How to use an ozone generator in closed environment for pest and fungicide control?

Can I use an ozone generator for pest and fungicide control?

I did read the half life of ozone is short. So I could use it with a timer in a sealed environment.

But I did read that it can damage the plants and terpenes?

Can somebody explain if and how its possible to use an ozone generator daily for killing everything unwanted in the grow room without damaging the plants too much? Couldn’t find good information.

@Viva_Mexico do you use your ozone generator for disinfection purposes?


Ive got some uvonair. Ive been warned not to use it. I did a lot of reading n it spins circles but aside from ads most people told me it causes more damage than you think itll fix. I was gonna use it for smell. Friend gave it to me said it killed all his plants but if i could figure it out i was welcome to it. I didnt know they cost that much. Its a very low airflow past a damn uv light that “purifies” the air as it goes by supposedly.

I have personally not used it so hands on advice is better but only human reviews i got was dont use one.


Ozone or ionized isn’t going to solve your budrot issue… You’re just layering on the complexity. Address the underlying cause - the humidity issue.

My .02


I won a ozon generator in a grow store raffle years ago and have never used it, from what I researched on it seems like a better tool to use for sterilization when plants arent present.


Ozone will kill your plants. O3 is very unstable and wants to drop it’s extra “Oxygen (O)” on anything from spores to plants. It causes oxidation of everything. Plants will die well before you kill root rot. It is good to run in a closed room for a few days before you put plants in the room to clear anything out.


I only use mine after the plants are culled or removed. IMHO, ozone is an awesome sanitizer…BUT it KILLS EVERYTHING!! It will sanitize your tent, rooms, campers.
My PU is now 20 years old, and interior smells almost new, due to sanitizing a few times.
I only use mine when all living things are removed from that area.


I’ve used a “Living Air” ozone/ion generator in the grow room and it does not kill the plants. That said, I would NOT use it in that way. It reduced the smell in the room but also affected the bud by reducing its smell and taste.
For odor reduction, I modified mine so that it is connected to the intake of a “cool tube” fixture.
So, room air goes through the ozone generator, then cool tube, duct fan, and out of the room. No ozone actually in the room. However, the smell outside has been reduced greatly. Occasionally I can smell a little ozone and sometimes…hmmm is that weed?

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We are looking into these things called proguards by innovative solutions at our facility… supposed to sterilize constantly without damaging plants… I have a while lot of reading to do but at this point they look solid .


Yeah thats how i was gonna use it. In the duct. But you cant change its amount of airflow that doesnt give the stupid light thing a chance to clean whats passing it. It was not effective that way. I was gonna build a lung box for it but then i said man this thing trash n wasting time. Overall risks of negatives arent worth it was my final conclusion. But in a large operation with a lung room maybe but a filter much easier for exgaust without the risks n extra work.
Either way every single person ive talked to says they can not breathe with the plants. They kill em. And dangerous to humans. Must time it off with enough half time before you can enter safely.
Overall a filter on exhaust moving enough air and keeping things bleached semi regularly is the best bet

I use mine in my open grow room. Not in a tent or anything confined. The room is about 15’ x 20’ and 9’ tall. I only run the ozonator about 15 min every hour. The only thing that I have noticed it helps with (and does a good job) is smell control. I have had fungus gnats with it on. It doesn’t effect them.

  • So for smell yes. (Lesser concentrations)

  • For pests no.

  • For mold spores I would say yes but you would have to have higher concentrations of ozone that would harm the plants. High concentrations are also bad for your lungs.


what is the exact name of the devices?

Proguard by innovative solutions


Just look up “ozonator” on google or ebay. But be sure to get one with “HOLD” on the timer if you are going to use it with recurring timer.


when your facility will test the device?

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We will be purchasing one this month to run in our next flower cycle…


I deal with some commercial/industrial ozone generators (not cannabis related) and the are always used in the exhaust air stream only for safety reasons.

Great for odour mitigation.


pls write an update here how it worked

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Did you ever get these installed and how did they work if you did?

Yes, we’ve been running the proguards since about our second harvest…
We’re we’re having issues with pm at first, after installing them haven’t seen any since…
I have the sales guy’s info if you want it…
Well worth the investment in my opinion

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Build your own for 10$ in a small glass jar and put it in a 6+" inlet hose.

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