Humboldt Sour Diesel for Merry Christmas

Ok, someone tell me what this is people.
I’m old, lol.

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No worries. I’m old too. This is about giving away Humboldt Sour Diesel seeds for Merry Merry, Merry. I got you a pack already. Will be out in tomorrows mail. Take care…


Hey got a pack left?

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I’ll grow some sour d from Humboldt if available. Thank you

I got 1 left. Send me an address and i’ll put it in the mail tomorrow. It’s been a blast and fast! Please send quickly because I want to eat dinner. I’m going to close out, but you’ll get the last one.

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OK all gone! This is the 2nd time i tried this but it went FAST! Like zoom. So thanks for replies and good wishes. Now to eat some dinner!


Pretty Damn Quick? :crazy_face::crazy_face:


Wow! Missed out but thank you for offering thee up to the community.

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Right the first time! :+1:

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The little packets are gone but here is a picture of a few loosely trimmed and very pregnant buds for your edification. :sunglasses: The other pic is her great grandmother. I’ll be dry sifting them.


Nice. Thanks for the follow-up.

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While dry sifting around 2:00, I just had to try it out. Rolled a loose joint of some left over on the counter. Took 4 good tokes and went from “Hey this is pretty good!” to rising above mobility, unable to move for 30 to 45 minutes. Didn’t pass out, and after gradually regaining mobility, played guitar (very slowly) checked out my avocados, wrote pages if stuff, made tea, danced around the room, etc. into the evening with HSD’s wonderful, gradual come down that blends into the night. Slept like a log. I don’t like being incapacitated, and going days and weeks between sessions might have me more sensitive. So next time, 3 tokes max. If you live in Humboldt, and like to trade, PM me.


Mail landed today, the envelope was in rough shape but everything else was pristine. If you see anything I’m working with that you want just say the word and they will be on the way. Thanks again!


Got mine also… Happy Holidays… enjoy and thanks again for your generosity:)


Same here.
Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Sour D landed! Thank you


Got your beautiful, righteous package. Gotta say you packed right and tight! Unlike my loose and sloppy. Hardly could get it open. :smile: I’m cutting waaay back on the grow and smoke due to age and avocado experiment. But I will save space in the little green house for a few of these beans. Many thanks for your reciprocal generosity. :hugs: :+1:Very high of you.


Anytime my friend. To each their own.
No obligations come with my beans. :wink:
I wanna know more about this


Happy growing brotha!


Avocados aren’t supposed to grow where I live (Humboldt CA) so I’m creating a new challenge for myself. I have 4 avo’s in the ground ranging from 5 yrs to 2yrs. Haven’t got any fruit yet, so I bought 6 more. :crazy_face:! Right now the new ones are in 5 gal pots, crammed into the little green house but will be in the ground come April. I have all different kinds so whichever bears fruit stays and which ever don’t, goes. Hoping for a warm spring.


In the ground…in the triangle? You’re brave!
How big of ones did you buy? Have you ever germinated one yourself? I suck at it.
I hope you find a keeper for your climate bro!

I finally got a Meyer Lemon tree in my house.
The little gal had some amazing smelling blossoms this last season. But still no fruit.
There’s no way it would survive outside here.