Who uses Ozone generators for sterilization?

Any brands you recommend?

I want to use between runs to clean my grow equipment and room.

Thanks for your help


Great minds think alike! I was looking into the same thing. Here where I’m at there is a smaller unit @ homedepot for 80.


great minds I am that one up tomorrow.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

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I’ve had this one for a couple of years. I used to rid my room of powdery mildew. And use it every time I finish a run. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D8MC68M/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1




Did it work?

Im using for the same reason.

Also. Is it not a big deal to get a small whiff? I mean how else do people know what it smells like…

How does metals, plastics react to it?


Read thru this

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Hear it works good on smoke smells in cars…gonna give that a try to. Girlfriend is a smoker and we are getting ready to trade her car in. Probably get more for it if it doesnt smell like an ashtray


I’ve owned an XT-400 for maybe 15 years now. For my small home grow it is overkill. However, over the years, I’ve made a few bucks with it also. It kills the bacteria that smells come from. So, my 2000 Toyota PU, still smells like a fairly new truck, that I’ve bought as a left over/demo truck in 2001, as no one wanted single cab trucks, but me I guess.
A friend that turns over used cars. I stopped in to borrow his plasma cutter, and he had someones car that their ex poured milk into the back seat, and wow was it sour! I got the XT for him, and told him, where ever you set this machine up at, OZONE KILLS EVERYTHING!! It is big ju-ju and can fuck you up. Run it for 20 minutes in a sealed up car, then allow it to dissipate before you just jump in. 3-4 20 minute blasts, for 4-5 days, at full setting, had the smell gone.
It will refresh my basement in a couple of hours. But be damned careful with it.


Safety first, then teamwork.


Nothing kills smells like ozone does. Back when i owned my dealership, i had bought a few suicide cars from police auctions. Still have a bit of parts in them, all the blood and stuff. Pull the interiors out, pressure wash them, put the ozone generator in it for a while. Had that new car smell back in no time…lol

People who say they can not get rid of an odor, have never been introduced to Ozone :+1:


I had a breaker trip in a chest freezer go out without me knowing and talk about rancid. I refroze it and when covid was new everyone eas biying freezers there was a shortage. I had people linjng up to take that off my hands.

One dude eas like yeah no big deal. Wonder if he used an ozone generator


Lmao :joy::joy::joy: I got our big stand up freezer because of that :joy::joy::joy::joy: ozoned it up a few years back, wife doesnt even know its back story :joy::joy::joy: lmfao


Yes it works great! After I harvest I would put the ozone generator in the room and close it up and let it run over night. No affect on metal or plastic. When I went out to shut it off, I tried not to breathe too much of the air. So I’d just go in, shut it off, then close the door behind me when I left, just to use up any ozone left over.


Im sold… Going to order one up today. I felt hopeless hearing all these horror stories about PM.

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Interesting to see so many positive takes on the Ozone generators.

I personally just have avoided them altogether simply because they’re harmful to people.

So does the ozone generator actually sterilize? I know that people have used them for smells, but wasn’t aware of the other uses.

I actually have been in the market for an air purifier, and have been hard pressed to find one that doesn’t emit ozone.


Yes, they steralize :+1: Thats actually how they kill the smell. They kill the bacteria and cells that emit odor.
Like most things in life, just do not be an idiot when using one and you will be fine. :+1:

Your space will be smelling like a fresh hospital or hotel room in no time :joy::joy:


Emergency use only!
Sometimes that one strain that the filter just can’t handle ,it makes a big difference!

Take all pet out of the area when using , I set a timer to go no and off so I don’t need to be near it !


Im hoping so. Back when i first started growing and early influencer of mine a guy named panhead often talked highly of them. Using them between grows and during grows. They dont kill plants apparently if you use them for short periods of time.

I never had a use for them, but since taking in a PM infected clone and that ravaging my garden and taking out every strain I had I wanted to sanitize the rooms and growing equipment for when I started growing again in the fall.

Also u can use them on your exhaust as an inline air filter. Eliminates odors as papalag mentions.


Another great use for them, is if you have cats. We always ozone the litter box when we change it out. :+1: