Nice flavors!!!
maybe try to simplify the details in the seed? thats the only place that has non-geometric, more natural shapes so it stands out a little bit from the rest of the composition. just my quick take though.
This is where it kind of started. Added bars on side and middle to make em 5 bars each vertically and asked for tiger stripes.
I am torn on the seam and dont need the tiger stripes except its my favorite looking seed type.
I had a similar thought about design language. An idea I had was to make the stripes more like lighting bolts making them more geometric. Or just get rid of em. Any thoughts?
Also was shown this, which I liked less and is even busier.
just an observation but there are 9 bars on the logo
just saying
(well if lines = bars) if thats what you were going for
the version without reads as more cohesive in terms of style. might help to jsut tone things down and round out all the ends of the strokes on the seed illustration to feel more inline with the rest of the art:
Im not opposed to simplifying the seed further similar to this if it still reads.
Maybe too aggressive to make the seam still read as a seam?
yea you probably still want some lines to indicate the top of the seam/ridge, if anything maybe shorten them a little, but you probably want to have something in that spot
Maybe remove stripes on the seam? Excuse my messy phone editing.
threw this together real quick, maybe a less symmetrical seed shape would let you be a little more simple with the striation patterns and still read as a seed:
I really like that seed. Been putting off doing a seed giveaway because I want the packs to look nice. The part a lot will just trash but still, its important to me.
dig that seed @LegsMahoney
im still hung up o your bars, especially now since there are 8 or 6 depending on hw u want to perceive it
I would do the new seed on the version with the 3 sets of 5 as circled above to see how that looks. Or just stop worrying but it seems weird to have bars and not at least try to do em in some sort of groups of 5 with the name.
Name comes from my grandfather who had Five Bar Ranch where he did cattle and had a peach orchard.
if you wanna PM me i can send you the .ai file of the seed for you to use.
ya i like the 5 bars at the middle without the center bar connecting seed to leaf. have you looked at it without the top and bottom middle 2?
Ignoring that the sides will have 5 like above, do you think seed could be slightly bigger without em?
yea i bet you could push the leaves out and increased the size of the seed to help fill some of that vertical space.
And I enjoy dad humor, so the motto “Quality Genetics, Bar None” occured to me. So bad. So good. But so so bad.