Humidity caused by rain , how to fix

This is unusual for us but I did find a top with the start of BR so I setup a dehum on an Inkbird Humidity controller. Run it at night cuz it’s too hot in the days. Days have been down to 46 though. But definitely have a dehum on standby or on deck if it’s long term.


I got an ink bird as well it’s killin me to see this :slightly_frowning_face: I got the dehumidifier just rollin next to the tent cause I have no blackout tape atm and the humidity is just rising and rising


Can you use duct tape? Or perhaps something to block the direct light from hitting your plants? Even a piece of cardboard might do the trick. Each time the light bounces off an object the lumens are diminished. Often redirecting the light is just as good as getting rid of it, in my experience anyway.


should I defoliate anymore ?


I was thinking of just thwacking away all the top big fan leaves

Holy cow!

How much power are you using just on dehumidifiers? If I remember right mine pulled 5amps! I’d need an extra circuit which isn’t going to happen.


your plants look great man i wouldn’t touch them

My bill is about 300 a month

One dehu runs full time one if just in case. Backup turns on at 60rh! Today i was 36 up top 42 at canopy 48 on floor. As for wiring i installed 4 x 15 amps s
With dedicated breakers.


Makes sense.

I was shocked when I discovered my dehuey uses more power than the rest of my grow.


Yeah nature of the beast. Budrot is real

Dehumidifier should be good to keep humidity at desired levels. What can happen is moist air buildup indoors, like outside your grow room but in the home. Your dehumidifier can’t keep up and you get a humidity spike. Consider a second dehumidifier or run your ac in conjunction. Otherwise I’m out of ideas, which is uncharacteristic. :joy::joy::joy: I usually blab on all day.

The genetics should be able to handle 60%. I grow indoor and outdoors in up to 100% (so much juice to dehumidify that level of wet) for days even weeks on end. They don’t exactly thrive but they survive and don’t rot. However they are conditioned to be able to handle whatever abuse they encounter. :thinking:

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Plants looking good. I’d just keep on doing the good work your doing. :wink: No need to defol atm. You got this!

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Nice! I’m just got a dedicated 20amp next to a 15amp for my main setup. Never thought about all the headroom needed once you put hydroponics into the picture. I got a wattage meter and kept having to juggle what was on/off to keep the single 15amp floating at about 1500w max.

I feel like the floodgates of possibilities have opened up with the addition; so I can run a humidifier finally as well and not defoliate like Edward Scissorhands all the time.


Looks like there’s already plenty of air flow. I don’t think I would pull off anymore leaves. Looks good the way it is

If you let your temps rise a bit you’d be very close to an optimum VPD. I dont think you have too much to worry about. They look great!

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I had someone help me rig a controller for the dehumidifier and that made a huge differance in power usage. Unless you have a very fancy one, most of the time the internal RH meter on the dehumi’s are crap. My one has a setting for 55% that drops the RH to 45%.


This is the truth.
What you gotta really worry about when running high rh in flower. Is when the plants exhale when lights go out. Ive lost a few runs to budrot.

Airflow airflow airflow