How to make, dry and cure water-extracted bubble hash?

If I was making it just for edibles, I’d only run a 220 micron at the top then a 45 or 25 micron for the bottom .
I would expect a dark extract but that’s not an issue for edibles .

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Yes, edibles are the only way I take it. Sometimes I sprinkl it on a sandwich.


I grew Strawberry Snow Cone this year along with Durban Posion and Power Plant. The summer to fall has been mostly rain so I hardly ever had to water my plants. I did see some snails and leave hopers but they caused me no problems. I didn’t even have trouble with mildew.
I grew my plants organically so I did not add any fertilizers during the process. Toward the end the leave began to upwardly turn yellow. I got a little nervous but the plants made it. Thanks to an above normal temperatures for where I live, my sativas grew, flowered and returned me an incredible crop. More than I can possible use.
Strawberry Snow Cone is a great lady to grow.

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First time with the red wash water! Tossed in around 200 grams and got 15 grams of 25-125 micron hash. 3 washes, wanted to do more but ran out of time.



Fresh or dried buds?

What was the strain?

I did a wash with a friend of mine’s trim a couple of years ago , Ethos Granddaddy Purple.
I rinsed and rinsed and rinsed .
Purple hash is what I got .
I thot “Phocque”
Gave a bit to a friend , she called me the next day “I’ll take it all !” she said.
I asked why and she said that it tasted great but it was purple and purple was her favorite color .

@Tejas It was a mix of Death Bubba, Cannatonic Perkins Cut, Blueberry Hashplant, and some CBD OG Kush.

@JoeCrowe it was fresh frozen buds. My wife was beginning to get bummed that the deep freeze stunk to high heaven and there was no room for any food lol.

@madouesse super cool! I have never experienced that colour before, but think perhaps I was doing something right haha. Hopefully itll keep that dark red hue as it dries out.


Yes, I think that the color will peak someone’s curiosity .
I wish that I had more purple hash lol

@Rayman :wave: Nice to see people reading old posts :slight_smile: but we haven’t seen Ryasco since the fires 5 years ago. :pray: :pensive:
