Lung on the wall!

Have you noticed certain strains that make you cough more than certain other types? I have noticed that Pennywise and White Widow make me cough more than Somango XXL, Cheri Pie, Crater Lake and others do. I grow, harvest, dry, jar and burp these strains all the same, but still the Pennywise and White Widow make my head and chest clog up. I am wondering if there could be something in certain strains that I could be slightly allergic to?


It seems like there is some scientific reason for it. I forget what it would be though. It was some magazine article I think. It could just be extra resin itself. Somebody will know, I bet, heh.

True though, some are like silk, but will tear you up and put you in a fetal position and others will send you choking and coughing from the very first hit… I had one strain I grew like that. Man, would it expand. It was in a complete different world than anything else I had, or still have.


I think anything in excess like monstrous dabs in a bong can cause coughing


New here, but not to smoking… I used to think the same with certain strains that caused my eyes to basically bleed from all the coughing. I started vaping those strains and problem was solved, much smoother with a volcano!


I don’t think it has as much to do with the strain as it does with how it’s grown and cured. Longer cured bud is going to be less harsh and smoother. As well as a bud that had a strict ppm of nutes through the entire grow. Everything from start to finish of the grow impacts the final smoke.



Yes! I’m thinking ALL the “fuel” type strains! GG, SourD…et al.



There may be strains whose trichomes break at the base rather than below the globe creating a spikier cloud. I have heard that is an issue with certain hash creation techniques.

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I don’t know what to think of this. One of the smoothest smokes I ever had is my Wicked Widow and that is supposed to be a White Widow S1.

Certainly there are strains and even plants from a specific strain and variation among them. I have come across at least one strain that I could not smoke (Tokyo OG) It was a medical dispensary purchase. Grow methods and media matter.

If you got it as a cut and it’s Mom had PM I guess it will also be present in the cuts since PM is systemic (or so I have read anyway.)