautiful plants. Thanks again.

Think @pookie123 that not alll the strains will be great or good. Freespore is like a “charity web” were “breeders” donates seeds in order people like me without work n money will be able to grow. Same of the breeders are “elite”, but others are “simply growers with their first cross”… Thats why I recomended some of them over the rest.
Ya can’t find Psilocybo’s strains in Freespore: he sent me his strais directly in other forum…


I am happy to test grow people’s seeds. I got on this site a decade ago to nerd out on the grow set-ups. I am not an experienced grower and I can barely understand some of your lingo. Lol. But I built a two light cycle grow room in my basement and I did 4 rounds of kush and blue something or other so… excited to get back into it.

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hey there, im very new and in no wy want to intrude but have you figured this out? Im stoked to find this community and was drawn here by a free seed giveaway you tube video I saw that I never waw able to connect with but Im wondering what is the difficulty your having? Is it not " hey would you like soke, yes i would, okay Ill mail it to you? I live in CAlifornia so being a legal state m not sure how it is for others rite now. Thnx laterz