Hypoallergenic Cannabis ? Does it exist

So I’ve come to find out I’m rather allergic to cannabis, if I’m messing around with the plants and leaves touch my skin ill break out in itchy hives. Sometimes it’ll progress too watery eyes and stuffy nose. It’s quite bad too, I’ve intentionally rubbed plant all over my arm to see how bad it was and I broke out so bad dude.
I think I’m ok to smoke but have noticed sometimes I’ll get super stuffy and have a reaction smoking too.

So , that leads me too the question, are their strains that do not cause allergic reactions. Id assume no but maybe I’ll be surprised.

Everything I’ve grown so far has caused this.


If you knew what specifically you react to it would probably be easier to know what to look for. I have read about cannabis allergies here a few times and at least some reacted only to some plants or strains IIRC.

Do you have it with landraces too? That would have been my first idea to try several of those hoping it’s specific to some strains and easier to find in polyhybrids. Ah nevermind, you said everything caused it and I see you have grown landraces.

Do you have close contacts with other plants? It might not even be cannabis specific.

Just guessing. :slight_smile:


Maybe Freakshow since it has different genetics? Maybe Autos?

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Interesting idea on freak show and the autos. I actually have two autos growing right now , I just rubbed it’s leaves on my arm a little. I noticed some irritation but honestly it might be lesser than photos and landrace, maybe I didn’t brush up against it good enough but no hives. Would definitely need to test that theory out a little more lol.


I wish it was close contact with other plants haha but it’s simply weed , I found out when a bunch of ground up bud landed on my leg one day back in 2022 I think. Hives everywhere.


Ouch. Have you tried if it happens with decarbed weed too? If it’s cannabinoid related it might be just be one or more of the acids and the decarb while smoking/vaping “cleans” it for you.


Unfortunately even vaped bud if it gets on my skin will cause a reaction. On the flip side I’ve vaped bud that caused no reactions, and other times vaped bud that gave me the allergies.

I’m a odd case I think :rofl:. I was thinking maybe its related to the viruses cannabis can get but even my healthy young plants have caused the reaction so it isn’t that


D’oh. Feeling a bit like Dr. House here. lol. Sorry it’s not really funny for you. Allergies suck, I know.
Does it happen with good hash?

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I’ve Never tried good hash, illegal states are butt ( my connections were great I just always got flower :rofl: never thought to see if they had hash xD ) unless you count kief bowls.

I’ve been eyeballing this organic CBD hash this small company makes. It looks very good

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You could make your own ice water bubble hash and try only the really fine hash without the green stuff. Problem is you’d have to handle a lot of flower to make the hash :crazy_face:


And would go into allergy land :rofl:. Lifter CBD Hashish - Organic CBD this stuff looks great though and reasonable price. I’ve seen them post the hash on reddit and those pics look even better than the store site

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Do you take allergy pills? I do and it helps with the stuffiness and whatnot.


I do not , Rip. I suppose that could help huh. I used to be on zyrtec because of hives from the heat. But even that didnt help LOL.

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Yeah I dunno about hives but it definitely helps with the stuffiness

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