Humboldt Sour Diesel for Merry Christmas

I have 12 washers of Humboldt Sour Diesel (reg) seeds originally from Humboldt Seed Company here in Humboldt. They’re a little odd in that in my 4th year of growing from the original packet, I had a HSD Auto, Fem (I think) and it turned out very male. blowing clouds of pollen that pollinated this HSD. With no topping, the tree turned out to be about 9’ - 10’ tall and beautiful.

First 12 to PM me get them. Might have more later - depending on time and motivation.


I’m a sucker for Nate’s work! That’s a beautiful plant.

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That’s very generous of you! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t2:

Beautiful tree I’ll jump in on this one

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Fine. Got to get anybody that’s been in this a while. Send me an addy and I’ll get them in the mail tomorrow.


Merry christmas
Amazing one.
Love it

Kinda sounds like these are feminized seeds… probably with a moderate tendency to herm. Like breeds like. It’s kind of you to give them out, but should probably come with a warning to watch out for intersex tendencies.


Yes, I’m thinking people will get that from my description. Then again, I might have got an auto male. It’s been a crazy year. No telling until next grow.

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Thanks so much @EpiKatz!

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All outa likes for today. Wish you could save one for special occasion. This woulda been it.
Merry Christmas everyone :santa::christmas_tree::seedling:

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Maybe… but that mindset could also lead to giving someone a lump of coal for Christmas, then telling them it was their fault they got it because they didn’t read between the lines. :stuck_out_tongue: I figure a little fair warning for those among us who are more stoned than less is the charitable thing to do.


I still have 2 or 3 left. If you want one, send me an address PDQ and they’ll be in the mail tomorrow.


You happen to have any pictures of the buds?

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Old school, do you still want a packet? Of so please send and address. I’ve only got 2 or 3 left. I got a notice that i should add a warning because I thought the male had been an HSD auto fem. But I might have been mistaken. I do know it was HSD auto.

Sent! With a a hearty thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your fam :green_heart:

Do you want a pacl? I have 2 - or 3 left depending iwho sends me an address. If you do, please reply soon, cuz this will wrp up PDQ.

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I’ll take one if still available. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You just made it. Send me an address and they’ll be out tomorrow. Hope they grow like you want - enjoy!


I still have 2 washer fulls left. If you want one send a post. I’m sending these out in tomorrow’s mail and then up to my eyeballs in Christmas Ho, Ho, Ho…
I think I got an HSD auto reg because there was nothing ambiguous about it. Male from trunk to top. In any case Happy Holidays.


Got 1 left - anybody want it? Will close out in 10 or so minutes.